hey guys

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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
Groveton, Texas, USA
Hey guys I just wanted to let ya'll know that I have been either tending to my sick little girl or getting sick myself The Bunnies are growing fast and the puppies are following them and eating the bunnies poop ........ and let me be the first to say ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

I went to the dr. today and got some meds so hopefully Ill be fine soon and back to my newbie way soon lol

oooo I almost forgot to tell you guys that Zin has learned to climb the nic panels so anyone with ideat about whatI can put up between the kitchen and living room please let me know..... The space is like 7 feet andI had Nic panels up but she climbs them and goes to visit the puppies Ill try to post some pics tomorrow but for now I will go to bed
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Hope the doc can make you feel better faster!:bunnynurse:

I'm guessing that little Zin is climbing by putting her paws through the grids. If you attach hardware cloth (fine wire mesh) to the NIC panels she won't be able to do that. Best of luck containing the little bugger!:D
Hey there! I'm glad the bunners are good and didn't Zin tell you that dogs think bunnies are personal candy dispensers?! :big wink:

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