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Are you sure hubby didn't put it somewhere without you seeing? Could you call the hotel where you stayed?

What a shame if you did lose it. I would be very upset myself if I didn't at least have the card from mycamera. :panic:

Hope you find it... :clover:

kirbyultra wrote:
So... I need to upload pictures... I WILL upload pictures at some point. I will! I have some of Toby, Kirby and our recent adoptables - including my dear rescue, Portobello! :inlove:

Argh. I guess I won't be uploading these pix after all. :tears2:
myheart wrote:
Are you sure hubby didn't put it somewhere without you seeing? Could you call the hotel where you stayed?

What a shame if you did lose it. I would be very upset myself if I didn't at least have the card from my camera.  :panic:

Hope you find it... :clover:


That panicky icon is exactly how I felt. And husband didn't put it somewhere because actually we got into a big fight yesterday. Basically I've been nuts lately and managed within 3 weeks lose my keys, my wallet (at the airport before passing thru security no less!), and now m camera. All were total accidental losses and managed to find tr keys and wallet but so far my camera is looking grim. And anyway he was pretty much like lecturing me about not being careful enough and them laughed at me for being so ridiculously bad a misplacing and forgetting things. I just don't need that garbage from him. I already feel bad enough and he wasn't helping. I'm still pretty livid!
I fell once, at least ten years ago, while helping my dog down her ramp. I was at the last foot or two of the ramp, when I fell and broke a bone in my pinky finger (my dog made it down safely thank goodness).

My girlfriend had told me that it was an 'emotional accident'. That my mind was on too many other things. At the time, I was going through a divorce and getting ready to close my business because of it. Way too much to think about because they were both life-altering.

You will have a few major changes coming up for yourself. Take deep breathes, and remind yourself to focus on your tasks at hand.Take it one step at a time....

That sounds awful, Janet. But thank you for sharing your experience to comfort me. I appreciate your friendship :hug:

I know that my mind is constantly racing in excitement of what changes are coming... I know in time, things will get better. I have never lost so many personal items in my life. All this is just so frustrating. :X
I am so sorry Helen... I really hope someone locates it for you soon...:pray:
I've been lurking, but not saying much. So, I'll summarize! :biggrin2:

- Sucks about your camera and I hope you find it soon! :hug:
- Portobello is adorable. I hope he finds a forever home soon! :)
- Those pictures of Kirby and Toby together are adorable! :rofl:

I will have to watch this blog a little more closely. Before I knew it, I had a page and a half to catch up on! :embarrassed:

Go hug Kirby. That should make you feel a bit better. :)
kherrmann3 wrote:
- Sucks about your camera and I hope you find it soon! :hug:
- Portobello is adorable. I hope he finds a forever home soon! :)
- Those pictures of Kirby and Toby together are adorable! :rofl:

I will have to watch this blog a little more closely. Before I knew it, I had a page and a half to catch up on! :embarrassed:

Go hug Kirby. That should make you feel a bit better. :)

Aw, thanks Kelly. King Kirby does like when people read the blog, even if they don't reply :)

Hehe. I did hug Kirby yesterday... he's such a mighty king lately that he forgets his lowly servant is a needy, huggy gal. :shock::hug:
February 25, 2010 - Last day of work tomorrow

I know I made the right decision for myself... tomorrow is my last day of work. I finally quit. I am finally done with the place that's been my dream-job-turned-nightmare. Now that the day's finally here, I feel really weird about it. I'm walking away from a chapter of my life.

I started this job when I was still in school. I met my husband there. We dated while we finished school together and then entered the workforce there together. I grew up in this firm. I made a lot of lasting friendships at work. I got married and invited a signficant number of colleages (friends!) to our wedding. This place, the people in it, the work that came with it -- all became a part of my life. Shaped who I have grown up to be. Not all of it was pretty, and I'm not close to perfect, neither has my career. But I look back on it this evening and realize I will only remember the good. Very quickly in my mind, I am already forgetting all the horrible reasons that compelled me to leave. It's funny how the mind works to numb itself.

