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kirbyultra wrote:
Don't I get any credit for photographing her? LOL I think she was just lying there and I was the one who got the shot! Sorry, sorry, I'm just jealous of Penny who has Kirby's heart. :(
:biggrin: Oh oh sorry. Bravo for photographer :clapping: Hehe. She might has Kirby's heart but believe me Kirby can live without momma ;) It's really nice shot. You're much much better than me. I suck with it comes down to taking photos. :X
Surprisingly, or may not surprisingly, a lot of it has to do with the camera. A lot of point and shoot cameras are simply too slow to get good pics of the buns, especially without natural daylight.

Penny and Kirby were kissing yesterday. Aw, so sweet. I wanted to get in on that action so when they were done, I picked up Kirby for some snuggling. I haven't snuggled Kirby in a long, long time. Aw... I love him so much. I just feel so close to my special bun bun when I hug him. Love love love Kirby.

Penny went a little nuts when she was alone though. She started to charge at the pen and stuff... I could hear her from the living room. Poopsie daisies. :X

Anyways, Kirby was all mine for about 10 minutes... and it made me very happy :hearts
Today I was up late and got to see how the couple deals with sleep time. Around 2-3am, Kirby ascends up to his penthouse suite and sleeps, leaving Penny to wander the floor on her own. It's like he said, "it's late, you're on your own!" Penny just doesn't seem to know what's going on and flops. I finally put them away at 3:15am and gave late salads. Oops. It was very late. Kirby was thirsty, I felt so bad. If only Penny wasn't a water hog, kirby would have unlimited water access but because of her, my poor Kirby had to be thirsty. :X
:D Helen, I'm so sorry. I just notice now that I typed wrong. What I mean is " Kirby cannot live without momma " :laughsmiley: So sorry. Maybe I should believe Kimiko's vet. Yesterday while we went to the clinic for pain meds. He looked at me and said " I think not only Kimiko is in need of pain-killer or medicine, you should go to see doctor as well !". I must looked so exhausted and weak, didn't get good sleep for whole week. Anyway, how cute that you can snuggle Kirby for long time ! Kimiko is an independent girl, she would allow us to hold her or cuddle just only for couple minutes, then she would make face " Okay, your hugging time is over, bye bye ", then she went away. :what
Haha, I gathered that's what you meant :) For all the skittishness Kirby is famous for, he's very steady when he is being held. I've only had him jump away a couple times and it was usually my fault. He is really too scared to jump once I have him in my arms. But I hold him very steadily like I have a paper bag full of chicken eggs. Careful and firm, but not too tight. He is not a snuggle bun but he tolerates being held for a while. It makes me feel like I'm over the moon when I have him so, I think he knows he's very safe. He doesn't even leap away when I put him back on the ground anymore (he used to).

Bah, I forgot the Halloween contest ended before 31st.... I'm gonna get pix of my crew in costume in the morning. I hope it's not too late :(
kirbyultra wrote:
Oh my god. I just saw Penny lift tail and pee in the litter box. Inside! I have never seen her do this with my own eyes!!! Amazing! I was so happy that I ran to get her a treat to reward her. Wow!
:yahoo: :clapping:

Hooray, Penny! Keep up the good work, girlie!

Happy Halloween!

Honey Bee Toby

Penny the bun

I tried to get Kirby in costume but the King simply wouldn't allow for such embarassment. :expressionless
I tried on costumes but never took the actual shots. Than I lost Dallas and no drive to enter.
Adorable costumes! :) Our old foster, Berry-Boo, had worn a hotdog costume when we had her. Penny looks so thrilled! Toby has that same look that he did in the shark-Toby picture. Kirby must have gotten wiser this year. lol

I wanted to enter Barnaby in his pumpkin costume but I thought I couldn't submit a picture after the 28th, and I didn't take my Halloween pictures until like the day before Halloween. Oh well.
Dragonrain wrote:

I wanted to enter Barnaby in his pumpkin costume but I thought I couldn't submit a picture after the 28th, and I didn't take my Halloween pictures until like the day before Halloween. Oh well.
Thanks! Yep, I entered way too late also, but ElfMommy included them anyways because voting didn't start till later anyway.
November 4, 2010 - Where are the photo updates?

I've been collecting pics and not posting them. Oops.

Since Toby won the Halloween photo contest, his head got a little bit big. :biggrin2:

"oh mommy i thought this was an interview. where's the mic? oh, it's a carrot! you love me! you really, really love me!"

"hey i found toby's facebook. he seems like an ok guy. this edible?"

"lady penelope anne, I heard you were reading about toby..."

"don't you love me?" :confused2:

Aw, poor Kirby. Feeling insecure? Poor baby!

"thanks mommy. penny will really like this carrot. let me bring it to her."

What a sweetheart Kirby is to Penny. :hearts



Look at Kirby's beautiful face! eeee!



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