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True--all of ours are rescues, so most don't come with any history or even a name. All we care about is happy and healthy. Nicky 3 is getting close to 6 months (we think) and will be getting neutered at the end of the month. TPBM likes Holiday movies.
Himalayans! Easily the best breed, they have grace, beauty and an unbeatable temperament.

The person below me has to work on Christmas 😢
I do very much like to read. Currently reading Rhythm of War, by Brandon Sanderson

The person below me has bird feeders up in their yard
yup! I have two on my porch, and surprisingly, no squirrels have tried to eat the birdseed

TPBM listens to music 24/7
Nope. I've heard of it somewhere though...

Tpbm likes spending time alone or with pets/ close friends/family rather than going out and meeting a bunch of new people? (By nature, not because of any viruses or anything)
Saturnalia cards--like to be inclusive instead of excluding other faiths over a made up/stolen from Pagans celebration. Herod called the census in the spring time--roads were not passable in the winter as they weren't really roads. TPBM likes to study history.
yep, that's me.
I went to sleep at 1 at night two days in a row(yesterday night and the one before this morning), yesterday woke up at 1 in the afternoon, today was awake from 7 in the morning. Felt equally tired/less. Never ceases to amaze me.

TPBM can relate
I can usually get off to sleep within 7 minutes (yes, my phone has timed it 😂) but could not sleep at alllll last night. Otherwise I’m super lucky and sleep pretty well until I get a bun jumping on me wanting breakfast.

TPBM has done none of their Christmas shopping
Well, that's me. I don't do any christmas shopping, no presents from me. It's just that I don't know what to give that makes sense, everyone has more than he needs and can afford anything they want (of which I have no clue) anyway, and just buying stuff to have something to wrap, just adding to the clutter, nope.
Would be a very short list anyway.

The only thing I do for a couple of years now is to cut a tree from my little wood when I drive to my parents for a few days, they wouldn't buy one "just for them", sure not this years with noone visiting to show it to.

TPBM is already thinking about what vegetables to plant next year too