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The Parade in the Sunday paper had an ad for a free prescription to Advair. I hope it helps you. Not familiar with Xyzal. I feel for you b/cthis year it's supposed to get worse.I just went to the Optomologist yesterday b/c my eyes have been bothering me. Turns out it's allergy so no eye makeup for another week.:tears2:

Did you come up with a new name yet?When it comes to choosing names, I just look at the bun and it comes to me.Everyone thought I was crazy with Sebastian and Baci's name in the beginning, now it's fitting. I hope they bond soon, in the meantime you get all the bunny kisses before you have to share with Kirby. How's Toby adjusting tohaving his own space? I love his little baby face, reminds me of Baci. So if you ever decided to give him up...........:shock:.just kidding!
hln917 wrote:
The Parade in the Sunday paper had an ad for a free prescription to Advair. I hope it helps you. Not familiar with Xyzal. I feel for you b/cthis year it's supposed to get worse.I just went to the Optomologist yesterday b/c my eyes have been bothering me. Turns out it's allergy so no eye makeup for another week.:tears2:
That's such a bummer about the allergies. My allergist said the mold spore numbers in the air are off the charts lately and it's bothering everyone. I don't think I've ever truly been bothered by seasonal allergies, or pollen. My mom and brother are pretty bothered by it every year but they take a Benadryl and sleep it off for a week or so when it's real bad. I guess I lucked out there. The last thing I need after bronchitis and a bad cold with rabbit allergies is seasonal allergies!

I did see a coupon for a free prescription for Advair on their website. You have to "register" for it otherwise if you don't register you just get $10 off. I imagine Advair is like a brand name which will cost me a very large amount of money since the firm's insurance plan got jacked up in November. :XI'll take every penny I can get.

hln917 wrote:
Did you come up with a new name yet?When it comes to choosing names, I just look at the bun and it comes to me.Everyone thought I was crazy with Sebastian and Baci's name in the beginning, now it's fitting. I hope they bond soon, in the meantime you get all the bunny kisses before you have to share with Kirby. How's Toby adjusting tohaving his own space? I love his little baby face, reminds me of Baci. So if you ever decided to give him up...........:shock:.just kidding!
That's the really odd part. She's not "calling out to me" the way Kirby and Toby did. With the boys, I was immediately obsessed. She is really lovely, and I like her a ton but it's just not the same feeling somehow. I'm not getting vibes from her yet (I am getting licks however :hearts:). My husband is suggesting Phoebe as a new name. I think she could be a Phoebe. Lisa Kudrow's made her mark on the name so I'm not really sure if my girl is a goofball yet. But there's potential :)
April 6, 2010 - Useless

I am utterly useless today. I woke up with a headache. The same headache I had yesterday the whole day. I took 6 or 7 Motrin tablets yesterday and it only somewhat took the edge off. I had no hope of overcoming it, but didn't expect to be battling it again today.

I can't seemformulate any intelligent thought. Every time I try to think or recall something, it's as if I have to mentally lift a boulder. It's just too much effort. I don't know if it's because I haven't had coffee in a few days and I'm going through withdrawal (which does happen to me) or if it's the new allergy meds/inhaler. Or the weather changes...

I mustered enough energy to fix myself something to eat, take good care of the buns, do my morning bonding session with Madonna and Kirby and 3 loads of laundry... I think I'm entitled to calling it a day now as I have the last load in the wash and the 2nd load in the dryer. I did all the laundry because I found out the other volunteers think that the bunny I handled yesterday to Petco was suspected of fur mites. I don't think I had enough interaction with her to get any on me but I did all the laundry for that reason. Another reason to stick by my rule: always change clothing after handling the shelter bunnies when arriving home. I was doing it more for Toby's sake and because of my allergies but now it's become a health concern.

More on Toby and other bunnies on this thread. I wrote it today after seeing Toby get spooked over Kirby's stealthy hippity hop in the living room.

I took a nap from 4pm to 7:30pm. I woke up feeling not a whole lot better either. I'm so woozy.... as if I were medicated... I don't know; perhaps it is the medication.

Toby has binked in a whole new way. He binkied into the air and landed in a flop. LMAO....... oh gosh, what a happy bun.

