Legit animal communicators?

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Retired Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
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Austin, Texas, USA
A lot of people know that I lost my dwarfed young kitty on October 1st of last year. If you don't know about it, then you can see his rainbow bridge thread..here: http://www.rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=40010&forum_id=89

Anyway...I would like information from people who have used an animal communicator to connect with you're deceased pet. Was it was you expected? Who did you use? How much did it cost? Did you get closure?

Every day is a constant struggle for me. It is a few months shy of the 1 year anniversary of Zaide's death. I have good days and bad days...but more bad days then good. I just can't explain what it feels like to have lost a part of me. Zaide was like a child to me. I knew he was dwarfed, so I felt like he was extra special and I needed to protect him. He died in front of me, with nothing that I could do to help him. I still feel useless to this day...all I could do was scream and cry as he passed within a few minutes. I feel like he doesn't have closure either....he left this world with me in a panicked state...no comfort...just panic.

I have to go to PetSmart a few times a month to hold kittens, just so that I can feel like they are Zaide...with their tiny fragile bodies. I know Zaide's former foster mom still has his brother (who is a spitting image of Zaide)...I want to visit him soon (haven't since November), so I can feel like it is really Zaide. I am just terrified that it will only make things worse. I can't adopt Zaide's brother because he has serious bowel issues that requires lots of medical attention.

Some may remember the post that I left about going to the local HS and seeing what I honestly think was Zaide's brother up for adoption. I wanted to adopt him, but my husband did not. I still kick myself every single day for going against his word and just adopting the kitty, as I think about this cat every day.....http://www.rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=45436&forum_id=5&highlight=dwarf.

Can anyone also recommend some really good books or something about letting go of a deceased pet? Maybe this will help me, as well. Sorry, but I do not want books with any mention of God or religion, as it is just not something that I can agree with...but I realise that it might be hard to find books without the mentioning of it.
I can relate a lot to how you feel, although obviously none of us can understand exactly.

I have suggested therapy to you before and I think it's an idea you won't entertain but just wonder if maybe seeing a bereavement counsellor might help.

If not, there is a service available by e-mail and phone (which wouldn't work for you) for those who have lost a pet and its called the Pet Bereavement Support Service. http://www.rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=16988&forum_id=27 I posted about it on this thread and just scanning the thread naturestee mentioned some books that might be useful in there.

I'm sorry you are struggling so much, I do really feel for you but I know that doesn't help or change anything in the slightest.

Keep talking if it helps.
Thank you, Flashy....I am checking out the link that you provided for the website. Calling a hot-line would be much like seeing a therapist to me....I'm just weird about that kind of stuff.

I think one way to help me will be to get a real urn for my Zaide. He is still in the plastic capsule thing that he came home in when we picked him up from the vet. It just says some words and then "Zaide Gregorio" (which he was "Zaide Davis" to us) and then his cremation date. I have looked for urns before, but none seemed right and they were all very expensive. I haven't looked in a while, so maybe I should look a bit today.
I remember reading about Zaide.. I'm sorry that you are still grieving... It is such a long process.

Here is a list of US-based pet loss hotlines/emails...
I have a sense that talking to the hotline person is essentially the same as chatting to another RO member about your loss.
It is more about verablly sharing your story, and having a compassionate ear that understands how you feel. It is my understanding that the folks who work on the phoneline are usually volunteers, who have had their own heart-wrenching experiences.
You don't really have anything to lose by trying it, Amy :hug:. You can always just hang up.
Will be thinking of you...

ETA: in place of an urn, I thought this was a beautiful idea: LifeGem

This group is based in Phoenix, AZ:http://www.caaainc.org/petgriefsupport.htm
Thank you, Autumn. I definitely won't call a hot-line or see a therapist...it's just awkward and I don't find comfort in speaking with random strangers. I know I'm talking on a forum right now, but I've been here for over 2 years...it's just different in my mind. I suppose my anxiety plays a role in my feelings towards therapists and hot-lines.

I really like the LifeGem, but I'd never be able to afford it. I am looking for an urn for Zaide for less than $100. I think I have actually found one that I really like, but I am still not sure. I found an artist that sculpts and paints kiln dried urns that are super amazing and would be perfect...but they are $325. I may possibly save up for that, as it makes sence to put Zaide in an urn that looks like him.

I am checking out the website based from Phoenix right now, it has some good links.
Call me if you need to talk.
What about the e-mail aspect of that link I mentioned? That wouldn't be that different from this, and its also run by volunteers who have been through hard pet griefs too. Just a thought :) The books on that link may be useful though.
I agree, I do need an urn some some closure. I started my Zaide tattoo to help with closure, as well...but I don't think it will give it to me in full.

I really like this urn..

I can have a little plaque engraved at work for free.

Flashy...I will check out doing the email thing or possibly a message board type thing.

Alicia...Thank you. I know I can always call you to talk because you understand, too.
I really like that urn, Amy.

I was thinking that yet another possibility might be finding a small coloured glass/crystal bottle that could be suspended in a window, so light could shine through... making him forever a little ray of sunshine.
Kind of like this:

I LOVE that idea, Autumn! I might have to go downtown next weekend to the gallery shops to find something cool like that! Many artists around here make glass balls and hearts for hanging in windows, but I am unsure if they have an opening or not.
They could always make one with a little opening for you, I'm sure!

I got Nate a beautiful hanging glass art piece for his birthday.. she did it with neat coils of black wire.. I'll try to get a pic when he comes back with the camera...

(Your thread has inspired me to make a memorium/urn section in the RB. Thank you!)
You're right..I can always try to contact an artist to have one specially made with a hole.

I'd love to see pictures of the one you got for Nate, it sounds cool!
If you're looking for cat-shaped glass...

Another possibility would be to get one of the German Reisling cat-shaped bottles. I know that there are some larger, and some miniature versions:


Apparently they come in more than 17 colours...


If you get a cork, an artist could build you a piece around the cat-shaped bottle.

A beautiful clear cat-shaped perfume bottle would also work:

I LOVE the cat shaped glass! I just worry about being able to see his ashes, but I suppose I won't be able to with the black cat.

I am also searching around online for people who make "look-a-like" kitty urns at a cheaper price. I'll also still looking into any information from people who have had experience with animal communicators...I think if I found the right person to communicate, then it could definitely bring closure.
((HUGS)) to you through this. It's so hard to let go, I know...

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