List 5 - 10 Things That.............

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2007
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Calverton, New York, USA
List 5 - 10 Things about your bunny(ies) that are unique to only them. I realized that we all are rabbit lovers and pay much attention to our bunnies and what really makes a bunny special is it's personality. I bet you can think of many things, even ones you didn't even realize. I will post mine in a bit.
1) If you make kissy noises, Macey will french kiss you.

2) Basically, she loves licking faces more than hands or anything.

2) No matter how much she just ate, she will always accept food from you.

3) Macey will pose for pictures, then she knows when you are about to take the picture, then she moves. I would swear she does it on purpose.

4) She absolutely loves tomatoes, jello, and cream savers.

5) She will not use her litterbox if she thinks its too full.

Haha, being put on the spot like that, I can't really think of any. I will post more later.
1. If I dont scratch Bracken's head of a morning before I go to college she'll be in a mood with me when I get home.

2. Warren's the only bun I no who doesn't like fruit or veg.

3. Bracken licks everything!

4. Warren will chace anything that run's away

5. They can both out chew any bunny else
Bo was my very first bunny!

Bo Binkys if I tell him he's a "wilddddd bunnyy"

Bo lets me know he needs fresh water by putting his barrel toy in his dish.

Bo can stack stacking cups if you play with him. Give him the right one and he'll put it in the other cup.

Bo likes to lay down and stretch out with things on his head.



Well, I don't think Rory is the only bunny ever to have these traits, but they make him even more endearing to me:

-his big, adorable ears that change position depending on his mood. Sometimes they're both straight up, sometimes they're both down like a lop, sometimes, one's up and one's down, sometimes he has airplane ears... Adorable!

-his incredibly thick, soft, wonderful fur. You have to touch him to realize just how fluffy he is. I think he was kept outside by his previous owners and he developed an especially thick coat in preparation for winter.

-the polite look of concern he gets on his face when I pick him up. I know he doesn't hate being picked up, if he doesn't like something, he lets me know by running away or struggling (he won't even let BF pick him up yet), but when I pick him up, he puts his chin on my shoulder and lets me pet him, but he just looks rather worried. If I pet him enough the look goes away and he's only been with us for two and a half weeks, so I think "the look" will eventually go away. It is rather endearing though. He had "the look" in his Petfinder pics and the shelter people commented on how huge his eyes are, I attribute that to him being scared at the shelter because after a couple days at home, his eyes were a normal size most of the time.

-his adorable face! He has SUCH a cute face. Aside from his ears, his face looks like a lop mix. It's broader than most bunnies his size and very adorable.

-his size. If you look at a picture of him, he looks like a fairly big bunny, but in reality he's not all that much bigger than the Netherland Dwarf I had before him (who was admittedly a rather large dwarf at about 3 pounds). I think it's from his part loppi-ness.

-how he wuvs his Piggles stuffy and gives it kisses.

-he hasn't been neutered yet (will be on Friday), but is such a well behaved bunner. Doesn't hump his Piggles, doesn't spray even when he pees in his litter box (the neutered Cinnabun needed a pee guard in his litter box even when he was old), has impeccable litter box habits when it comes to peeing and I've found a total of 4 stray turds when he's been playing in the kitchen over the past two weeks. Haven't heard him growl yet and he nipped me very gently the first day, but now that I know him better, I know I was seriously stressing him out (he gets big eyes and grinds his teeth when he's really stressed, and he'd been doing that for a good 10 minutes... Cinny would grind his teeth when he was happy, so I thought Rory was enjoying the ear pets). The bite didn't hurt and didn't even leave a little scratch.

-his sweet, sensitive soul.

-how he loves his toys. He got a shipment of toys from Busy Bunny store last week and he's already almost destroyed his wicker ball and his straw mat is in many little pieces. He likes all the other little toys he has, too, and it's cute to see him pick up his jingle ball, wave it around, fling it, pick it up and repeat. Things like an empty Pepsi box or paper plate can keep him occupied for quite a while.

-how he loves eating his salad and how darned cute he is when he eats! He gets so excited about his salad and I usually rip everything into pieces and hand feed it to him.

