List 5 - 10 Things That.............

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1. She has deemed me HER human, and no one else is allowed to love me as much as her. She thumps sometimes, or at the very least skunks, when I pet somebun else.

2. She will charge my hand when I take her food dish...I have to distract her with the hay glove.

3. Maisie is a HUGE fan of raisins, and CHARGES at my hand fast enough that I don't have time to put them down before getting a bite threat!


1. She will ring her bell for dinner every night around midnight...and will continue to do so until I feed them. Not only that, but the other buns go to their foodbowls or sit in their litterboxes to eat hay when she does it, as if to say, "QUICK!! Eat ALL the food you CAN so she doesn't feed us less!!"

2. If you don't give Trixie EXACTLY what she wants WHEN she wants it, she will throw a TOTAL temper tantrum. This includes digging as noisily as she can, tossing as much hay and litter out of her box as she can, slamming her food bowl holder to the floor (it's zip tied to the cage so she can't dump it, so she lifts it and lets it drop over and over instead now), digs out as much pellet food as she can, rings her bell, you name it...she's doing it. She basically goes around being as destructive as she possibly can. She's the diva of the household. Hehe!!

3. Trixie and love...she could seriously take it or leave it. And not because she doesn't like me...she used to do it to Denise, too! She'll either come bounding up when I give her food, and shove her nose onto my lips for kisses...or I won't get a single stir from her to come up! What a goof!


1. Flower is the ultimate warning system of danger (or even what she could possibly PERCEIVE to be danger) to the household. 90% of the times she thumps, I can't find a SINGLE THING that would've caused it...

2. Flower is also the one who loves to sniff my mouth til I kiss her nose. And she gets nosey kisses daily because she insists on doing it EVERY time I visit her.

3. Flower is also the binky QUEEN!! She will binky when she's happy, when I make certain noises, when I laugh...but mostly when she's just gotten in trouble. She's really just an imp in disguise...hehe!!


1. She loves her daddy most..and in fact, rarely lets ME pet her...but will come RUNNING over and stand on hind legs to get kisses and love from Daddy.

2. SweetPea is dead set on imitating Maisie in as many ways as she can.

3. SweetPea is a bunny dancing queen...she dances in little figure eights up and down the levels in her cage whenever the kitties walk by. :)


1. Fiver is the MASTER at guilty "I'm so unloved" looks. He melts me every single time, and I HAVE to go over and give the cutie love.

2. Fiver is the MASTER poop distributor of the bunch...they literally sound like a little hail storm sometimes when he lays down!!

3. And, most of all, Fiver will let me pet him in any way, shape, or form that I desire. I can pet his ears, his sides, his cheeks, his tail, his feet, his forehead, his name it, the boy will sit there and take it. He's just happy to be pet. Oh, and he LOVES that I like to faux groom my bunnies...I just move my mouth up his forehead, but don't actually lick him...knocks him out every single time. :D

As far as my additional three (or five) buns...we'll have to see when they get to me! :)
faux grooming

binkying people

Poop makes us happy



This is a fun thread to read. Everyone has such unique bunnies :)

-if the door is open to her cage she will run to the top level and try to get out that way
-She can find her way back to her cage from anywhere in the world
-Both her and Ronnie run up to me if I have left the room and come back in. Not to greet me, but to see if I have left the door open
-She will let anyone hold her for as long as they want.
-if I am laying on the floor she will give me kisses in the most random places
-She has never met a stranger
-she delacatly sniffs any food I give her before eating it

-he doesn't like being picked up, but will let me pick him up without a struggle and then hide his head in my elbow
-when I wake up in the morning her goes directly to the cage door and starts begging me to let him out
-When I open his cage he backs up and gives me a disaproving look like "why are you here lady?"
-he responds to the tone in my voice and knows when I mean business
-If Maggie barks like someone is here, he will run to the top of his cage and be on the look out
-He loves posing for pictures
-Although he is very adament when it comes to food, he takes it very gently so as I never feel his teeth or anything, even when he is licking me fingers that are covered in banana.


When she's done playing at night and wants to be left alone, she goes into her NIC cage and closes the door (she has to pull it closed with her teeth - it doesn't swing). The first couple of times, I thought it was just on accident, but she does it almost every night now.

If the cat irritates her, she goes right over to his carpeted "cat condo" and pees on the bottom level.

When she does something naughty and gets caught, she joyfully binkies(the "hee hee - I got away with that again" binky or "in your face!" binky).

She can smell a banana a mile away and will eat you if you don't give her some. She likes it sliced in pieces with the peel on.

She tolerates me loving on her, but whenever I put her down, she grooms non-stop for what seems like forever.

If I give her something really good, like aslice of banana or sweet potato, she runs off and hides to eat it, even though no other rabbits are ever in her room.

