I had to decide: Operation VS waiting...

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nermal, my 'honey' has not been so sweet of late lol, I doubt he'd be up for that! He's realyl stressed and fed up of having to do everything round the house I think, he's been super grumpy with me recently and moaning at me all the time :(I feel so bad!

**** Ms Binky, and other people who are squeamish may not want to read this bit too carefully, sorry!*******

I had the worst day EVER today....:tears2:

I went to have my stitches out at the hospital. The consultant looked at it and thought it looked ok, and would heal up fine once they were out, he said he couldn't see that it was infected like it was at the weekend. Anyway, the nurse came to take them out, there was 36/7 of them in total, and most of them had become embedded in my skin due to them being in so long... AGONY. Some of them weren't too bad, most of them were excrutiating, and some of them had me screaming in pain. My mum had to hold me down for most of it. She said that there were tiny abscesses all along where each stitch was, and that the knots for the stitches had become buried under my skin, so the nurse had to pull them out with the tweezers... :XTHEN, she sprayed the whole thing with antiseptic spray, to help it heal, and it felt as if she had just set if on fire!


Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, we stopped off at my doctor's surgery on the way home to pick up more painkillers and my certificate for my absence from work. The sick note hadn't been written, so my doctor came out and called me into his office. As we got in there, I noticed that my legs felt a bit damp at the back. I put my hands there, and they came back covered with blood :?I'd somehow bled through the dressing, through my pants, through my trousers and down my legs (we later found out it was all over the car seat too)... so the doctor showed us into the nurse's room, and she had a look, but couldn't see where it was coming from and didn't want to interfere with it too much. We went home andI changed, and called the hospital who wanted me to go back up there! We went all the way across town back up there again, and they redressed it. They said that it should be ok now, but to keep an eye on it.

God, what a day! I'm knackered now, and it's really hurting still, although I haven't got the pulling from the stitches now luckily. It bled from one of the tiny abscesses that the stitches had made, although there was a LOT of blood...... :?

I just don't understand why these things always have to happen to me?!! Lol.... Oh, and I'mso shattered because once again I couldn't get to sleep until gone 4am.... :(

Sorry if that was too graphic for anyone by the way! :hug:
What an awful day! :( That sounds soooo painful. Are they sure you don't have an infection? I hope they're right! An infection would make things so much worse. I'm kinda glad you didn't know how painful the recovery from the surgery would be ahead of time because you would have been dreading it even more and maybe wouldn't have gone for it... hopefully this surgery will fix everything! And poo poo on Steve for not being so nice. Yeah, he has to wash more dishes and care for the buns, but I'm sure you'd rather be doing all that stuff than being in pain all the time! I can imagine taking care of the house and a sick girlfriend is stressful, but it's not your fault and how he's behaving is making you feel worse.
SnowyShiloh wrote:
What an awful day! :( That sounds soooo painful. Are they sure you don't have an infection? I hope they're right! An infection would make things so much worse. I'm kinda glad you didn't know how painful the recovery from the surgery would be ahead of time because you would have been dreading it even more and maybe wouldn't have gone for it... hopefully this surgery will fix everything! And poo poo on Steve for not being so nice. Yeah, he has to wash more dishes and care for the buns, but I'm sure you'd rather be doing all that stuff than being in pain all the time! I can imagine taking care of the house and a sick girlfriend is stressful, but it's not your fault and how he's behaving is making you feel worse.

Poo poo on Steve indeed! I feel so bad though, cos I know he's got so much work to do, and he's got deadlines to meet, but he's just so grumpy though! It's his birthday on Friday, and I want to make him a cake, even though I'm not up to it really. I needed a cake tin, so I needed a lift to a kitchen equipment shop, and obviously I'm not really able to travel at the moment, in fact the only way I can is to lie arcoss the back seat of a car. My mum was busy, so I asked Steve for a lift, and the response I got? 'I don't know why you're bothering with all this, I neither want nor need a birthday cake so what's the point of even going there?' :(I felt so sad, especially cos the whole reason is that I wanted to get a special tin so I can make a cake shaped like a rabbit! :(I do talk to him about it, and I get an apology, but then the next day it always goes on the same.... And yes, I'd much much rather be able to keep the houseclean and take care of the bunnies, but Ican't and it sucks! We haveestate agents coming round om Friday and our house is a mess, and they're coming to valuate our housefor the landlord (including our own letting agency) so it needs to be tidy. Steve refusesto do any cleaning, saying that it's not important enough, so Idid loads yesterday and I've got loads to do tomorrow...Couldn't do any today cos of all the goings on! I guess that's a whole other topic though! :?

Yeah, they're sure I don't have an infection... I think! :shock:I'm soo glad I didn't know what it would be like either, cos I would have had a hard time deciding lol! My mum kept telling me that having the stitches out would be fine, and I'm glad she did, because had I known the pain, I would have refused and just left them in!!!:p

Well, maybe Steve will understand more now that you have had the stitches out and how they were.... and all that.

