Baxter! & Babs: A Dating Tail

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Pipp wrote:
I fixed the wonky code but its now on Its a thumbnail that you can click on for a larger image, if that's what you were going for. :) Did you have other photos in the code that weren't showing up?

sas :bunnydance:

Thanks Pipp! I'll get some more photo's/video's tonight (my famous last words..)

Also glad to know that Baxter! has a normal physique - he was a little hurt when I pointed it out to him last night; now he just keeps checking himself out in the long mirror in the hall..
Yes MyHeart, had to end the BF (we still talk and help each other out) but I'm happier now.. Not all endings are "tragic" by any means, just healthier for both parties.

Baxter! can now have full home run, couldn't before as the BF was sure he'd make us go broke for all of the wires he'd chew - post BF - NOT TRUE.. Just have super-max conditions around TV and what not (and Yes, he has found a couple, but thankfully I have 2 guys I work with that happily repair for me, what they can).

Also, took in the feral kitten, which I had asked the BF if he would be willing to (prior to the break-up and he said no - so I relented and did not). The minute he moved out my best girl-friend dropped her off. Now she and Bax romp about.

Bax has lost weight (he was pudgy before with the BF) now the kitten and he run off weight - so again, I'm happy - my critters are happy and they BF is now figuring out how to feed himself, shop and pay bills... :shock:
You sound like you're in a wonderful place in life, Julie
I still need a Baxter! and krazy kitten vid, though :)
Early on in this blog I posted a humorous video of Bax doing a DBF in the cat box; at that time I thought "how cute".. Fast forward about a year and now I'm constantly getting him out of it and then having to vacuum up cat litter every night. Not so cute anymore..

So last night when I caught him "digging to China"I stomped my foot, turnedmy back on him and he ran to the patio. I shut the door and let him sit there for a minute. Then I let him back in and he ran upstairs. I went back to the living roomand continued to watch my pre-recorded Judge Judy episode (love "JJ").

A few seconds later it started raining paper :?- so I look up and there is Bax tossing random papers from the upstairs loft down onto my head; after each "toss" of papers he'd stick his head out between therailings to make sure they were hitting the "target" me!

LOL.. I had to laugh at him - silly, naughty rabbit.
hehe..I would be worried about cat litter! Sheriff would sneeze around it. But that is just too cute!

And tossing papers..that is probably the cutest thing I have ever heard.

And I hear you about the BF..its a constant battle with mine.
Awe, thanks for keeping us posted on Baxter! pranks!!! He is so adorable with his attitude. I bet he enjoys not having to share you anymore. I guess if there are to be any more men in your life, they had better pass the Baxter!-test first. At least you will know if they are worth the trouble or not.

I used to use my first rabbit, Maggie, as my people-tester. If she relaxed in their arms when being held, they were okay. If she looked agitated, then I knew I shouldn't get too close. ;)

myheart wrote:
Awe, thanks for keeping us posted on Baxter! pranks!!! He is so adorable with his attitude. I bet he enjoys not having to share you anymore. I guess if there are to be any more men in your life, they had better pass the Baxter!-test first. At least you will know if they are worth the trouble or not.

I used to use my first rabbit, Maggie, as my people-tester. If she relaxed in their arms when being held, they were okay. If she looked agitated, then I knew I shouldn't get too close. ;)


Lol - yes Baxter! is a very good judge of character (and eerily "insightful" to human emotion) so will let him pick the next.. That being said when I go to visit family in April for a week - the old BF is going to come house sit :shock:.. Should be interesting for Bax (however the 21 year old cat LOVES the BF - go figure..).

So for today's post - Bax was VERY aggressive with me when I came home tonight. He's still upset about the whole "cat-box" incident (my assumption). He has a "play area" in the living room where all his toys are kept (random assortment of various toys that are strewn about) and I was tidying up his area and trying to interact with him at the same time. He started charging me when I picked up each thing, would "put his teeth on my hands (not bite down) and seemed just "cranky". I stopped, and laid on the floor with him to give him some "1 on 1 time" and instead he hopped away and went back into his pen (I was given the "Butt" in the pen).

He had earlier eaten his dinner, had a cranberry for desert - so think he's just cranky... I went to his pen and gave him so nose rubs, then left him alone for about 30 minutes. Came back and he was back in the cat box?! - not digging to china, but when he saw me he jumped out and waited for me to "scold him" (I guess), but I didn't stomp my feet - actually had a conversation with him ("thats the cats potty box, I've asked you not to be in there - can you please stay out" - yes, I went there.. I think he thinks that he can get attention from me,by getting in the cat box (he gets in and I come running)..

Not sure how to "un-do" this habit? Buns are smarter than a fifth grader.. Lord help me.
I'd get a squirt gun. That way, the attention he gets is from far away and not positive in any way. Tony likes to get into trouble to get attention too. I sometimes wonder if these sassy bunnies need a project to keep them occupied and direct their energy/intelligence toward something positive, like dogs. I know some people do rabbit agility training, but I am reluctant to try because Tony is motivated by food and getting his own way/attention, which would either make him fat for training and/or even sassier.
So today keeping in mind what Tonyshuman, suggested, I went about "SpringCleaning" and keptBax very much in the mix (He was given a project to DO - he had to check out everything I bagged to make sure it was "ok")..

He very happy to see bags of trash goout along,with his pen being cleaned - As Long As He Was Part Of The Change!Didn't realize how much Buns cared and/or needed to bein control of "their" outside world. You we're right.

Thanks for posting back!
Have tried posting 4 times this evening and my:Xcomputer keeps "erasing" my post!!!!!!!!

Bax is well, Kitten binkied to get his attention (wish I could have gotten that on video); Bax gave her 1 ear up for her efforts, but didn't want to play with her - she came over and cried on my lap (she just wants to be his BFF, and he is acting like he's the Quarter Back of the Football team and she's the geek of the school - he's does not have very good social skills, nor does he have empathy)..

Hope this post and trying to figure out how to upload (again) photos from photobucket..

PS: Bax and I had a wonderful valentines day - he gave me kisses and I gave him a bun salad that included banana chips and grean beans, it was blissful!:inlove:
juliew19673 wrote:
PS: Bax and I had a wonderful valentines day - he gave me kisses and I gave him a bun salad that included banana chips and grean beans, it was blissful!:inlove:
Aaahhh! Bunnies make the best Valentine's ;).

I'm impressed Baxter! just inspected the bags to be thrown out. I think Shadow would have probably dug the rubbish out all over the place :p

Not sure NA as I'm still at work (obviously working hard - lol).. Love the Bunny cam idea; I'm pretty sure he's sleeping in the corner of the living room, next to the ficus tree; He loves that tree as when he shakes the planter that it sits in - occasionally a leaf will fall off and he will eat it - I believe he thinks its a "snack dispenser"..

silly bun.

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