-how he looks to his mama for protection. Okay, so my boyfriend would certainly never hurt him, but Rory ran to me and hopped on my lap when BF entered the room and he will only take food from BF if he sees me hand it to him.

I have eleven! Oops!
I want to do one for Cinnabun even though he's gone!

-when he was younger, he would often sit on your lap or next to you if you were constantly petting his ears. When he was an old man bunny, he would just lie next to me and lean against me, even if I wasn't petting him, and grind his teeth in joy.

-he liked to be carried around in a "bunny carrier" (like a baby carrier) strapped to my front for hours. He'd nestle in and go to sleep.

-he liked me better than my brother and would hop to me first (hehe something I took an evil pride in I guess)

-he enjoyed being held on his back like a baby, but only by me. He trusted me completely. I could have him do a back flip (basically holding him on his back and slowly turning him over, nothing violent about it) and it didn't phase him in the slightest.

-his bizarre ideas about food and what the best bunny foods were

-when my parents had Christmas parties and the like, he would come out of his cage and "mingle". He loved all the attention and would hop on people's laps for pets. And maybe a bite of whatever they were eating!

-he was very tolerant

-the only word he knew was "treats" and would get so excited...

-he totally changed my family's idea of what bunnies were like. Before we got him, my mom said he had to be a girl, his cage would be in the basement and he could only come out if he was being held by someone. No running around on the floor, no going on the furniture. When we saw him at the pet store, she didn't care which gender he was. When we got him home, she personally put his cage in the kitchen, right smack dab in the middle of our living area, then put him on the floor so he could run around and explore. He had his own spot on the couch that we always made free for him when he was out, even though it had been my mom's favorite spot. He hopped around in our beds. When we were at home, he was pretty much out of his cage all the time and would go back in if he had to potty.

I miss you, Cinnabear!!

hates anything that moves and breathes.

is an extremely picky eater.

will pull the most hilarious faces if you introduce a food she doesn't like.

can squeeze through just about anything and climb anywhere.

must chin me before I can touch her without losing a finger.

will fight me if I put her house on her shelf.


thumps if I say "No"

cries if I haven't picked her up in a long time

stands on her hind legs and scratches until I pick her up

jumps up onto me and uses my legs as a slide if they are at the right angle

trains any animal she bonds to to get into trouble with her

follows me around everywhere

will never fail to notice if I forget to close the bedroom door, or properly clip the door to her cage

can make hearts melt in seconds


notices the smallest bit of food lying around from many feet away

can throw a ball to me

is the most patient bunny ever (I dunno how he puts up with Wiggles at times :shock:)

wants to meet every moving/breathing thing

has not a defensive bone in him

will run off with groceries and hide to eat them

always runs up to me, checks on me, runs into the cageand binkies, and then runs back to Wiggleswhen I clean his cage


Responds to bunny butt and cutie butt

Would kill someone for a piece of banana

Will ALWAYS turn down a new food the first time and then come back to it later when you aren't looking

You can always tell when he's about to do something he knows is naughty because he'll look at the thing (he wants to jump on, chew ect) then look at you then look back at the thing before doing it

Teases my other animals (2 dogs and a cat) when he's in the living room, Henry will bark at Wash and whine while looking through the NIC run and Wash will walk over to the edge, give Henry the butt, a foot flick and then binky away.
:D I knew this thread would be a good one, we all know so many unique things about our rabbits. I had a little time so I was gonna do mine but I got caught up reading all of the others, well, in good time.

This is TumpieRabbit I am just using Frannie as a Medium to communicate with the outside world. (Basically it means I accidentally posted under Frannie's username)
"You can always tell when he's about to do something he knows is naughty because he'll look at the thing (he wants to jump on, chew ect) then look at you then look back at the thing before doing it"

Haha all my buns do that. Crazy how sneaky they are. And rabbits are supposedly "dumb cage animals" :?Ha!

I'll just do Jay, because he's the funniest!

1. He hangs his front paws over his hutch and leans out so I'll rub his nose and ears.

2. He jumps out of his hutch at feeding time and run's around while I'm feeding the other buns.

3. He jumps back into his hutch when I say, "Bed!".

4. He won't eat any treats. He'll have fresh greens but nothing else.

5. He always knows when I'm upset, and it's the only time he'll sit still for me to cuddle him.

6. If he's not happy about sometime he jerks his head as if to say, "Get off!".

7. He always rubs his chin on his water bottle after I've refilled it.
Here are some things about Thumper:

1. He lays on the air vents, I can always tell when because the air pressure goes up in the other room, then I yell "Get off the vent thumps!" and the pressure goes back down.

