Kazumi, Sebastian and Bonnie Blog

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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2009
Reaction score
, Arizona, USA
So mommy decided after lurking through the forum to make a blog like everyone elses! She promises to fill this blog with tons of pictures and new adventures we have at our new home!:anotherbun

So This blog is about Sebastian:


Breed: Holland Lop

Age: 9wks

Birthday: Either late December or early January :)

Sex: Male


I got Sebastian from my mother-in-law when we went to Pratts Feed. We were really just looking for a bird cage for a cockatiel we found and well my mother-in-law saw these cute little baby rabbits being placed in a big horse feeder tin with othe rabbits and she picked Sebastian up. Instantly we fell in love with the sweet little boy and we decided to rescue him(rescue because most rabbits from Pratts end up as feeders). So far Sebastian has been the real mellow boy who loves getting his nose rubbed and loves giving kisses! He is absolutely beautiful and his mommy loves him very much! Sebastian is now trying to get used to the other critters mommy has which would be a sheltie and her cat(but the kitty is afraid of us hehe).

And the Blog is also about Kazumi(KA-ZOO-MI):


Breed: Unkown

Age: 5wks.

Birthday:January 20(mommy will double check her birth certificate she got from the breeder when she gets home to make sure thats right)

Sex: Female

Name Translation: Harmony, beauty or Beautiful Harmony

I got Kazumi from a breeder after two days of having Sebastian. My husband and I wanted to have a friend for Sebastian to rump around and play with so I looked around and thats when I found Kazumi's litter. I picked Kazumi because she was the smallest one and had a very sweet personality. She loves being held on her back and loves having her ears scratched. So far Kazumi seems to be the little wild one who has these sudden bursts of engergy and leaps in the air and runs around quickly up to you and demands pets :) Sebastian loves her company and they snuggle together at night and clean eachothers ears <3

The Blog:

So today mommy and daddy went out today to several book stores and mommy picked up four books on how to care for rabbits:

Titles of the Books are:

Lop Rabbits As Pets by Sandy Crook

Rabbits the key to understanding your rabbits By: Virginia Parker Guidry

Rabbit Handbook By David Taylor


Rabbits for Dummies

Our mommy is trying very hard to make sure we are happy :) She has been reading non-stop on the forum here and has been learn a lot! Our mommy says she is still looking to find a place to get us fixed (whatever that means) and she spoils us big time when she baought us alot of hay to chew on oh and some fresh pet grass! We slowly have been being introduced to the other animals mommy has like Diego(the kitty) who seems to be afriad of us when we get near him he runs away in fear. Its kinda fun to chase him :) We dont seem to like mommy's puppy Coco but mommy says thats okay cause she does get really hyper and all she wants to do is play but doesnt understand that we are still pretty small right now. Otherwise our mommy has been thinking about entering the March contest here and posted the picture of sabastian(above) thinking she might enter him in. But daddy says we can try to get us both in the picture! We love our new home and we love our new mommy and daddy and cant wait to share more experiances with you :)

As promised new pictures :) Hope you all enjoy them!

Awe Noses


Coming or Going?








Mommy Trying to get contest Ideas :)


Awe Kisses


Kitty Protector ^_^


Mmmm...Kitty Tail


Cleaning :)


Kazumi and Diego :)




Sebastian and Deigo :)

Thanks for the compliments guys ^___^

Okay so I wish I could edit the main post as I just double checked Kazumi's birth certificate and she was born on Jan 29th 2009 but it wont let me >.> oh well.