She hates me sometimes, but has never tried to bite me. She thumps at me a lot and sulks like any other princess does.

Sometimes when her pellets are all gone, she will pick up her play ball and throw it until it balances on the empty bowl. She never just places it on there, it has to be tossed from the other side of the cage, like it's a game. When the litter needs changing, the ball is thrown in there.

For a big girl, she can get in very small spaces. If she can get into my daughter's room, she goes under her armoire and the edge where she goes in is only about three inches high.


Knows EXACTLY when playtime and breakfast are supposed to begin, to the minute and lets me know by rattling the cage door or throwing the bell ball around.

She never ate vegetables until she started living with Shadow. I offered everything to her and she never touched it. Now when I give them their salads, it's a race to see who can eat the most.

She is smart enough to know what she's not supposed to do (chew baseboards, rugs, books) and only ever attempts it if I'm out of sight. When I call her name, she always swings around and tries to look innocent.

She hates Shadow's fuzzy coat and spends hours grooming him. Between the two of us, all his mats are now gone. It took us three months. I couldn't have done it without her.

She HATES to be picked up, but is the most loving rabbit of my three. She demands attention and will sit for hours with me as long as I'm petting her.

She would kill you for a cracker or a piece of basil.

If she's not supervised, she will jump in the desk chair, then onto the desk and chew up every piece of paper up there.


Likes to jump up on things, but is afraid to jump down. There are two shelves in their NIC cage. I made him a ramp for "his", but he insists on jumping up onto Penny's, then is afraid to come down. He will wait for hours for me to get him down.

Will forgive you for anything if you just rub his ears.

He is never demanding like my girls. He is super sweet and appreciates everything you do for him - never takes it for granted.

He LOVES Penny with all his heart and probably could not function without her. He never leaves her side.

He is bow-legged (probably due to his previous owner leaving him in a cramped cage for the better part of eight months :X)

He doesn't binky - he "popcorns".

This one is for Onion:

He is a very clean boy and even "tidy" in his cage. He has a large wire pet crate. If I don't put his litter box in JUST the right place he'll move it around until he is happy. He ONLY sleeps on the bathroom throw rug in his crate, never on the plastic.

Onion is very curious, the first to explore anything new in the house. It doesn't matter if it's a grocery bag I've put on the floor, a book I've left on the coffe table, or a shoe I've just taken off. Each new "suprise" thrills him.

He is however, scared of the clear glass pickle jar I have propping open my computer room door. It is half full of loose change. This jar requires a wide berth to navigate around, usually making it hard for him to enter the room without hugging the right hand side of the doorway.

Well, there are three of his quirks, anyhow. :)

Well, I'll just post ramdom ones cause I can't think of a whole lot.

-Shes an alarm clock. Almost EVERY day at 6:10 AM she will start ratteling bars, trowing around dishes, SOMETHING and wont stop till the light is ON.
- She will put her toys all in one spot when shes done wit hthem.
-She will eat almost ANYTHING! Other than strawberries.

- acts like a puppy.
- has to come out and "visit'' mom everytimei poor a dish of water.......

I'll post more later, my wrists hurt.

- Is probably the only rabbit who could go from hating my guts (just after Ruby died) to wanting to cuddle and be around me all the time in the space of a few weeks.

- Probably has the biggest attitude I have ever seen in a bunny.:biggrin2:

- She can consume an entire willow toy the same size as her within a week.:shock:

- Whenever she seems mud she just has to flop!;)

- She has never given me actual bunny kisses, but has her equivalent where she 'snuffles' around my face.

- If she is in a good mood she is the sweetest little bunny, but if she is in a bad mood you'd better move anything soft and diggable far far away from her!:p

- Is the most fantastic little bunny nurse ever after taking such wonderful care of Ruby, which I am eternally grateful toher for.

- And in case you hadn't noticed from all the above points.. she has a BIG personality!:biggrin2:

Whose bunny was it that wouldn't walk on linolium?

I remember them telling a story about how the bunny would jump from cardboard piece to a rug ect. instead of walking on the linolium...
My buns....

***All love macaw pellets and monkey chow... (high protien vegitable pellets)

***Spice will thump and FREAK out if she hears a bell. (actually ran into a wall)

***Cami will nip your ankles if you just got out of the shower and dont have a treat to enter the room "smelln' funny"

***Hunny loves Daddy and NO ONE ELSE!

thats all i can think of.

1. Teacupuse to throw shoes of the stairs and try to hit people that are walking on the stairs. (she has great aim!)

2. Vin will run away from things by running under Kali and lifting her off her feet.

3. Teacup and Kali love eatting my pencils

4.Teacup will eat leather if she can get to it (so we keep it down stairs now)

5.Teacuplikes to chew on Kali's toe nails

Ok, let's see...

Sammy will take ahold of my shirt or pants and yank on them if he thinks I am not moving fast enough with the feed. If I ignore that, I get bit!