He is *so* happy in the living room!
Grumble! I had a post halfway written and I hit backspace and my browser went "Back" and I lost the whole post. Blargh. Boo!

Ok, starting over - We decided to name her Phoebe! Lisa Kudrow has forever tainted the name Phoebe, but I think my bunny can make it work ;)

Phoebe is the biggest eater I have ever met. I woke up yesterday and saw that she had eaten every last piece of hay in her litter box. ALL of it. Yikes! :shock::shock::shock:So I gave her a quick handful to tide her over until I could wash up and dive into my morning bun routine. I came back and saw that she finished the whole handful of hay. :shock:There's no stopping this girl!

She is a real drinker too. She slurps up a whole big bowl of water every day. When I am pouring pellets into her dish, she eats them in midair as they are falling. You'd think I never fed her! She is the first to finish her salad too. Usually within a couple of hours, the big plate of greens would be gone. She's not greedy about it, she just likes to eat. She poops big ones :biggrin2:

I rushed to Ikea to get her a hay rack like my two boys have. I attached it to the side of her litter box so she'd always have some excess hay to chew on. But er, she fails to understand that she should go IN the box to eat the hay in the rack. She stands on the side and eats from the rack outside of the litter box. And of course, then she poops where she stands... well, you get the idea. I took the rack away because of this... I might put it back one day when she is better litter trained. For nowI'm just going to give her tons of hay in the litter box instead.

I've been having trouble with her peeing everywhere. It was really frustrating me. She was peeing on the floor several times a day. It wouldn't be such a big deal but I have a layer of flooring over my hardwood floor and she likes to pee just over the edge of the flooring so it seeps underneath... and spreads! One small puddle of pee spread into about 4 sq feet of wetness under the flooring... and I had to clean it several times a day. I was getting pretty sick of it and there was no reason for it. I got her a big litter box and she was peeing most of the time in there. Some of the time she just decided to pee outside the box. :grumpy:

She might be marking the territory but she might also be doing this because of the sheer amount of space she has now. She had the whole rectangular shaped8 panel puppy pen to herself, more space than she's ever had before. She was thrilled. But I had to managethis situation... I shrunk the pen to 6 panels and made it more like a circular shape so she'd have more space. She seems no less happy about it and it's still more space than she had before she came home with me. And guess what? She stopped peeing all over the place. She went in the litter box all day today since 11:30am when I made the size change.:pinkbouce:

Edit to add: The feel of her fur is kind of rough. She has a patch of fur that is downright tough! I don't know what that is about, but overall her coat is kind of ehhh... I think with some time and good care her coat will improve. It was funny because I was petting her and then I looked over at Kirby. Kirby's coat is so shiny and beautiful. He is absolutely gorgeous (I can't help gushing over him, sorry!). Then I looked at Phoebe and her coat just looked kind of sad :(On top of that she is molting... or she was molting? She has a line where the old and new fur has divided on her body and it doesn't look like it's moved much. I haven't gotten to brushing her yet but we'll get there. She'll be beautiful-er one day!

kirbyultra wrote:
Toby has binked in a whole new way. He binkied into the air and landed in a flop. LMAO....... oh gosh, what a happy bun.

He is *so* happy in the living room!
He's a big boy now with his own room. Doesn't have to share anymore. Maybe Kirby snores at night!
The new medication related to my allergy management are making me feel awful. This is only the 2nd full day I'm on them and I feel absolutely like a trainwreck all over. I don't know if I am coming down with something or if it's really side effects making me feel like this. I ache all over. I am lethargic at all times. My throat is dry but somehow the post nasal drip is still relentless. I don't know how one part of my sinus can be so dry while another is so gross. The constant sleepiness and achiness is just awful. I can't seem to think or form whole sentences because I get so tired that my mind kind of trails off.

I am finding it hard to be a mod these last two days. I triple guess myself and try to reread my posts because I just know sometimes I am not making sense. All my thoughts are like mushy clouds in my head... I think I gotta call the doc tomorrow and tell her Xyzal is not working for me. I don't think it's the Advair doing it. The Advair is working ok. I'm going to stop taking the Xyzal tonight and see what happens tomorrow. It's beautiful weather (like a presummer springtime) and I am utterly wasting it being a bum at home.