So today we let out Kazumi and Sebastian to play around the house they had fun chasing eachother around and getting into lots of things :)

So I have been reading alot of things about rabbits and I am beging to do some research already to find out where is the best place I could get Sebastian and Kazumi spayed or neutured. I about fell out of my chair after a couple of places told me their prices but I have also found out a couple of places that will do it for reasonable prices. Although I was kinda blown back today when one vet told me it was going to be around $310.00 just to get my male neutured and then it would be another $50.00 for a pre-surgery evaluation. O____O seriously? It was more there to get my rabbits fixed than it was to get my cat and my dog fixed o_O and that was just for one bunny!! So I kindly just told them no thank you and called other places. I think I'm going to go with Petsmarts Bannerfield since its only 160.00 to get my male fixed and to get my female done would be around 200.00 so the receptionist said. So for the price of one that last vet asked I can get both my buns done :) But if you live in the Valley and know of any other vets that can do it for cheaper I'd greatly appriciate it if you refer me to them :)

Also today I decided to start my own bunny garden ^_^ I got some pots and some seeds and decided to plant some yummy snacks for my two little buns :) I planted some pet grass for them and some speariment, I also picked up some Daisies but I wasnt sure if rabbits could eat them or not. So I'm keeping them seperate if they can eat them cool if not I will just keep it out of bunny reach :) I'm also looking for other types of flowers can rabbits eat? Any other herbs would be good to know since I kinda want to make a garden that is both lovely and can benifit my rabbits :)

As in other news the breeder that I got Kazumi from still has Kazumi's sister and I have been keeping contact with Kazumi's breeder sending her updates and hearing that she still has Kazumi's sister makes me sad and gives me a little "want" to get her sister and bring her home to re-unite them together. But on the other hand the reason I did not choose Kazumi's sister to begin with was because of her eye. I was told when looking for another rabbit I should look for clear eyes alertness and no wet tail stains ect...So when I looked at Kazumi's Sister I noticed her left eye was smaller than her right and it was due to a flap of skin that is partially covering it like her eye hasnt fully opened yet so I went with my gut and picked took Kazumi home. However when I spoke to the breeder today she mensioned that Kazumi's sister's eye is now fine and that it looks normal. I just feel uneasy about it. I'm afraid that she might of forced the babies eye open or she is stretching the truth a tad bit to get rid of the small kit. I dont know I talked to my husband and he says I should sleep on it and if she is still there then possibly go over and check on the baby if the little girl still seems "weird" then I should probably stear clear. Besides I wasnt looking for another rabbit I am happy with two at the same time I liked both of the girls and it was a hard decision to pick between them. I dont know we will see.

Otherwise more pictures will come soon :)
So Mommy figured out what Binkies were that everyone was talking about. She thought whatever Kazumi was doing was her beeing a tad bit special but it just so happens that she's just being normal and loving life. So she took a couple video's of us playing around and doing some Binkies :) So enjoy!

So mommy has been a little bit down today. We assume its because her job interview didnt go so well. Oh well better luck next time. She has been giving us a lot of extra attention because of it which we dont mind.

Mommy is also trying to upload another video of us binking on her bed :) But YouTube seems to be taking forever. But! There is hope! Mommy figured out how to broadcast us on the web so people and other buns can watch us while we are in our cage :) So while you wait on the next video you can always watch us LIVE!

eeeek they are sooo cute! omg I can't get over how cute they are! :inlove:

OMG cute cute cute!!!!


A note from teh bunny napper known as MyLOVEABLES!!:

If you received this message your bunny have been napped..


Even though you see your bunny it is not YOURS... it is a look alike of your bunners..

so g'luck finding your real bunny

Love The bunny napper.

Kazumi wrote:
So Mommy figured out what Binkies were that everyone was talking about. She thought whatever Kazumi was doing was her beeing a tad bit special but it just so happens that she's just being normal and loving life.
LOL! I love how that is the first thing that people think! My rabbit just twitched?! Oh no! lol It's so cute! Your babies are adorable! It's not fair and probably against the "law". Too much cuteness in one household! :p
So the way I have found this forum was through Craigslist asking for rabbit advice. Like once stated I only have had a rabbit once in my life and I was really young. So I figured best to ask other people that own rabbits about them and what I can do to make their life benifical :) Thats when I was refered to this site *Yay*

Unfortunetly I got this conversation that has been going back and forth and has really gotten me a little bit angry about this person. Its best to start at the bottom of the conversation and then read up. My question is should I even bother continuing to listen to this person? Should I of listen to any of her advice? And am I truely that niave towards rabbtis?