When Charlie sees me coming with the feed can, sometimes he will get so excited he will spin in circles!

If Ben hasn't gotten what he feels is adequate love in a day or two, he will get very sad and not look at me when I come in.

Big Mama will hang her head over the edge of her hutch so that I can't shut the door until she is satisfied with the amount of petting I have given her.

Lady gets so worked up about her food, she squeaks the whole time she is eating.

Gabe does clumsy backflips when he sees me come in, and if I am late feeding will break out of his cage asnd come looking for me!

I know there are more, that is just off the top of my head.
What a brill thread!

I'll do bits for each of my rabbits as I think of them, but for starters:

Munchkin - will find the part of the room with the sun shine strip and proceed to lay in it and sunbath. When it does munchie. Circles my feet when I arrive with food and tries to trip me up - silly bun.

Flopsy - sneaks in behind sofa to dig. I yell "OUTTTTT!!!" Shuffle butt shuffle butt full speed ahead and out she comes, butt first, ears raised as if "What...whatdidido???". 2 secs later...back in she goes, and repeat.

Moon - comes over to my feet while I'm on computer and if I don't notice him - nips me very hard until I lean down and stroke him at which point he stretches himself on the floor and makes himself comfortable like King Moon of his royal highnessness.

Gizmo - steals my toast every morning. Gives me kisses before running back upstairs to see munchkin, 10 mins later...back to give me kisses and then repeat the process. Sneaks in to taunt Moon and Flopsy when they are confined in their run, and sprays urine at them. He's a charmer. *cough* Leaps up on the sofa - pushes the curtains aside and sits on the windowsill like a cat watching the world go by. Falls down back of sofa trying to leap on something else...then does it again. Duh!

I LOVE my bunnies.
Wellat the moment, theonly quirk I can think of is how Reese eats her oats/sunflower seeds. (I give them to the bunnies as a winter 'hot' food.) And Reese shells the seeds and hulls the oats, LOL. I'll go in her cage to find a bunch of empty seed and oat shells.:foreheadsmack:
LOL, Laura...that's so adorable! :D

MyBabyBunnies wrote:
Wellat the moment, theonly quirk I can think of is how Reese eats her oats/sunflower seeds. (I give them to the bunnies as a winter 'hot' food.) And Reese shells the seeds and hulls the oats, LOL. I'll go in her cage to find a bunch of empty seed and oat shells.:foreheadsmack:
tundrakatiebean wrote:
Whose bunny was it that wouldn't walk on linolium?

I remember them telling a story about how the bunny would jump from cardboard piece to a rug ect. instead of walking on the linolium...

That's not my story but Bo will not go near the linolium in our kitchen LOL!

We have a huge doorway between their room and that floor - and he doesn't go near it! "BIG WHITE FLOOR SCAREY!"
Bo B Bunny wrote:
tundrakatiebean wrote:
Whose bunny was it that wouldn't walk on linolium?

I remember them telling a story about how the bunny would jump from cardboard piece to a rug ect. instead of walking on the linolium...

That's not my story but Bo will not go near the linolium in our kitchen LOL!

We have a huge doorway between their room and that floor - and he doesn't go near it! "BIG WHITE FLOOR SCAREY!"
HaHa, Katie, I think that's Snuggy if I remember right;). Laura said she had rugs all over because Snuggy hated the lino.
My buns are outta luck in that department, we have industrail tile wall to wall in the whole house.. well wood in the living room.. they do bambi on ice for about a week then they figure it out! LOL

1. Thinks pant and pant bottom tugging is the best game EVER INVENTED! This bun LOVES pants. If you're in his room (the kitchen) and wearing anything resembling pants, you're in for constant bunny pant tugs. Epecially if you're sitting down for a meal at the kitchen table, you'll be in for it! He is our little land shark. :)

2. Max thinks my boyfriend's chair at the kitchen table is HIS bunny chair and HIS bunny chair ONLY. Lol. Max steals it back the second my bf gets up for anything.

3. Thinks fresh green beans are fruit of the gods.

4. Likes to try and comb my hair with his paws when I'm not looking.

5. He'll go and eat his dinner once we sit down to eat ours. :p
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
tundrakatiebean wrote:
Whose bunny was it that wouldn't walk on linolium?

I remember them telling a story about how the bunny would jump from cardboard piece to a rug ect. instead of walking on the linolium...
HaHa, Katie, I think that's Snuggy if I remember right;). Laura said she had rugs all over because Snuggy hated the lino.
Yeah, it's Snuggy. All our shoes are lined up in the kitchen and she walks on them to avoid the linoleum. Sometimes she poops in the shoes, too. That's a lovely bonus. :disgust:

She hates the wood floor we put in this June, too, but she absolutely refuses to touch the linoleum.


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