2. He can never come directly to you when you have something for him, he must circle something and then come to you, either a chair, a person, a table etc. and yes he is fixed.

3. Before he was free range I bought a cage and while building it I rested the box against the wall to see what the cage would look like and to use it as a guide. There was a life size pic of a rabbit on the box and He would look at it, Thump, then go to look at the back of the bunny but was perplexed at the fact that there was NO back, there was no bunny either, just a pic. But he couldn't figure this out, he was very pissed.

4. I have a myriad of names for him, including (but not limited to):

  • Thumper
  • Lord Thumper
  • Tumpie
  • Tumpie Rabbit
  • Booby (the one I use CONSTANTLY)
  • Baby Booby
  • Baby Booby Rabbit
  • Baby Wabbit
  • Tumpus Rumpus
  • Baby Rumpus
  • Baby Booby Rumpus
  • Lumpus Tumpus the Baby Rumpus
  • Booby Rumpus
  • Booby Baby Rumpus the Lord Tumpus
  • Booby Booby Booby (and many more saying it real fast)
  • Lord Alowiscous Thumpus the Third
  • Booby Rabbit
I actually use all the names I have listed on a daily basis, I know I need mental help you don't have to tell me.

5. I actually role play with Thumper and tell him that him and Frannie need to "get a place of your own" and that Thumper needs to "meet other bunnies his own age" and similiar crazy stuff.

6. Thumper, more so than any other bunny I have ever met (and I work with the rescue often, so I see many) knows a great deal about how to make himself comfortabe in any situation. He knows all the spots in the house (his area) where there is a nice draft, wherever Thumps is laying you will feel a draft of air if you put your hand down there.

7. And believe it or not, he actually untied my shoes while I was watching TV once, he loves to naw on my laces sometimes and he often pulls at them, thus the untying.

8. If Thumps was a kid he would be the one who has all the other kids doing stuff for him.

9. If he was an another animal he would be a sloth.

That's it for now. :)
LOL about the Thumpie nicknames! I can totally relate. All my pets have a huge assortment of idiotic nicknames, I just can't help myself. My BF pretends to vomit when I really get into it. Rory doesn't have a huge ton of nicknames yet, but I'm sure he will. I call him Wo, Wowo and Wowy a lot, as well as Bunbun, lovey pie, and occasionally Sweet Pea, which always earns a glare from the BF because that's what I call him (Sweet P, his name is Paul). I also call my boy pets Booby! In my defense, I lived in Austria and "Bubi" means little boy in the local dialect.
Hershey loves to tease the chickens. He can make them cluck and get upset even if they are on the other side of the fence.

He is VERY cuddly. He is even helping me teach my autistic students how to be gentle and calm with him - he must have the patience of a saint!

If I binky and shake my head, he will binky and shake his head back!
Lol! Booby is my favorite, I love hearing all the crazy stupid stuff we rabbit lovers do, I don't know why but the rabbits bring out the cornball in all of us I guess.

SnowyShiloh wrote:
LOL about the Thumpie nicknames! I can totally relate. All my pets have a huge assortment of idiotic nicknames, I just can't help myself. My BF pretends to vomit when I really get into it. Rory doesn't have a huge ton of nicknames yet, but I'm sure he will. I call him Wo, Wowo and Wowy a lot, as well as Bunbun, lovey pie, and occasionally Sweet Pea, which always earns a glare from the BF because that's what I call him (Sweet P, his name is Paul). I also call my boy pets Booby! In my defense, I lived in Austria and "Bubi" means little boy in the local dialect.
TumpieRabbit wrote:
golfdiva wrote:
If I binky and shake my head, he will binky and shake his head back!
Forgive me for being shallow exactly do YOU binky? Do you have any clips of that?:biggrin2::rabbithop
:roflmao: I've missed ya Jim........:hugsquish:. I mean Tumpie, I mean forget it:cool:. Hee Hee

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