Okay here,

Perhaps you misunderstood. .

I'm not ignorant and for you to assume such is kinda rude. Who is not to say I dont care for my pets! I PLAN ON GETTING THEM FIXED! My rabbits are only 5wks and 10wks old not even close enough to get them fixed at this time! The second cage just so you know is for when they go through their puberty stage (which if you read your books, or listen to other rabbit owners it happens )and possibly become territorial and will need to seperate them!

Just so you know something else. My mother in law runs a cat rescue, I attended vet-tech school(for a small amount of time before I could no longer due to personal reasons I do not need to explain to you), and my family has always been animal lovers and has also taken great care of their pets(giving them perminate loving homes and all). Perhaps you need to read what people say. I'm not going to breed my rabbits I am going to get them fixed! I was researching ahead of time to find vets who dont charge outragious prices to do so.

Also "see how many of your soon-to-be baby bunnies need homes." I wont need to be seeing as I am getting my animals FIXED! If you just simply read what I wrote to you, you'd realize I intend to do so! WHY ELSE WOULD I BE ASKING FOR HELP TO FIND A MORE AFFORDABLE VET WHO DOES SPAY/NEUTER ON RABBITS! If you do help out at the shelters I would hope that your people skills to help find adoptable homes for animals are better in person than on the net because you clearly do not listen when people are trying to do what is best for the animal.

On this note let me aware you: Do Not bother replying any longer as it seems you clearly do not read completely and make horrible assumptions and are very rude. Any further emails I recieve from you will be instantly deleted.

--- On Fri, 3/6/09, Her

"If Needed" is the key word.

I volunteer at the Humane Society on weekends and bring these adult (used to be CUTE, baby bunnies) to Pet Smart at Metro Center to hopefully be adopted.

Unfortunately, these are adult bunnies that are no longer "CUTE" and are ultimately destroyed.

Until you understand the "If Needed" concept, you need to visit the Humane Society at 9226 N. 13th Ave (13th Ave/Hatcher - Phoenix) - and see if the "If Needed Concept" works for these poor, not-so-cute adult rabbits, which are ultimately euthanized.

You seemed to care, and now I know, your're just ignorant to the facts.

Hopefully, you are now, somewhat, educated.

P.S. go onto Craigslist and see how many of your soon-to-be baby bunnies need homes.

It's sad....


To Requote what I said

"I plan on getting both fixed and I am getting another rabbit cage this weekend to sperate them if needed"

I planed on doing the responsible thing when I told you my first reply.. Please understand that I may be new to rabbits but that doesnt make me a complete irresponsible pet owner.


PLEASE, PLEASE get them spaid and neutered ASAP! All you need to do is go to the Humane Society or the Dog Pound on Thomas Road and see how many unwanted (and eventually euphemized) bunnies they have....it's truly sad. They're cute when they are young, but they grow up and end up in these places.

Please don't breed them and be a part of this tragedy.

Please be responsible in seeing your female does not get pregnant. It breaks my heart to hear that you have a male and female...too bad. Not sure who told you they need a buddy? That's hogwash!


Thank You so Much for the Reply!

Your was actually one of the more helpful ones I have recieved. I was looking to vet to vet to find the more "inexpensive" one to get my rabbit nutered and the most expensive was 320.00!! and the Less expensive was through PetsMarts vet which was going to charge me around $170.00 so if you could image me hearing only 30.00 for getting a rabbit fixed is a big difference and a big reliefe :)

I also had joined a rabbit forum called www.rabbitsonline.net which seems to be very helpful and not to mension fun since there are other "rabbit slaves" there to converse with :) Were did you get your rabbit if you dont mind me asking? I also picked up some various books and spoke to a couple local breeders and was suggested to get Sebastian a friend which I did to keep him company. I got her from a breeder and she is a couple weeks younger than he is and he really loves her company. I plan on getting both fixed and I am getting another rabbit cage this weekend to sperate them if needed. If you want you can see the video I took of them :) [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxFMsWlmjZA[/ame]

I also learned alot of what to feed my rabbits and have decided to grow some of my own rabbit greens :) Since its cheaper and more logical to do. I also bought some pet grass at petco which they seem to love along with some Timothy Hay.

