Lops Breeds

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Oh how neat! Puck is a Holland Lop....such fun.....such energy. Now if I could only bottle his energy and sell it - I'd be a milionaire....or at least richer than I am now!


I am a HUGE lop girl and I have/had aholland, mini and frenchie. I also have a mini rex but she's my exception to the rule... I couldn't resist her sweet wittle rex face... But I melt for those lopppy ears... I will always have a frenchie or 2. My frenchie girl, Opie, is the love of my bunny life!


I would LOVE an MPL (mini plush lop) someday...

http://www.geocities.com/miniplushlop_mpl/index.html--> check out the nursery page for the cutest babies ever!!

bunnyslave wrote:

I am a HUGE lop girl and I have/had aholland, mini and frenchie. I also have a mini rex but she's my exception to the rule... I couldn't resist her sweet wittle rex face... But I melt for those lopppy ears... I will always have a frenchie or 2. My frenchie girl, Opie, is the love of my bunny life!


I would LOVE an MPL (mini plush lop) someday...

http://www.geocities.com/miniplushlop_mpl/index.html--> check out the nursery page for the cutest babies ever!!

Can you share a bit more about your french lop? I have one and she's hilarious....and she loves the lionhead babies and they sneak in the cage to snuggle with her. She reminds me of a puppy the way she hops around...she's a bit over 9 months old. I'm waiting for her to enter the teenage phase and wonder if she's there yet.

TinysMom wrote:
Can you share a bit more about your french lop? I have one and she's hilarious....and she loves the lionhead babies and they sneak in the cage to snuggle with her. She reminds me of a puppy the way she hops around...she's a bit over 9 months old. I'm waiting for her to enter the teenage phase and wonder if she's there yet.

talk about my Opie? ANYTIME! hehee...

anything you wanna know in particular?

its funny that you say your frenchie reminds you of a puppy b/c I call Opie my doggy bun all the time!

I think I am most amazed at Beatrice's energy (for a rabbit her size). She loves to bounce around and play and can play for over an hour at a time before she takes a rest.

She is loving towards my baby lionheads - but not so towards me per se. In fact - sometimes I'm not sure how she feels towards me. But my little lionheads will sneak in and curl up beside her and eat out of her food bowl...and she just lets them. She grooms them and lets them snuggle up - even under her ears.

She's fearless too. Dog? So what.. Cat? Sure...let me chase you. The cats are more afraid of her than she is of anything.

I guess what bugs me is that she will pick a fight with another lionhead (adult) in THEIR territory if she wants to. Its only happened once because her cage door wasn't shut tight (Art had fed her that night and I heard her door open). No one was hurt other than an adult who was on the floor playing got chased into the corner and I picked her up. But I do have to be very careful about that.

Other than that - she's a great rabbit. I want to start taking her for walks on a leash and harness.

I find some of this lop stuff confusing, as in New Zealand we don't have holland lops, yet we have a rabbit that is exactly the same as a holland and it's called a mini lop! And what you guys would call a mini lop, we call a dwarf lop. We have the other kinds though like the french lop etc. Our dwarf lops are larger than our minis. Our minis weigh in at around 1.2-1.7kg, with average weight being 1.4kg. That's about 2 1/2 pounds I think, not really sure. So I have to refer to my minis as hollands when on this site otherwise people wont know what I'm talking about :cool:.
minilops wrote:
I find some of this lop stuff confusing, as in New Zealand we don't have holland lops, yet we have a rabbit that is exactly the same as a holland and it's called a mini lop! And what you guys would call a mini lop, we call a dwarf lop. We have the other kinds though like the french lop etc. Our dwarf lops are larger than our minis. Our minis weigh in at around 1.2-1.7kg, with average weight being 1.4kg.That's about 2 1/2 pounds I think, not really sure. So I have to refer to my minis as hollands when on this site otherwise people wont know what I'm talking about :cool:.
yeah i know what you mean,i live in Australia and we dont have hollands either,well we dont call them hollands,we have dwarf lops and mini lops,i actually own dwarf lops and one wittle mini lop,she is sooo small.

i was on another forum last year and someone explained to me about the difference between their holland and mini lops and our dwarf and minil ops:?i was confused myself

shadow10978 wrote:
I am actually thinking about breeding for velvatine rabbits, but from what I have read they tend to use french lops instead of english. I am not sure so dont quote me on it, it may be that both can be used.

English Lops would have been primarily used to get the proper mandolin body type for the Velveteen and also to produce the longer ears.

More info here:


what if there are some ppl that don't prefer such a long ears, and prefer ears length of mini or french lop ears?

man! it would be cool to have velveteen lops

the fur would be easier to deal with compared to the lionhead, since boogie don't like to be touch much,he is hard to brush, fortuanlly he don't get much knots, except for behind one ear, i trim that out, and try to brush him when i get ahold of him

sometimes he is so antisocial at times

Honey is such a sweety, she wants me to give her some loving


how about a Canadian Dwarf Lop? (aka a 'Pipp Lop')...



EDIT:"No dwarfs were harmed in the making of this post."

She was inher 'pet me!' position, just took a little nudge behind her freakishly small ears. ;)

However, she says if those silly lops keep getting all this attention, she will consider an 'ear tuck'if it helps herin the picture biz. (She would also like to point out that it takes more talent to hold bun's ears upright than to simply let them flop -- 'flop' being the operative word).

awwww pipp's a lop wannabee lol,but wouldn't she just make the cutest little lop:bunnydance:


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