Edit: indicates it's Xyzal. Yeah, this is EXACTLY how I feel, actually. Loss of strength, sleepiness and fatigue all the way around. Ugh. It's 1 lousy pill that lasts 24 hours. It's potent stuff... On Monday, I drove all over the 5 boroughs running errands and the very first errand I ran was going to the allergist's office. She gave me samples and I almost took 1 immediately after the appointment. THANK GOD I had the sense to question the medication because I know antihistimines have a really drowsy effect on me (Benadryl knocks me out like you wouldn't believe). Otherwise, who knows what could have happened with me drugged up behind the wheel!!!:tears2:

Warnings and Precautions
Activities Requiring Mental Alertness
In clinical trials the occurrence of somnolence, fatigue, and asthenia has been reported in some patients under therapy with Xyzal. Patients should be cautioned against engaging in hazardous occupations requiring complete mental alertness, and motor coordination such as operating machinery or driving a motor vehicle after ingestion of Xyzal. Concurrent use of Xyzal with alcohol or other central nervous system depressants should be avoided because additional reductions in alertness and additional impairment of central nervous system performance may occur.
April 7, 2010 - Kirby & Phoebe Bonding Session #6 & 7

This morning, session #6 was kind of tragic. I only put them together for 2 minutes usually or 3 minutes tops if it looks uneventful and no one is going to do much. At almost exactly the 2 minute mark, Phoebe stuck her lips on Kirby's cheek and it looked like she was either sniffing deeply in his fur or she was actually licking him. I'm not sure which! Kirby got too scared and he pounced on her head about 2 seconds later and he ran away. Poor girl sat there, sorta stunned but it didn't seem like she was angry or scared by it. I comforted her with kisses and petting. Then I went over to Mr. Hard to Please and calmed him down. Once he was consoled, I picked up Phoebe and placed her next to him at about a 45 degrees angle so that he could see her but they weren't touching so neither bun would freak out about it. I pet them about almost a minute. Kirby seemed pretty relaxed about being face to face with her, no touching. Phoebe got up and walked away so I ended it there.

I feel it was my fault for tyring to see it through and getting carried away with it at the 2 minute mark. I should have put my foot down and said that's it, they've had enough. Kirby just wasn't ready.

Session #7 went much better. I was expecting Kirby to be really upset because first of all, I put him into the hallway and when I went to get Phoebe she was peeing in the litter box. I didn't know, so I picked her up and she was all wet near the bum. I got her pee all over my left hand and on my shirt. I thought Kirby would be put off by it but it actually went ok. Kirby even groomed his face a little at first. Phoebe went up to him and she seemed a little more cautious this time. She only went up nose-to-nose with him, with about a hair's space between them andthey both held it there like statues for a few seconds. I didn't want Kirby to get too antsy so I started to pet them both. Kirby happened to be on the left so I was petting him with my pee tainted hand ;). They both really liked it and we stayed there for a minute. They put their heads down on the floor and they were really, really close to one another. It was so sweet. Phoebe got up first and hopped about a foot away. So I ended it there. Kirby didn't go into a grooming frenzy because of the pee either.

I'd say this session was much improved. Phoebe and I are getting along tremendously well. More because she is so easy to please and I have already been trained :pShe seems very forgiving and Kirby is not entirely rigid. He is hard to convince, but unlike me who has to do nasty things to him like take him to the vet, groom his fur and cut his nails, Phoebe has never done him wrong. I can't see her doing anything to him that would upset him with reason. He will trust her one day. I am sure of it. And Phoebe (Madonna) was owner surrendered after TWO years. She didn't seem depressed when she was handed over to the shelter and she's always been a very happy-go-lucky bun as long as I've known her.

I was feeling a little sad this morning, kicking myself for being so naive after session 6, but I think one day I'll provethatmy gut feeling was right.
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
I think your bonding sessions are going really good. I think your more over reacting than the buns.
You're probably right. Although the pouncing was really frightening. I am sure it hurt her head. He's done that once to Toby and Toby was lucky I shielded the whole thing with my hand. And yeah, it hurt!
AM New York, the free local paper here, wrote a piece on how rabbits are becoming a popular pet to keep for city dwellers. They interviewed one of the HRS educators that I work with at the shelter and they also interviewed my rabbit savvy vet! They offered a lot of accurate info that hopefully entices people to consider adopting a bun from our shelter. I think it was a really great piece. We got some great big pictures ina 1 page spread. We even got 3 of our bunnies' pictures and descriptions printed!!! YAY!