If he has any doubt - you tell him I'll tell him how it was for my niece! :X

I'm glad the stitches are out - still, the pain isn't going to go away very quickly.

They worked on the end of your spine - your spine has all of your nerves in it. So, common sense would tell you that nerves aren't going to be real happy with what was going on and will be super sensitive to most everything!

I do hope you feel better soon! :hug:
Oh gosh...i'm sorry for what your going through....just reading that made me go ohhhh ahhhhh....you poor thing.

I just read through this thread. My older brother had trouble with those things all of his life. You were really wise to have it taken care of, but I'm so sorry that you're going through all of this agony. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. {{{BIG, GENTLE HUGS}}}}}
Jen, I am so sorry that things are so bad. I think I would've fainted if I'd seen all the blood!

Could any of your friends help with the housework? It may give you and Steve a break.

Sending (long distance) hugs and good vibes!

Jan, thank you! I would ask my friends and I'm sure my best friend would come round and help, but silly me, I don't want to bother her by asking... lol! Silly me...

Steve's been a LOT better today... we talked last night, and I told him that his behaviour recently had reminded me of how he was right before we broke up last time... At first he was horrible again but about an hour or so later he'd obviously had time to think about it all, and apologised for being so horrible, and promised he'd try and be nicer. And he has today! He's not been grumpy once, which sounds silly seeing that it's only been one say, but its a lot for him! Usually I've been shouted at least once or more by now....It's not so much that I want him to do more round the house, more that I want him to acknowledge that things need doing rather than just simpy saying that it's not important, and to be nicer to me...

Anyway, the pain has been a bit less today, which is good, I'm still not able to sit at all, but at least I can move a bit and lie down without being in pain! I also got sleep last night as well, woo! I've done loads of cleaning and chores today though, and now I feel sooooo sleepy, I can barely walk around and can barely keep my eyes open! It has been bleeding quite a bit still though... I've had to change the dressing twice today so far... In fact, I wonder if the recent infection and loss of blood isn't what's making me feel so tired? I'm normally dragging my heels to go to bed at midnight, still wide awake, while tonight, Steve's pulling an all-nighter to meet a deadline, whilst I'm tucked up in bed already, just replying to my messages! :?

I'm soooo sorry for anyone that I've grossed out with all these recent posts lol! :p

Jen xx
I'm sorry you are still having such a hard time and are hurting - it's been a long road for you. The thing with men is sometimes they can be terribly unsensitive and not really realize it. I'm getting ready to have a surgery done, and sometimes when I say I am hurting it seems like Kevin is mad at me, which makes me upset. He finally explained that he's upset I am hurting, etc. etc. (oh and can't fix it, that's a big thing with them :p) but they just don't express themselves well - at least most of them don't! It comes across totally wrong and very often mean. I'm glad Steve has been better.

I sure hope things continue to improve pain wise and you start healing more. Get some rest, it's good for you! If you can get it :)Hugs!
Soooo.... anybody wanna guess where I ended up yesterday morning?

Yes, that's right... back at the hospital again!

There's a section on the side from where they took the stitches out, the bit where they originally took the flap of skin from has opened up, like we feared it would. I'd been feeling absolutely awful- constantly nauseous, and a really bad temperature since Thursday night. My mum was scared to leave me after she was here Friday morning cos she was certain I would collapse! Luckily I didn't... I did feel terrible though, I wasn't in the same kind of pain that I had been in before the stitches came out but I was still really uncomfortable, and the kind of ill where you can't even go to bed, you just don't know what to do with yourself?

Anyway, my mum looked at it yesterday, and wasn't happy. She's been a nurse for about 30 years, but she's never seen one of these operations before, and was really concerned. She was worried it would all turn out to be nothing, but the hospital thought much the same! The on-call doctor looked at it and thinks that it will probably open up further, but there's nothing much that can be done to it. He said that it could either be re-sutured, or opened up further, debrided and left to heal on it's own..... *sigh*.... He spoke to my consultant, and he said to call his secretary asap tomorrow morning and she'll set up an appointment for me to see him early this week as soon as possible... My follow up wasn't meant to be for 3/4 weeks yet, and now it's a couple of days! The pain has got worse since then as well... I was back on the strong painkillers last night....:(

I dunno... this thread should have died long ago.... (I'm sorry!) I just get the feeling that I'll be at 8 operations before long! :(

P.S On the good side, at least I'm feeling better in myself- the sickness is still there, and I only got 3 hours sleep last night, but at least I can lie down without feeling restless and don't feel like I'm going to collapse all the time. And I've not been able to do a thing all weekend, so I've just been camped out on RO the whole time!
In the long run, I think it's probably the best thing - it's just a long and sometimes complicated procedure to heal.

Don't apologize for this thread not dying. We want to know how you are doing and what's going on.

I sure hope things get better. :hug:
:hug:Thanks you guys... I'm just paranoid, I don't wanna be boring you all with it! Or freaking you out with the gory details lol....

I've got an appointment to see my surgeon again on Wednesday at 3pm....

