Monty, my [big] baby bunny 2012

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Hahaha. Missy you sound like me when people ask me if I really eat all the green stuff I buy!
I don't buy THAT much anymore, since Ellie hasn't been introduced to much yet. But when I was feeding Foo 6 cups of food a day, I was buying several bunches of cilantro, a head each of romaine, red leaf and green leaf, on top of a bag salad mix and little packages of herbs. Then kale sometimes and of course MY OWN head of lettuce, because god knows I couldn't steal the rabbits lettuce or she would KNOW! haha. So I bought all that stuff, along with assorted fruit and other assorted hard veggies that weren't greens and they would be like WOW you eat all this? I would say yes to some stuff but a lot of it was for a rabbit...then they look at me like I'm totally insane and I sprouted 4 more heads and one of those heads is Medusa and the other is Rush Limbaugh-not that they would know who that is-and I just have to stand there and say YES I HAVE A HOUSE RABBIT, WHO LIVES WITHOUT A CAGE AND USES A LITTER BOX! SHE Sorry, I also went a little ranty. It has also been a long day for me too.
You know a MAN bought the apples when one is big enough to lop one side from and have it be bigger than your palm. I cube my apples--call me a freak, but I don't like wedges or slices (and I just discovered a couple days ago that trying to eat one whole makes the gums around my front teeth BLEED--a new development). I just cut each side off right next to the core, and cube those, then cut the little sides left over, cube cube, and then nibble triangular slivers off the core above and below the seeds so I use up as much as possible. I gave one side to my boyfriend, one cube to Monty, and I still have a ton for myself. Men and their size complexes :p

Also, I swear I'm not a freak. I originally started cutting my apples this way when I had a desk job and needed my hands to stay clean, but I wanted to snack on an apple in between waiting for documents to render or be able to grab a bite to chew on while I typed more. Solution--cut it into bite size chunks!

Okay, fine, I'm a freak. But I'm an efficient one.
Missy, we all have our little peculiarities so I don´t judge anyone, do what´s best for you.

Same her with the veggies, people look at you as though you´re mad. I love it when I´m buying carrots with the tops and I look at every single packet to see which is the freshest and you can see people thinking "what the heck is she doing" and when you tell them it´s for the rabbits, they sort of quickly walk way. I´m always checking out how fresh the tops are on loads of veggies and if they´re not right, I´m not having them.

Mine love endives but ours are live closed leaves and a much lighter colour, they´re white with a green tip, they look like a really small romaine lettuce but with smooth leaves. Mine love them so get them quite often. Mine are loving the fennel greens as well, weren´t sure at the beginning as they smell a bit of aniseed but they wolf them down now. Apparently, they can eat the bulb as well but haven´t tried that yet.

Mine eat loads so can´t imagine how many you get for Monty as she´s bigger than my three put together lol.

How´s she going on with her colour and how long to go before you can get rid of it.
I'm buying so many new things now that I have Monty!

Us bunny people must be like that. My wife was always good with vegetables, me I know the basics but boy have I learned from trying to bring new stuff for our rabbits. Hell, I think they might be influencing me to eat more greens and thus be healthier.
I gave Monty some un-collared run time this morning :) She let me adjust the ties on the collar last week while she nommed pellets from the bowl in my lap, so I figured I should be able to take it off and put it back on the same way. I was right! Most of the time she was out, she harassed this box hardcore.


I even took a video because she's never gone after it quite this much before.
(which I'll link later, because I'm having trouble somewhere between youtube and my phone)

If it's not playing, try back later. Youtube can't seem to get itself together and process this thing, and I've been waiting half an hour. I might have to send it from my phone again. Stay tuned!

Then she finally relaxed after some binkying around :) Here's an unobstructed view of all 10 lbs of her! :bunny17:
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you´re right, she´s enjoying that box. Oh, those ears, I´ve so missed them, she´s just such a lovely looking lassie, the more I see her, the more I´d love a big bunny :(
She was going nuts on the box! haha. It was funny.
Can she have her collar off yet? Poor thing. I bet she enjoyed some time without it. I wouldn't want to be stuck in that thing either.
I love her little dewlap! Its so cute.
Does she let you pet her ears? I would be all over her ears if I had her. I love Ellie's ears and they're 1/8 of the size of Monty's.

Hahaha. I thought about you last night, because we watched Monty Python's The Mean of Life. It isn't what Monty is named for, but it still made me think of her. We watched it because my husband wanted to know why all women hated Monty Python movies. I don't hate them because I understand British humor, but I think most women hate it because they don't get it. Silly broads. :nod
Aaaaah, Montys dewlap, ok....I think it's cute :) I'm not always a dewlap fan, but her dewlap is oh so petite and tidy on this big ole Flemish, it makes me smile.

