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Sounds like you are getting great information. How is the little baby this morning?


P.S. New pics everyday would be helpful in seeing how he/sheis doing. It helps us determine if there is anythingdifferent you could try ;). Also, I don't know if anyonementioned this above but if you hand feed this baby without leaving italone with mom, you need to stimulate it to urinate. Youwould take a cotton ball or towel and put it in warm water and gentlyrub the babies belly and genital area with it. Just watch outbecause *thinks of right wording* they have "projectile" urine. ;)
First I would like to thank you all for yourhelp and let you know it was very much appreciated. We woke up thismorning to the little Bunny Foo.. Well, he passed last night. :( I gaveit my best effort, as did you all.. And I thank you for that.

I still plan to stay around the forums and get to know you all. Thank you.
I'm so sorry for you. I know you wanted to try and save the baby.

Fortunately, you still have mama to love hopefully you'll stayaround and share her photos and stuff in the bunny blog area.

I know you're going to make a great bunny-slave.

I'm so sorry to hear that the little baby didn't make it.

It's so heart wrenching when it happens. You try so hard, but the little one passes anyways.

I've lost a few and each and every one touches me, and you never forgetthe little one. He will live in your heart forever.

I am sorry he didn't make it. :cry1:

Lots of people werefollowing the thread, eventhough they didn't post,you have to know thatwe were here. :groupparty:

Rainbows! :angel:
I'm so sorry for your loss. You reallydid try your heart out. Like Pet_Bunny said, some of us thatdidn't post WERE here reading and praying for the little one. :rainbow:
Thank you all. ^^

Another questions for anyone still reading. Just a few moments agoPotato started pulling out some of her fur from her chest and tummy.And still is nesting. Any idea why?
OMG - Potatoe is having more babies ;-; Ono.SHould I take them out? or leave them in there. I don't want to causethe other to die, too! ;-;
i think you should leave them in there, itsounds like she had 2 seperate pregnancies, thats why she didn't lookafter the first one so well hopefully she will look after these as sheisn't conserving energies for a future litter she can concentrate onher babies now but just keep a close eye on her and i'm sorry for yourloss of the first baby thats so sad
Well, upon waking up this morning we still havebabies. ^^ She's going a good job, so far. We are just trying to keepher toasty warm and well fed. I sure hope these little buggers make it.

I am curious: Do we need to watch them all the time? We are putting offgoing to our hometown as we do every weekend. would it be alright toleave her alone? Or should we continue to stay with Potato?

Yay! Babies.
hey priorities how many babies? lol i personallywouldn't go and leave them at all not in the first few days at leastbut that may be just me i worry a lot. do they look nice and fed? did ukeep them in with her?
There are two bebehs. One little-ish black oneand a bigger pink one. SO far they are staying warm and fed. I reallywant to take pictures of them. But perhaps I should wait until they geta little more fuzz to keep them warm.

I am excited. I am feeling very optasmistic! *wigglewiggle* :bunnydance:

I will post pictures as soon as I get them. :D I know how you all loooove your pictures.
This is awesome and I'm so happy for you. I felt so bad when you lost your little one.

Do share pictures...

Arg, I wrote a wonderful big post, then the computer ate it...

So to recap:

Are they in a nest? Is there lots of fur?

I use a shoe box when I don't have anything else on hand.Fill it with lots of hay, tightly compacted, and make a fist sized holein the middle. Transfer all the fur and nesting material tothe shoe box.

I would want to monitor the babies frequently for the first week or soas they will die and freeze if they get out of the box for more than afew minutes.

I always take my babies out of the nest everyday to make sure everyoneis doing well. I use a towel on a heating pad set onlow.

Make sure to check the nest for any dead babies or left over pieces of after birth.

If you are worried about the mom rejecting the babies (very unlikely),then rub your hands all over mom before touching the babies.

And take lots and lots of pictures, they grow so fast!

You can see pictures of past litters I've raised if you want to poke around in my gallery:

In a nest, sort of? She made a nest in a darkercorner of her cage. Covered with fur and hay. I will certainly get abox. But I am not in too much of a rush. The babies seem to be stayingwarm and they are plump little guys! We check on them about every hour,so far. Just to be sure they are warm and still near one another.

Aunty-kitty is just.. Boggled. She hears the tiny noises and juststares at them. Luckily they are not where she could reach them. Hehe.

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