How much did everyone here pay to spay/neuter their buns?

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Aug 15, 2005
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I would like to fix my rabbit. But the vets Ihave called either don't deal with rabbits or they want around $250 forthe procedure. And I have 2 bunnies!!!

I don't know if I'm missing something, if there's a place I don't knowabout, if this is the norm.I'm willing to drive the bun forsome distance. I'm in the Montreal, Canada area. Is anyone from aroundthere? Ontario?

Thank you!
You can try this site for vets- scroll down for the Canada listings.

I did a conversion and that's about $217 US dollars. It'sover the average for this board, but not unusual. When Icalled around my area, the cheapest I found was about $60. Itdidn't count the mandatory presurgery checkup and it was from a dog andcat vet who knew nothing about rabbits. My vet charges about$120 for a spay. I think neuters are a little cheaper becausethey are easier. My only male was neutered at the shelter, soI've never had that done.

definately look around. call as many places aspossible, and ask as many questions as you can think of. i'm inSouthern Ontario and that's probably too far.

$250 is not too bad. i have gotten quotes from $150 (Acton, Ontario) to $600 (High Park, Toronto)
Pretty sure that spaying Pipp was about $110 at the bunny savvy vet in Vancouver.

However, the not-so-bunny-savvy vet, who sexed Pipp and wanted toNEUTER herwas going to charge $250. :tantrum:

SAS:disgust:and PIPP :bunnybutt: (who was NOT impressed with either of them)

PS: CDN funds
I think we payed around $300(US) for Amber'sspay and about $200(US) for Devon's neuter. Those prices included theactual procedures as well as post-op antibiotics and pain killers.
My vet charges $120.00 for females and $90.00for if he hasn't seen the bunny before their is a $34.00extra fee for a checkup. I am from Ohio in the USA.
I paid $55 for check-up and if I had to pay forthe spaying it would have been $115 each but there are a lot of rabbitrescue groups that will pay for your animal to be fixed. Iused Elsa's Ark...
When we got Pepper done our vet charged 90 forneuter and 120 for spay. She was a very good rabbit savy vet ( had 10of her own)... too bad she left :'(
Where abouts in Montreal? I used to live there!

Hereis one I found:

Dr. Lupu
Dr. Beaulieu

Dr. Herbert
Hopital Veterinaire pour Oiseaux et Animaux Exotiques
(Bird and Exotic Animal Hospital)
6090 Sherbrooke street West
Montreal, Quebec H4A 1Y1
(514) 486-5258
Recommended by: Kathleen Logan
Comments: There are 3 vets, all speak english and french, all arefemale (not that it matters to me but it may to some). I have haddealings with all 3 but the last one only once. All seem good, veryfriendly. Dr. Lupu performed a tooth abcess removal for one of mybunnies and the follow-up care was very good. We had to go back severaltimes to check her progress and they didn't charge me much for allthose return visits. They are quite reasonable and very nice to dealwith. I especially appreciate their 2 receptionists Richard and Bonniewho are very knowledgeable about the animals and are very helpful overthe phone. The rest of their staff seem nice too.
Submitted: 11/00

I think that I payed over 200.00 for a neuter insouthwest Wi. however this includes a physical, bloodwork, and lasersurgery. I can't begin to say how well my males recovered with lasersurgery ..almost like no surgery at all. I always look for a vet whohas done multiple rabbits as I think that rabbit surgery requiresexperience and a true knowledge of rabbits particularly their reactionto anesthesia
Moxie's spay cost $220 Cdn (Hamilton, ON) plusabout $90 for meds incurred due to some post-op complications. Glad itonly has to be done once!
I live in Ottawa, and last spring I adopted arabbit from the Humane Society. I'm trying to remember how much it costme, as I asked to have her spayed at the same time...I believe it wasjust over $100. (probably around $125.00 or so). This was relativelycheap compared to taking her in to my vet's to be done. He charges aminimum $50.00 fee just to walk through his door...then anything afterthat is added on. It would probably cost me well over $200.00 to have arabbit spayed or neutered through my vet (who I have come to realizeisn't quite as rabbit-savvy as he claims).

I've been to the Carling Animal Hospital - one of the vets listed onthe link that Naturestee posted. From my one experience there with mycat (and from hearing of my brother's experiences with them, as helives nearby that clinic and frequents it for his cat), I would saythey are extremely good with animals - and they have a good reputationwith rabbits as well - but they are very pricey. I had to take my catthere last summer as an emergency...I came home from work and his facewas swollen so badly that he couldn't shut his mouth, and they were theonly clinic open that would accept him. After waiting for an incrediblelength of time they saw Fritz, and the vet was very good with him, buthe also suggested I have a plethora of bloodwork done on him, and allsorts of other exams. I had the feeling that Fritz had a majorinfection going on, and asked if they would recommend treating him witha broad spectrum antibiotic first to see if he would respond, and thevet reluctantly said yes...but kept on repeating that I should get thebloodwork and other exams done. However, when I saw the quote on thebloodwork alone, I just about dropped...the quote just for that wasover $600.00! I walked out of there almost 4 hours later with someantibiotics for Fritz, and he had been treated with a sub-cu injectionfor hydration. That, and the 5-minute exam, cost me almost $300.00. Andas it turned out, it was an infection after all...Fritz had been in afight with another cat and had a small nick in his face, which becameinfected.

hehe...none of which really has any bearing on your question...sorryabout that. ;) I think the info that jordiwes and naturestee gave isgreat. I hope you do manage to find a good vet in your area that willbe able to help you and isn't too pricey...:D Good luck in your search!
I had Sammy Spayed on Friday last the total costfor her was £52 which i thought was a very good price. Shewas kept in over night too was given pain medication. Ipicked Sammy up on the Saturday morning and she was very happy althoughcalm and spent the day relaxing on her fav rug in front of tele with us.
I live in southern illinois, a small town, andgot mine neutered at $150. i got a quote from another localvet for $96, and another one for $75 and i heard a friend of mine gothers neutered in southern georgia for $65. so it reallydepends. though a factor to consider, i do NOTthinkthe cost is the No. 1 factor in choosing a vet.


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