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myheart wrote:
You make me laugh mouse_chalk!!!!:biggrin2:

I am not sure if there is an antidote to Cuteness-Overload disease, but I think you will pull through well enough. :p

The only antidote is pictures....mooooore pictures!!! :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:
So today was supposed to be cloudy and rainy, as the weather man said, but the sun is shining with a bit of an October breeze. My plans for the day had been changed last night because of the impending bad weather, so now I am stuck at home cleaning with the sun shining. :?

Instead of cleaning, I think I will start my day with posting some Zappa cuteness!!!! That will be enough to cheer up anyone's day! :biggrin2:

It was rather windy by mid-afternoon on the 19th of October, so here is Zappa showing her disapproval of being taken from the house and thrown out into the October wind....


"I'm ignoring you" butt pictures...



Bask in my cuteness....




Zappa close-up...



"Oohhhh, what a night last night..."


"All better now... The head-rub did wonders! I'm still so cute..."


Finally, Baby Zappa coming down from a periscope.... too cute :p


So that covers Zappa's adventures for the 19th of October....

Now that the sun is shining, I will have to see how the weather is in an hour or two to see if we will be able to get outside again. I know Patch and Luna are due for a little fresh air also. Ahhhhh, nothing in the world like sunny-bunnies enjoying the outdoors!!!!:p


Am I the only one who wants to bunnynap Zappa?
Jess_sully wrote:
Zappa is adorable. Her little face is so round and cheruby, I just want to smoosh her cheeks!

LOL... It's not just her face that is round. You should see her behinder... She seems to be more weeble-wobbley. I think Zappa is growing, but not putting on a ton of weight or anything. She is justreally taking on her baby-daddies' shape versus her mama's slender/sleek rabbit shape.

Her bonding is going slow so far. The sessions start out great with grooming and hanging out, then she remembers that she wants to be the dominant. I am able to tell that she wants to be with Patch and Luna, but she isn't willing to take the "low man on the totem pole" status. Starting to think about the car-ride possibility to keep her guessing about what to do.

Guess what kind of pictures I took today....!!!!

Say "Hello" to my new trio!!!! :biggrin2: (Zappa was laying right next to Luna prior to my turning the light on to take the few pics I did get.)





This next pic is very special to me because Luna and Zappa have not been seeing eye-to-eye on who gets to be the dominant. Have they worked out their differences?!


I had such a difficult time getting the pics because they all picked the tightest place in bunny play-land to settle in. I had to stand on the chair to get a few of the pics to show that, yes, they are all sitting together. My heart just burst when I saw them chilling together. I was sooooo excited!!!! I hope to post so many more pics of all three bunners hangin' out together and also more pics of Zappa alone.

Just a little note to anyone who was interested in baby Zappa when she was in foster and at the shelter... Yes, her coat is a bit longer than a rex coat, but it is still so soft making me think that she did get the rex gene for soft hair. :pSorry, just needed to rub that in...


Oh how I love seeing pictures of cute.

I'm so glad that they've bonded.....they're just adorable together...
EEE!!! Look at my little baby! Wow, she does look a lot bigger than Satchmo and B.B. Wonder why?

I knew I should have called you when I got home! I wasn't sure if you'd still be up, but I was really excited about your message!

Now you just need a chocolate, a black, and a harlequin for the perfect set of Dutch!

I really need to come up to visit and cuddle all the buns.
No wonder you are excited - they look so adorable together. And Luna and Zappa seem quite content to be next to each other, too - long may it last.

I love your Dutchies (hey, I love all Dutchies, - hmmm, I love all bunnies :D)

Thanks all for the compliments!!! :biggrin2:The bonding took a bit longer than expected because of Zappa's spay/hormones and because, I think, she was used to being "top bun" in the cage at the shelter. Zappa had three of her siblings housed with her and they were all behaving, so it wasn't too apparent that Zappa had the situation under control. Zappa wanted very much to cuddle with Patch and Luna, but didn't want to accept the low-man-on-the-totem-pole status. We all just had to wait long enough for her to grow up and get over her hormones.

I tried to tell you Naturestee thatZappa was big-er. :pIt was amazing to see the difference in her personality from being at your house to being housed at the shelter for a month prior to my taking her. That shelter atmosphere, no matter how good the care, really takes something out of those animals. Now it is easy to see how B.B. and Satchmo could be so "stunted" without the room to grow and develop physically and mentally.

Much happiness to your Trio of dutches. They are lucky buns to live with you AND have each other...for trouble or snuggles. Great news on the bonding, myheart! :hearts:
What an adorable family! It warms my heart to see them all snuggling together like that. :heartbeat:

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