Until then, lots of this:





mezeta wrote:
P.S we need some piccies on Jens wonderful world of wabbits :biggrin2:...

But only if you feel up to it!!!! xxxxx

Lol Amy! Ok, well they're up now! :D

I'm feeling pretty rubbish today- it's getting more painful in that area actually, which isn't good!:( And I really should be starting the packing now... I just can't bring myself to do it...:?
I love the pics!

Oh dear I wish there was something I could say or do to make you feel better, I googled to try and find some funny jokes, they are really bad I can't find any good ones but here they are anyways


After a fulfilling life with the now dead prince, she sits upon her rocking chair, watching the world go by from her front porch, with a cat named Bob for companionship. One afternoon out of nowhere, appeared the fairy godmother.
Cinderella said, "Fairy Godmother, what are you doing here after all these years"?
The fairy godmother replied, "Cinderella, you have lived an exemplary life sinceI last saw you. I'm prepared to grant you three wishes."
Cinderella was taken back, overjoyed, and after some thoughtful consideration, she uttered her first wish:
"The prince was wonderful, but not much of an investor. I'm living hand to mouthon my disability checks, and I wish I were wealthy beyond comprehension."
Instantly her rocking chair turned into solid gold. Cinderella said, "Ooh, thank you, Fairy Godmother"
The fairy godmother replied "it is the least that I can do.What do you want for your second wish?"
Cinderella looked down at her frail body, and said, "I wish I were young and full of the beauty and youth I once had."
At once, her wish became reality, and her beautiful young visage returned.Cinderella felt stirrings inside of her that had been dormant for years.
And then the fairy godmother spoke once more:"You have one more wish; what shall it be?"
Cinderella looks over to the frightened cat in the corner and says, "I wish for you to transform Bob, my old cat, into a kind and handsome young man."
Magically, Bob suddenly underwent so fundamental a change in his biological make-up that, when he stood before her, he was a man so beautiful the likes of him neither she nor the world had ever seen.
The fairy godmother said, "Congratulations, Cinderella, enjoy your new life."With a blazing shock of bright blue electricity, the fairy godmother was gone as suddenly as she appeared.
For a few eerie moments, Bob and Cinderella looked into each other's eyes. Cinderella sat, breathless, gazing at the most beautiful, stunningly perfect man she had ever seen.
Then Bob walked over to Cinderella, who sat transfixed in her rocking chair, & held her close in his young muscular arms. He leaned in close, blowing her golden hair with his warm breath as he whispered....."Bet you're sorry you neutered me."

Erm the others are even worse, I will prob end up making you feel worse than you did.

Ohh I have another idea (I'm sorry I'm usesless I don't know how to post the link) but if you go onto google and type you tube interesting rabbit momo it will come up with it, theres a few video's on there called interesting rabbit 1 2 3 etc and some are quite good because she has put some music in the background and the rabbit is soo cute.

Oh dear I'm not really all that good at cheering people up, hope you start to feel better soon, If I lived nearer I would be coming around to give you a hand with your packing :)xx

I know this thread is a bit old, but I'd forgotten about it somewhat until Shiloh asked in my blog how my back was doing, and then I thought I'd dig it up and update it. This is copied and pasted from my blog, but here's the update:


I went to see my consultant/surgeon a few weeks ago and basically he said that it all seems to have healed really well and is all ok... and he thinks that I *hopefully* SHOULDN'T NEED ANY MORE SURGERY!!!

After nearly 7 long years of operations and infections always hiding round the corner I am sorted.... I still have a few aches and pains there but he thinks that's normal and may take some time to go completely, given how much muscle etc they moved during the op :shock: Also, basically the op moved a chunk of skin/flesh etc from the side of.... erm, my 'back' (low down lol) to the middle, to cover up the existing hole and make it shallower, to prevent any other infections starting. Well basically, if you touch the middle bit, it feels as if you are touching the side. A while ago I had this itch that I thought was on the side, but couldn't find it anywhere, but it was in the middle!! :shock: That's pretty freaky. I mentioned it to my consultant, and he said 'hmmm, yeah... sorry about that!' Lol! He said it might always be that way, and apologised, but it was because they had to move the nerves along with the skin and stuff. It doesn't bother me too much, it's just a bit strange lol! Either way, I pretty much love this guy for finally fixing me up... He also looks JUST like David Gilmour, the singer/guitarist of Pink Floyd? That makes him even better in my books lol! :p

Anyway, rambling now... I just forget about it until some one asks, and then I realise how happy I am about it! :biggrin2:

So... yeah.... healed! :biggrin2: I still have my balance disorder to work through, but this had been bothering me for nearly 7 years now, and I was always worried on some level that it could crop up at any time. It will always be in the back of my mind, but for now I can go about my life without worrying have I done a dressing? Do I need to shower to clean it? Is it bleeding? etc etc which feels SO great! :D:D:D
That's great! I'm so glad that your back is better....it sounds like an awful ordeal to have had to go through, tho. Thank goodness you finally got relief. :highfive::hug1

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