Hopping Through The Forest With Bunny Foo Foo

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I obviously haven't started cooking dinner yet! I was about to start then I saw Foo looking so starved for dinner, I went ahead and fed her. She was circling my feet climbing my legs trying to get to the salad. I put it down, she got 1 piece of red leaf then ran back to me. I was standing at the gate in the kitchen talking to my son and she was just staring at me.
My son started to cry so I picked him up and Foo followed me around the kitchen, leaving her salad alone to wilt. I was confused, so I went and sat next to her salad with my son, he pet her for the first time tonight! He was SO gentle. She put her head on my leg and I pet her for a few minutes. I offered her some parsley and cilantro, she wouldn't take it. So I started to worry. I put my son down and he ran off to get a toy he threw over the gate. I continued to love on Foo and then she put her head up so I stopped. I offered her some cilantro again and she took it.
I think she just wanted some love before her meal. Which is totally out of the norm for her, she usually never lets me pet her like that. She likes it for about 3 minutes then runs away. haha I put my son out of the kitchen and went back and she continued to follow me around, so I loved on her some more. Now, she is eating her salad after some love!
She is acting so strange right now! I don't know whats going on, I'm really thrown off by her new found lovey-ness.
I was inspired by Lisa to put pictures of my Christmas sweaters, from my husbands lovely grandmother. I love that lady, she is so nice. But why would I wear these sweaters, other than in Pittsburgh with her? lmao. I'm 23 not 83!


^This one is like...a train ran into a craft store and created this sweater. lol Plus, its two sizes to big.


^This one isn't that bad. I actually wore it the other night to the store. haha.

There is one more that I can't locate at the moment. It is like the one above with the polar bear, but it is green with a snowman on it. And more sequins. haha.
If I had to choose any of them, it would be the polar bear one, its not THAT bad. But I'm still not 83!
Hahahaha that's a whole lotta awesomeness right there :) the Xmas tree made with sequins and buttons and such....oh yeah....that would have been a hit at our neighborhood party!
lolol! Awh... I bet if you wore a really mismatched outfit and with some funky accessories, you could actually make the first sweater look modern.
You know, because people wear the wierdest things these days!
Michelle, you are so right! I could be fashion forward in my craft store nightmare sweater! :)

I have to share that at this moment im in the krispy kreme drive thru getting a dozen hot donuts. I may or may not have the krispy kreme app. :p
So before I go into a total doughnut coma, I will share that Foo is currently in my living room exploring! She is doing so well. She hasn't peed or pooped in here at all. She keeps running back into the kitchen but I don't know if its to poop or not. She hasn't marked anything yet. I think she likes the rug too. She's always on hardwoods, so maybe the rug is nice to be on for the extra traction.
Oh and I'm a terrible bunny mom! I was sitting in the floor with her, eating a doughnut. I held it out to her and was like "Foo, you want the doughnut?" I was totally kidding when I said it, but I wasn't fast enough for her. She took a bite of the freaking doughnut! I made a loud gasp and my husband had his mouth in a big O. I was in shock! Then she proceed to assault me over my doughnut! I can't believe she ate some of it! I was just kidding when I asked her! Whenever I ask her if she wants other things she just sniffs it and runs off. Not this time! I feel like I should give her some simethicone just in case it effects her tummy and I'm going to give her some extra hay and a salad in just a second. Silly rabbit, doughnuts are for humans!

Back to her in the living room. I think that when I get her spayed, after she is 100% with her litter box, I think I'm going to transition her to a full blown house rabbit. I've been looking around my house and most of it is bunny proof because its kid proof. I would just have to hide like 2 cords, which are laptop and one lamp. I introduced her to my son. He pet her on the back and then he was done. haha. He wanted down to get a toy he threw over the gate into the kitchen. It didn't seem like he cared that much about her, which is good. She put her head down on my leg when he was petting her and didn't seem to mind him at all. She's used to seeing him because she always sees him through the gate, but never up close like that.
I think that once I let them meet more than just a few minutes, I think he would be fine. He likes the cats better than any other animal anyways. haha. I think that it could work! I just have to talk my husband into it! I think once she gets spayed and once she recovers and makes improvements with the litter box, I'll give it a test run. Chances are, she'll just sleep in her cage or fur pile during the day and only be out at night, like she is now, when my son is in bed. So I think it will be nice. I'll get her another litter box and maybe a cat condo or something. haha.

I'm going to call the vet tomorrow and make an appointment for her to be spayed in the next few weeks. Hopefully before Christmas. I hope the vet is in town, he is an ARBA judge and I think he travels a lot. So I'll let you guys know when her appointment is. I'm sure y'all will have to talk me off the ledge, because I'll be insane with worry about her!

