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They look great - I'm so happy foryou. Keep us updated as they grow more and the fur comes inand their eyes open and the fun starts and....and....and...

You get the idea!

We are hoping the little black one will make it.He's breathing .. Well.. It's hard to explain. He seems to be gaspingfor breath. making little clicking noises? Perhaps his lungs areunderdeveloped? He's also quite smaller then the pink one. Not as'meaty'.

If he dies, will the other one make it?

I am trying to stay optamistic. But.. T_T *whines* My little babies.
Can you take a more recent photo? And is he breathing with his mouth open? (That isn't good)...

If he passes and you can keep the pink one warm and it is getting fed by mama - it has a good chance...

I did was someone suggested and got a shoeboxand packed it with hay. Then made a indent/hole in the middle for thebabies to nestle into. I took all the fur and nesting and also placedthat in there. We put the box back inside the cage and Potato startedburrowing and digging in the box. Clawing at her babies. We've taken itout. What do you suggest? Should we put them back? The reason wetransfered them is because we found the little black one in the corner,cold! We don't want them to freeze.

I could take a photo, yes, if you'd like? We just tucked them away toget cozy. Is there such thing as handling them too much? And yes. He'sseeming to gasp for breath with his little mouth opening. What doesthat mean?
I would take the babies away from her and thentake them to her a few times per day until she nurses them and thenevery 8-12 hours after that give her a chance to nurse.

You need to warm up that little one ASAP. He could be gasping becausehe's cold and trying to cry - or he could be gasping due to breathingproblems. If he stops gasping when he gets warm....he may be ok.

I get babies warm one of two ways....either I hold them cupped in myhands with a hand over them and under them - or I have warmed them upin the past by tucking them in my clothing.

DO NOT use a heating pad as they can get too warm...I once lost alitter by putting the nestbox on one of those things that you pull thebacking off of and it stays warm for 8-12 hours for soremuscles? I forget the name of it..

If my batteries were charged, I would take a photo for you of what I do - I just had to remove a litter from their mom....

I take a piece of fabric and put them in it and then I fill the basketwith hay and push it up against them so they can't get out of thefabric. The fabric sort of makes a bowl? I use an old washcloth orflannel - I try to use flannel since it doesn't have stray strings.

But the fabric becomes their nest and they can't really get out (anddon't want to get out) because of the way the hay supports the fabricso it encloses them....

Am I making any sense?

All I can say is - get that baby warmed up by holding it and maybebreathing on it. You can also throw a washcloth in the microwave for 30seconds or in a dryer for a couple of minutes and then put them in thatto help them stay warm (but the babies do NOT go in the microwave ordryer - just the cloth to get it warm).


MindAteMum wrote:
I did was someonesuggested and got a shoebox and packed it with hay. Then made aindent/hole in the middle for the babies to nestle into. I took all thefur and nesting and also placed that in there. We put the box backinside the cage and Potato started burrowing and digging in the box.Clawing at her babies. We've taken it out. What do you suggest? Shouldwe put them back? The reason we transfered them is because we found thelittle black one in the corner, cold! We don't want them to freeze.

I could take a photo, yes, if you'd like? We just tucked them away toget cozy. Is there such thing as handling them too much? And yes. He'sseeming to gasp for breath with his little mouth opening. What doesthat mean?
Thank you Peg, for all of your help. Especially this late at night. *giggles*

I think I understand what you are saying? I am not sure, for sure. Apicture wold be great if you have the chance! But it's no big deal ifyou cannot get that.

So for now we have gotten the little one a bit warmer. We are afraid tosleep! Last time we slept the little one died. Should we just leavethem in the nest box covered with fur and hay over night? Anysuggestions in this area to help us sleep better would be great.

Unfortunatly, we don't have a microwave. and the dryer is a dollar tous. So we are using warm hands and plenty of love to keep this littleguy warm. T_T

Just tell me if you need photos. And what you need photos of.
My only real concern as far as photos goes wasto see if his tummy looked shrunken at all - and to see how badly hewas gasping for air - like if his mouth was wide open (which means he'sstruggling) or if he was just opening it a bit.