I think it is for the best. Here on out, I will spend time seeking out my true self as I have lost a lot of my own person in the last 1-2 years of absolute craziness. I will also spend a good amount of time doing work that will serve the rabbits in the shelter. I hope that life has good things in store for me. I am taking quite a blind leap of faith at the tender age of 26, ending my difficult yet hearty career at this big, big company.

Who knows what will happen next? :)
That really sucks about the camera. It's the bunnies' pics that are most important to me. My camera phone keeps getting overloaded b/c I don't have the heart to delete them even though they've been transferred to a file.

I think after a couple of days, you'll feel alot better waking up knowing you won't have the stress of going to that job you hated. And now you get to spend more time with Kirby and Toby. I'm so jealous.
March 2, 2010

I'm so tired. Quick update...

1. Camera still lost :(
2. Toby continues to be more and more well behaved daily
3. Kirby now noms kale. Toby still not touching it with a single bunny tongue lick.
4. Getting more involved with the bunny people is exhausting. Need to spend more time with my own buns
5. Portobello may get adopted soon. Someone was very interested in him today!
6. Kirby's bad litterbox habits mystery has been solved! Cleaning his box with both a bleach solution and vinegar seems to be to his majesty's liking
7. Husbun away on business for 2 weeks. No one to help me with stuff :(

Yeah, I really need to spend more time with the bunners. Shelter bun issues taking up a bunch of time the last couple of days.

Something sad happened. A bun named Colby was returned to us. The owner did it all sneaky-like too, so we are very sad. Colby is a gorgeous, well mannered dutch mix female. I kinda want to take her home. The GGMB syndrome is rearing its ugly head on me again. And her name matches the names of my boys. And Janet got me so in love with dutchies. It's like the perfect match. Ugh, I'm so hooked. This can't be good! Husbun's gonna come home to find that I've sublet his side of the bed to Colby...


kirbyultra wrote:
...Something sad happened. A bun named Colby was returned to us. The owner did it all sneaky-like too, so we are very sad. Colby is a gorgeous, well mannered dutch mix female. I kinda want to take her home. The GGMB syndrome is rearing its ugly head on me again. And her name matches the names of my boys. And Janet got me so in love with dutchies. It's like the perfect match. Ugh, I'm so hooked. This can't be good! Husbun's gonna come home to find that I've sublet his side of the bed to Colby...



:dunnoI only posted pics and antics of Andy Allen. I swear, that's all I did....


btw... Colby is a cute name. A pic would be nice to add to the 'awe-factor'. Sending nose-rubs to Colby for not having the perfect home yet.
myheart wrote:
:dunnoI only posted pics and antics of Andy Allen. I swear, that's all I did....


btw... Colby is a cute name. A pic would be nice to add to the 'awe-factor'. Sending nose-rubs to Colby for not having the perfect home yet.

Uh huh, that's all!

I tried to take a pic of Colby with my iphone but the lighting simply wasn't right in the Petco and it's official - my camera is lost. :grumpy:
kirbyultra wrote:
Husbun's gonna come home to find that I've sublet his side of the bed to Colby...



:roflmao:You have 2 weeks to come up with an explanation! Tell him you got lonely.

Dutches have great personality, just like my Baci.
hln917 wrote:
Tell him you got lonely.
:biggrin2:I'm planning on it!!

Yeah everyone has said that dutchies have the most amazingly personable behavior. After such royal masters like Kirby and Toby, while I love them to death, I'd like a bun who would love me back with mushiness. Sigh.

Sometimes I think that Toby will become a lover bun for me. He's improving at such a rate that I think in a few months he would be suuuuch a huggable bun. I do however think that on some level I'm delusional. :p
kirbyultra wrote:
Yeah everyone has said that dutchies have the most amazingly personable behavior. After such royal masters like Kirby and Toby, while I love them to death, I'd like a bun who would love me back with mushiness. Sigh.

Um most. I can't talk about the Dutch Mafia.

**Apple stop looking at me like that! I swear I didn't say anything.**

I have to go now umm Apple wants to have a chat.

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