PS. She is obsessed with my Christmas tree. She is trying to climb it and keeps nudging the bottom ornaments.
Okay, as I was typing this all out, I was watching her run around thinking if I had fed her her full dinner yet. I decided I hadn't and she didn't even get her pre-dinner snack. Yes, that is a real thing. When I'm cooking dinner, its between lunch and HER dinner at 11ish. So I normally give her a few leaves of something at around 6-7ish. She didn't get that tonight.
So as I thinking about it, I was also thinking about how I was going to get her from the living room to the kitchen into her cage to eat and go to bed. I walked to the fridge as I opened the fridge I was like "Foo, do you want dinner?" She just stared at me from the christmas tree. She didn't come to me. Then I got her two lettuces out, showed them to her, nothing. Then I got out her bag of cilantro. She heard that bag crinkle and her ears went UP and she came hauling ass into the kitchen then straight to her cage! lmao. She is SO funny sometimes. I'm going to have to get a video of that because its awesome! Sidenote: I had a cat growing up, that would come to the sound of sandwich meat packaging or cheese wrappers. She would meow constantly until you gave her some sandwich meat or cheese. It was really bad when trying to make a sandwich but really good for medicine time. Who ever said that stuff was bad for them, she lived to be 17. haha.

Enough for tonight, I hope y'all enjoyed my random ramblings; because thats about all it is. lol
I'll let everyone know about the vet and her spay, I'll probably have to start another thread for my own sanity. hahahahahahaha.

PPS. I made chicken and dumplings tonight, its one of my specialties. It was super delicious. If anyone wanted the recipe, I would be willing to share. :)
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Lol Awh foo is one crazy crazy food motivated bunny. I can't believe she bit the donut either it's so cute if I think about her doing it but probably soooo bad for her.

I love that you are thinking if making her free roam. She might still be hormonal for the first little while though. pHoenix is the exact same way when it comes to me feeding her, she will run after me if she thinks I'm feeding her shes always soo hungry??!

I think you should start a recipe thread! I'm sure many would follow
Ditto on the recipe thread! I would totally follow and contribute too. I'm always trying new things. :) last night I made slow cooker chicken tacos which were THE easiest meal I had made in a long time but my husband gobbled them up and raved about them as if they were a gourmet meal! Haha

Foo does love her food. Rabbits are very good at acting starved all the time. When I bring their veggies or the morning nana they both come running as if they haven't eaten in a week. Silly buns.

That is great Foo will be a house bunny. My two are free run in their "apartment" from about 8am til I go to bed which is as late as 1am sometimes. Sometimes they do get put in earlier for the night but alot of the times they are only in their bunny condo for a few hours. And because they are always free run, they don't crave getting out so alot of the times they are cuddling in their condo together or laying under this bench in the corner (another favorite spot of theirs) so my whole point is once she knows shes free run all the time, she will probably do the same. Mine are just carpet lumps (as Larry calls them, haha) most of the day and don't chew or get into any trouble and they go in their litter box all the time too. They are good buns :)
I might start one! haha. I love to share recipes!

So I just called the vets office to schedule Foo's spay. I'm waiting for my husband to call me back to give me his debit card number for the deposit. The appointment is for MONDAY! I'm shaking, I'm so nervous! I'm going to cry I think.
Foo does really like to be in the living room, so I think she would like to be a free bun. I think what I'll do is once she has gotten used to being out, I'll take the cage we have now away and make her a smaller NIC cage or give her an x-pen. I'm going to get her a bigger litter box too for when she's a free bun. haha.

The only reason I let her into the kitchen last night was because she was digging at the floor by the gate. My son decided that he wanted to put his foot on top of the gate and try to climb over. So my husband lifted the gate like 2-3 inches up. She dug at the floor like 5 times and I finally got up to see what she was doing. When I walked to the gate and asked her what she wanted, she stood up and put her front feet on the gate and looked at me with the sad eyes! lol.
I opened the gate and she flew into the living room! She's pretty smart to get my attention like that! hahaa.
It makes me wonder how much he likes Foo? She isn't show quality and shes just a plain little white loppy hoppy. She doesn't have a racing stripe, if she did he may interact with her more! lmao.

maybe you could paint a stripe on her with food coloring or koolaid, lol. oooh, or you could put flames down her sides! they make things go faster :p

good luck with Foo's spay! I'm sure she'll do just fine and it'll feel great to have it done with :)
She's getting spayed on Monday! I drop her off between 7:30 and 8 am and pick her up later.
She told me to bring her food and stuff, I asked her if they would be able to put some cilantro in the fridge for her, she said yes! hahaha. They're so nice!
I've never actually met this vet, but he has a good reputation with rabbits.

I'm still a nervous wreck though! ahhhhh!
I´d missed a whole page.. love the sweaters, they reminded of Bridget Jone´s Diary where Mark Darcy´s mum used to buy him and Christmas sweater every year which he had to wear lmao.