I can't seem to find the article published on their website but they do PDF their paper. It's available here on page 19! The rest of the paper is really pretty trashy LOL It's a popular paper for commuters though, because it's free! I hope it gets enough eyeballs on it, since it's so far into the paper.
Are those medicines an inhaler or medication? I've heard that eating protein can help with tummy side affects. I know that my ADHD meds make me feel like vomiting when I take them on an empty stomach. I've found that eating something with protein or even just fat in it helps. (My "fat" food of the morning is milk with my medicine).

I should ask my boyfriend's mom what she does to settle her stomach. She has used lots of different inhalers for respiratory issues. Maybe she knows some tricks.

I hope that you adjust to it OK! Feel better! :hug:
kherrmann3 wrote:
Are those medicines an inhaler or medication? I've heard that eating protein can help with tummy side affects. I know that my ADHD meds make me feel like vomiting when I take them on an empty stomach. I've found that eating something with protein or even just fat in it helps. (My "fat" food of the morning is milk with my medicine).

I should ask my boyfriend's mom what she does to settle her stomach. She has used lots of different inhalers for respiratory issues. Maybe she knows some tricks.

I hope that you adjust to it OK! Feel better! :hug:

Thanks a bunch! Yeah I did think back on the first night I took the inhaler (Advair) and it was definitely what caused an upset in my tum. I didn't eat much fat I think, there wasn't anything to help settle my stomach.

I did bake a cheesecake earlier this week and now I have a really good excuse to eat it. :bunnydance:

The fatigue was definitely the allergy medication (Xysal). I called the doc this morning and the RN called me back. She's like, can you take it earlier so that the effects wear off overnight? I'm like thinking, lady, the drug effects last 22 hours. No matter how you slice it, I'm going to suffer! lol She's going to ask the doctor if I can be switched to Allegra. My gut feeling says Allegra ain't going to do much for me in terms of controlling post-nasal drip, but who knows. I've taken Allegra before and it was ok for seasonal allergies. I didn't have bunnies yet.

The irony in all this is that I feel like before I knew I was allergic to rabbits, my symptoms were never this bad. It was bad from time to time, maybe onceor twice a week it was noticeably difficult to breathe. But now the side effects of various meds are making everything so much more pronounced. I need to find a happy combination of medications I guess. The inhaler is otherwise working well. No more asthma attacks at night!
So, after a whole big Facebook messaging thing with Ali (JadeIcing) I am making the leap to get Toby a Leith condo. With his xpen he's pretty much taken over the living room and we don't have a place to eat anymore. I would have been ok with it but I think the chat with Ali helped me come to terms with limiting the square footage of Toby's abode. There is a balance that can be reached between a bunny's happiness and my own life. So...

I'm buying a double level condo and making it Toby's man cave :biggrin2:I'm going to get him one that is wider than Kirby's because he won't have a pen attached to it the way Kirby does. The width will give him some extra horizontal space to hop and lounge.

I think Toby may not like it initially because it is obviously "smaller". Technically speaking, his square footage is the same, it's just stacked vertically. I've always been told that horizontal space is more important than vertical space, but the truth is Toby's not one to be locked up. He's going to be bouncing around the living room most of the time anyway. But with his cage being a designated spot that is easy to manage, easy to clean and easy to move around since the condo has wheels, I think this might work really well. We might have to position the dining table differently or maybe even toss it and buy a smaller one that fits 2 people. But at least we'll have a place to actually EAT! I have been squatting on the floor, eating *very* carefully because I know my husbun would have a fit if I ruined the carpet lol But if a bun ruined the carpet, all is forgiven. Who is the one with the double standard now??

Guess what Toby did when I shared my plans with him? He sniffed me, then licked me, and then nipped me. As far as communication goes, I think he's the master of mixed messages....

So glad I helped. Now you gave me another topic....

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