The big thing to consider is - as he warms up - does he continue toopen his mouth and make noises...or does it stop? If he continues toopen his mouth - especially if it is wide....he is struggling and theodds of losing him are strong. If he settles down - then hewas probably just cold and trying to cry for help. Yes - I've hadbabies cry...and it is pitiful.

Also - did you actually SEE mama clean the babies? If not - take awarm, damp cotton ball or paper towel and wipe their privates....theyHAVE to pee and poop or it will kind of poison inside of them.....somake sure that they don't need to pee and poop.

Kimbo had one that we thought had been nursed - turned out that ithadn't peed and by the time it was too weak to be saved.

Well he's not opening his mouth fully forbreaths. Just a little. The plump one has normal breathing, smooth. Thelittle one has sort of a sharp breathing once and a while. We arekeeping a good eye on him for sure.

We can indeed do the cotton ball thing, just to be on the safe side. Wehave noticed her cleaning them now and again. Atleast the larger one!We are not sure about the smaller kiddo.

Not to sound like a broken record, but: How should we deal with them for our sleeping time? *smiles*

Again, Peg, I thank you with all of my heart.
You have helped me, and the babies more than you will know.
Very very much appreciated. :heart:
You mean you don't want to stay up with them allnight and check them every 5 minutes? Or sleep with them in your hands(JUST JOKING.....TOO RISKY!).

You could go to sleep and check on them every 2 hours or so. The biggest thing right now is ... well....more than one thing.

a. Warmth - gotta keep them warm

b. Food - gotta make sure they have full tummies

c. Cleaning - gotta make sure they don't need to pee or poop and that the full tummy is really FOOD and not pee..

One thing to consider by the way - is how well is the baby holding histemperature once you warm him up? Is he staying warm? Is hecooling down quickly?

I've found that babies that can't hold their body temperature - evenwhen tucked in with another baby...can't make it. I don't want to soundbad or mean - but I've tried to save enough of them that I haverealized that there are times I just can't save them - and that is oneof the biggest indicators I have.

I think what I'd do if I was you - was to check the baby's temperaturenow - and then again in half an hour. Does it feel as warm or warmer?

Then you can probably sleep for 4 hours as long as it can't get out of the little nest you've made.

If it isn't holding its body temperature well - prepare yourself thatyou will probably lose it (sorry) - try to save it - and check themevery hour or two...


P.S. It is my personal belief that if you're careful withbabies - you can't handle them too much as long as mama will stillnurse them. I believe the more a baby is held and cuddled - the moresocialized it becomes. Harriet was in my first litter - a single manelionhead. That baby would cuddle in my hands for 20 minutes at a timeand sleep - unlike the litter mates who would squirm out of my hand. Ibonded with Harriet before "her" eyes even opened. I didn't want achestnut - especially a SINGLE MANE...but darn it - that bunny loved meand licked me even before its eyes were open. By the timeHarriet turned into a boy....he had learned his name as Harriet and ithas stuck. I still keep him. I don't breed him and never will....but heis my cuddler and he begs for fruit loops and stuff.

I honestly believe much of his personality is because I would cuddlehim for 20 minutes or more at a time before his eyes even opened.People see him now and they are amazed at just how sweet he is...

MindAteMum wrote:
Not to sound like abroken record, but: How should we deal with them for our sleeping time?*smiles*
aww. I will love them both! And they will both kiss me! *shakefist* hehe.

He seems to be just a bit colder then the other after settling in thenest for 15-20 minutes. We know the other one is fine. He's larger andplumper and moving around a lot more then the little black one. (Iwonder what color he will be!!) I am excited, but nervous. ;.;
The little black one died last night. But the white one is still doing very well!

We are hoping me makes it. Pictures later!
Oh I'm so sorry.

Please do keep us updated on the other one. I hope it makes it.

I forgot to upload my favorite image!!



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