Thank you so much again for the advice :)


Hi, I have a wonderful bunny I purchased in September. Since he's male, it's HIGHLY recommended that he be neutered at about 6 months. I took mine to the Spay and Neuter Clinic on 7th St/Bell (or there's one on Cactus/28th Drive) - only $30. My vet was charging me $200!!!. They did a great job and bunny is wonderful.

Make SURE you let him get plenty of exercise!! (possibly a large playpen) and handle him DAILY!

Bunnies can die in heat over 85 degrees, so never leave him in the outdoors over 80 degrees.

Also, VERY IMPORTANT that they eat Timothy Hay (can purchase at PetSmart) for their digestion....this is a MUST as they have a very unique digestive system. Many bunnies cannot digest their food properly without hay, and because bunny owners aren't aware of this, unknowingly kill the bunny due to lack of hay in the diet.

Also, I don't care what you hear, they NEED greens, (kale, spinach, lettuce, parsley, carrots, etc) in their diet at well.

Good luck and I hope you enjoy your little guy as much as I have enjoyed mine. Remember, a caged bunny eventually becomes a sad, bored, lonely little guy, so make sure and love him....DAILY.
Yes she does! She's the ignorant one!

But she may not realise how she sounds and, having not read your messages well, sincerely worried and upset that so many buns have no homes.

She's probably just trying to help (of course having a go at someone who is a completely responsible owner is not very helpful).

If I were you, if she sends another message, I would probably read it once I'd gotten over my anger but that's just me, I like to know everything :p
It sounds like her heart is in the right place, but she doesn't know how to read. :p Some people are just like that. They only see what they want to see. You being a new bunny mom (cue dramatic music) automatically tips off certain people to think that you're going to breed them, get bored in a few months, etc. because of the stupid people out there who have done that. It's sad, really. We all know that you are going to be an excellent bunny parent, though!

P.S.: No "good" bunny parent's blog should be without new pictures for this long! ;) j/k!
Wow she seems quite rude.
I would not listen to her.
You are not going to breed them and obviously she is just not reading in between the lines to pick that up.

Some of her advice is quite sketchy. Rabbits can too live in comfortably in 80 degree+ weather given the right care. ;) Ie. frozen bottles, fans, water on the ears every couple hours, etc.

What I also find rude of her, was too call you the ignorant one, when she wasn't reading properly in the first place and you clearly stated several times you are getting your bunners fixed.

Has she e-mailed you back yet?

I have to go finish getting ready for a rabbit show, but I will check up later! :)


"It breaks my heart to hear that you have a male and female...too bad. Not sure who told you they need a buddy? That's hogwash!"
I want to thank you all for being supportive. I thought I was possibly being the "rude" and niave one so its good its not only me who got a little bit taken by this womans comment.

So far I have not heard anything from her, I plan on going on craigslist today and seeing if she is bashing me there(most people who get angry with another individual from an add on craigslist try to do this and make themselves look better and make the other person look like poo) If she is I'll keep you all updated. I will also plan to report her to CL, that is if she is doing it.

I spoke to my husband about the situation and let him read my emails back and forth to her and he was kinda taken back by the situation. He said I told her more than multiple times and that he couldnt understand how I took it out of context and how she could of missed my intension to fix my rabbits and my no want to have any babies runing around(besides kazumi and sebastian).

Although my husband did bring up a good point. If this woman rescues rabbits why would she purchase a rabbit. She could of simply adopted one of the rabbits from the humane shelter she works for, who would of saved her the cost of getting her rabbit fixed.

Oh well is all I have to say I'm just going to put it behinde me. I will stick to my books and what I read that sounds logical to me. I am new mom after all and I can make mistakes but it will help me learn in the end. Besides Sebastian and Kazumi have been showing me plenty of love and thats all I need to know that I am doing a good job for them :)

P.S. Pictures will come soon ^_^

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