I am such a sucker.

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Nothing yet! I am wondering if she is pregnantor not. She has to be....she was in with a tank full of males and RIGHTwhen I saw her in the tank I said, "I am taking that mouse, she ispregnant".

She still looks like she swallowed a marble. Maybe she is one of thosemoms who will wait it out? I put her in the dark closet in the spareroom, so it is extra quiet, warm, and dark.

By the way....her name is Marilyn:). All her babies (if there are any!) will be older actresses/actors, models, singers, ect.

Soooo.....start naming some babies:D. We might as well, as I am 90%sure she is having them....the only way to tell for sure would be to goto the vet for x-rays, but I can't afford that now since Ryan and Imust save to move out in a few months, and I don't want to break intothe "bunny emergency" money.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Oh wow! Talk about waiting game!:shock:I think it's been nine days since you've had her,right? Hopefully she has them soon.

Oooh pretty! Marilyn. I love it! :D Here are just a few that come tomind that I like.. Sinatra (I like that even for a first name. Soundsunique), Elvis,Presley, Lucille (Ball), Vivian (Vance)andJudy (Garland). I'll keep thinking though! :D
i have some names:

Audrey(hepburn) Sophia(lauren) Ramsey( i just like that name!!!) Grace ( kelly) Freddy(mercury) marlon( brando)

i'll try get some more!!

lurv anabell:mrsthumper:
Still no babies! I really do hope she has them soon.

Thanks for the names guys. I absolutely LOVE them:D.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
I haven't checked on her yet today. I have torun out, then I will check on her and come back with an update:D. Let'shome we have some babies!

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
No babies yet. I will have had her for threeweeks on April 20th. If there are no babies by then, then she won't behaving any. Beeeeh.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Lets hope she has some! What will you do if shedoesn't? Get her a friend? Does she look bigger than when you first gother? Mine when they had babies looked that big for the rest of theirlives so maybe she has already had the babies? Let's hope not!
I am not sure. We'll just have to wait and see,lol. If she doesn't have them by the 20th (that makes 3 weeks of herbeing in my home), then she won't be having any. My guess is that ifshe doesn't have any by this weekend, then there won't be any.


- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Oh man...I haven't checked this thread in abouta week. I thought surely there would be babies bynow! :shock:

Hopefully soon! :)

Special have-those-darn-babies hugs! :)

Rosie & the Herd :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
No babies:(. Now I am thinking she is just fat.She has one more week to tell me though, because that would make threeweeks of me having her.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
If she was pregnant and you've had her this long you should be able to feel babies by now..
When you feel her tummy do you feel any hardish area?
And when she is stretched out is the wideness still quite visible?

Something to keep in mind, if she isnt pregnant and isnt just fat (fat will feel squishy) she might be bloated from something.
I haven't touched her. She is too scared, shecame from a pet store who doesn't care for their pets. If I could touchher, I would be too afraid to poke around her belly area for babies forfear that I would hurt them.

She still does have that bowl-shape to her belly when she stretchesout. I do see nipples on her too, and I can't see them on my other twofemale mice. I am not sure if she is tricking me or not.

I am just going to wait it out and see if we get any babies.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Visible nipples are a good sign of pregnancy :)
I can *try* to take pictures either today ortomorrow, but they never come out clear. I don't know if you could tellin pictures anyway.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts

Picking her up once won't do any harm i'm sureand that way you can feel the babies moving on your hands if she ispregnant,it is so amazing to feel, and then you will knowmore sure either way.
She won't let me pick her up. She is tooskittish. I can't risk her jumping away from me, having babies in thehouse somewhere, or the cats getting her. I will just have to wait itout until next Friday.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
I am not trying to be mean by sayingthis (its going to seem mean) but the first rat , Mia, that Igot from the shelter was so fat that I thought that she was pregnant.
So I waited and waited and waited....turns out it was a tumor.
I hope that this is not the case with your mouse because wedid discuss the pain of rats and mice and I don't want you toexperience any more pain similar to what I have felt over lossing bothmia and Eva.

May there will be babies tomorrow. I hope...
I know what you mean, angieluv. Let's hope for some babies or just a really fat mouse.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts

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