Loved reading the veggie rant. In the summer I try to get my veggies and herbs at the farmers market, winter it's the grocery store. I've explained on more than one occasion To the checkout gal....they are for my rabbits. Sadly, it's never been received as a normal comment. I get weird looks all the time. OR, also, I'm usually with my son, and he (at the age of 4) is pretty darn rabbit savvy too. He's my shopping partner 99% of the time so I'll ask him "buddy, will the buns like these greens?" or I'll see something at a good deal "ohhh, buddy, let's get these for the rabbits!" He always is just as excited saying how much they will surely love them.....AND then we both look up and the other grocery store patrons are staring at us as if are both nutsos shopping for
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Actually Morgan, that is why her name is Monty. Not that movie, but it is for Monty Python. She's my holy hand grenade bunny :)

No, I can't have her collar off full time yet. I took it off again for 20 minutes tonight while I was cooking and watching her, and she ended up grooming way too close to the incision, and was pretty set on getting at it, so I put her collar back on to be safe. Poor confused baby.
Missy, I remember you saying it was for Monty Python. I´m a big fan from my youth when I used to watch the series. I also love the films but the Meaning of Life is my least favourite, I loved the Life of Brian and the Holy Grail. I still laugh my socks off when I see them and I´ve have seen them a lot.

Poor girl, I bet you´re counting the days to the collar coming off.

And Lisa, we´re all the same when we do our shopping. I was buying a bag of salad on my way home for the buns. Can you believe, I looked at about 10 bags to see which one I thought they´d like best.
Late night treat for you guys: I got a better video of Monty nomming on her drugged smoothie :D It gets really good around 2:00 in. You can hear me stifling giggles, trying not to distract Monty. I love my giant floof :)


And yes, I had her out for over half an hour tonight (plus another almost half hour earlier) with her collar off both times and in between since I was in the kitchen cooking and peeking in on her. This is one HAPPY bunny :)
I blended a handful of frozen strawberries, a whole banana, and several chunks of fresh pineapple, then I mix her dose of antibiotics and probiotics into about 2 Tablespoons of that smoothie. :) I save a little bowl of it in the fridge (without drugs mixed in, of course) and it lasts for about 3 days. (and I add stuff to what's left in the blender for a smoothie for myself)

Just 2 more days of the medication, then she'll officially be off everything from her spay. yay!
I was never given any ani biotics after Bug got Spayed :S but I need food that will entice her to come to me, every time I have to pick her up our bond takes a step back.
She was only given antibiotics because 3 days after the spay, she chewed her incision (skin and then partway through the muscle wall) open and had the beginnings of an infection. Preventative measure to make sure she didn't get an abdominal infection :/

Have you tried offering her pellets from a bowl near you, then over time move it closer? I am now able to get Monty to snuggle with just her front half on my lap (she's big, I'm small) because I did this, eventually holding the bowl in my lap every time I offered her pellets. She only has hay and water in her cage (as far as edibles go) and I hand-feed her salads and pellets when she is out for run time. It has really built her trust and affection toward me.
Aww Monty nomming the smoothie. Adorableness :) I love how excited she gets and then her face shoved in the bowl. Made me chuckle.
Oh, that is so funny. I love how she sticks her nose right to the bottom and licks it all clean, it was so funny seeing her mouth going from underneath the container.

Good to see she´s seeming much better and almost back to normal. Can´t wait to get her collar off lol.
That was the best video I've ever seen! I was laying in bed watching it on my phone while my husband watched Leno and he was like "wth are you watching?" So I showed him the video too and he laughed pretty hard. He was like "ahhh, look ate her mouth! She's SO big! Ellie is...TINY!" hahaha. It was so funny.
We were cracking up last night! Thanks for that.

It looks like she really likes it! You might have to continue smoothies after she gets off the meds, she may be disappointed without them. She was SO excited to see the cup! Such a smart girl.
She'll be back to BUNana trimming duty after we're done with medicine :) Ah, she's so crazy. She's obsessed with digging at the kitchen floor right where that box is standing up.

She's loose in the kitchen now with her collar off. Oh how I missed this. I put her litter box outside of her crate so maybe she'll use it instead of peeing in a corner of the kitchen like last night (after she had been out for a good 40 minutes, so I think it wasn't like her pre-spay pee messes, she just had to GO after all that time). I usually close her crate door if she goes in there voluntarily, only because it coincides with the time I wanted to put her away anyway so I could go do something. I think she must assume that's going to happen every time, so maybe she didn't go to her litter box in there because she wanted to still be out. I'm going to buy a second one, just haven't remembered at Target the times I've been there recently.