Foo and the Christmas tree. She´s actually quite good as she hasn´t left a trail of mayhem and destruction about. I haven´t got one up this year as I won´t be here although I´m sure it wouldn´t last two minutes with Houdini loose in the same room.

I saw this tree in the department store today and thought he bottom bit was great. i asked if they sold the basket thing and the assistant said that all they´d done was get a wicker basket and knock the bottom out and put it upside down. What a great idea. It protects the bottom of the tree and the bunnies can actually chew and eat it. Way to go :bunny24

not a great photo as I missed the top of the tree but you can see the one in the background better


Great to hear you´re getting Foo spayed. She´s sail through it and she looks like a healthy little bun so I´m sure she´ll be up and about after it in no time.

Just put mine to bed so I´m off to. catch up on here tomorrow.
That is a great idea for the bottom of the tree! Those trees are very beautiful too! Next year when we do a real tree, i may see if i can put the basket t the bottom. It looks good!
So I'm highly disgusted with the ways of the world right now. I watched the special on CBS about the shooting, after all the Christmas shows. My heart just breaks for those people who lost their children and for who lost their family members today for a senseless act.
I just don't understand it. It makes me sick. I can't use the words I really want to use because the filter on this site and because there are young eyes who could be looking at this.
As a parent it shakes me to my core. I feel like totally helpless for these people. I just want to go up there and hug all of them. There aren't any words to apologize to them for the ways of the world. There are just no words to make any of that hurt go away. There's nothing to help them.
My nose is raw from crying and wiping it. My eyes are so puffy from crying since 4pm, then crying again when my husband got home and I was telling him. He was at a Christmas party at work today and didn't know anything about it. Then crying again watching the special. My husband sat in silent tears watching it. He is in shock.
I was hysterical watching the special.

I'm totally grossed out with the world. It makes me worry when I go anywhere. I don't want to send my kid to school now, he has a few years yet but I still don't want to send him to school. I don't want to go to the store anymore or to the movies. I just don't want to have contact with the world because I'm scared to death someone will open fire in freaking walmart or something. We went to see the new batman movie a few weeks after the shooting in Colorado and I was terrified to go see it. She checked my purse to see if I had a gun! That was a first. I mean what goes wrong in peoples brains for them to do things like this? What happens? Did his mom not hug him enough? Did his dad spank him too hard? Did he get teased in school?
I grew up very poor, had nothing! My dad is useless. He was never around, they got divorced when I was 9, my mom worked too much and I was always alone. I made mistakes in my life but never hurting anyone but myself. I had a really crappy childhood and teenage years, but I didn't ever want to hurt anyone. My mom didn't hug me enough and my dad was a ... but I never wanted to hurt anyone. I don't get it. No one had the perfect life, we all understand what it is to hurt but we don't all go open fire on innocent people. I'm disgusted.

I'm sorry I just went on a total rant. I said I wouldn't do it again, but I think its okay for this particular thing. I'm really mad right now and I'm really heart broken for that whole town right now. My heart goes out to them. :hearts
I totally agree with everything you said. I just can't put words to it I guess. We had my nieces 1 year bday party tonight and although a joyous occasion there was a sadness. We talked abput the tragedy but none of us can truly grasp it.

Not much else I can say....other than I will be squeezing my son tighter than ever tonight.....
Yeah that is ridiculous! It seems like all these off the chart shootins have been happening now more than ever. I can't grasp it and at the sometime I know it's bad but I want to be naiive about it because I miss childhood and all the happiness and innocence that is supposed to come with it. My heart also goes out to those children and their families for having to go through this :(
I'm totally grossed out with the world. It makes me worry when I go anywhere. I don't want to send my kid to school now, he has a few years yet but I still don't want to send him to school. I don't want to go to the store anymore or to the movies. I just don't want to have contact with the world because I'm scared to death someone will open fire in freaking walmart or something.

I'm sorry I just went on a total rant. I said I wouldn't do it again, but I think its okay for this particular thing. I'm really mad right now and I'm really heart broken for that whole town right now. My heart goes out to them. :hearts

honestly, one of many reasons I don't ever plan to have kids is that I don't want to raise a child in this world and I don't trust myself to be able to set cynicism aside and trust the world enough to send them out into it when the time comes. I've also been thorough enough bad stuff in my life and I just don't know that I could handle it if I had a kid and something happened to them. it never ceases to amaze me in the worst possible way the things that human beings are capable of doing to one another.

as for ranting... if you ever feel like ranting, go for it. it's healthy to let things out in a safe place. it's your blog - if someone doesn't want to read your rants, they don't have to. this is YOUR place to share things, including stuff you need to vent about. when I get pissed off, I rant like crazy... and then I let it go.

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