Basil, Max, Tumnus & Lucy

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Haley wrote:

He looks very hypnotic. You are getting sleeeepyyyyyy. You will bring me a bag of Craaaaiiiiinssssss.
LOL. Thats probably exactly what he's thinking.

Its those eyes, he always looks wide-eyed. I think he looks a bit like a barn owl sometimes :)
I moved Lucy's cage upstairs. Now she and Tumnushave lots of play time. I would merge the cages, but shes going to bespayed this coming week and I want her to have her own space forrecovery.

Heres the new (temporary) condo for Lucy. As you can see, she and Tumnus have swapped to eat eachother's food ;)





Tumnus watching her get into trouble. This is the norm :D


"Race you to the bedroom!"


Im happy to finally get some good pics. She is so fast that in mostpics shes out of the picture and you just see Tumnus sitting alone :)
OH!! What a perfect, adorable,wonderful pair!! They are so cute together, I could justmelt!!! :D (We should have a melting smiley, hehe!)

Wow...same size, same colors, same beautiful eyes, and happy faces...match made in heaven!! :D

I just love that picture of her asking for some love from him...that'sso cute. I just love when my Maisie does that when I comeover to her. *sigh* Ain't love grand??


Daisy Mae wanted me to send this picture to :heartbeat:Mr Tumnus, she'safraid he's going to forget about her. Of course I told herthat the new bunny is just a Fling.


Aww that is so cute! Is that a hat with a hole cut in top for ears??:inlove:

Mr. Tumnus sends his love. He says to tell Daisy Mae that Lucy is justa pal, like a little sis. Most of the time he just sits here watchingher while she gets into trouble.

Hes learning the hard waythat the ladies are in charge though!:whatever
Hehe...I just realized...Lucy's not in your avatar! :shock:
I know...I need to get around to putting her in there and also merging her blog with this one.

Ive been pretty sick, so Im slacking on everything ;)

Shes a sweet little girl though. Its funny because she and Tumnus haveseparate cages (but right next to eachother)and I can tell hegets frustrated because shes ruining his afternoon naps. Shes so danghyper and is chewing on things and making noise while hes trying tosleep.

Shes like an annoying little sis that he cant help but love :D
Aww...that's so cute!! Nothin' coolerthan having a little sister! I should know, I amone! Hehe...:D

I hope you feel better soon! It stinks to be sick...:(

Here's to hoping you're back on your feet and feeling sparky and wonderful again soon!!

Is it just me, or does she look a good bit like Timmy from the side?


(Fiona says she and Timmy make the cutest bunny couple.);)

I thought that when I first met her! Her coloring is just like Timmy's (and I love his coloring). Except shes a lot smaller ;)

But yeah, the orange color with black mixed in and white accents. Very similar!
Awesome pics! I love the "race you tothe bedroom" one, nice timing! In the others where Tumnus isnot being paid any attention by Lucy, he looks very disapproving it'sso funny! What a cute pair.

What a face! :inlove:

How do you get anything done with him around? I'd just have to love on him constantly.

I'm soglad they are getting along so well. They look very happy together.
Snuggys Mom wrote:
What a face! :inlove:

How do you get anything done with him around? I'd just have to love on him constantly.
Thanks Laura. :DYeah, if he let me love on him Iwould constantly. He poses for the camera and lets me getthis close, but if I try to pet him he runs off :X

Little Stinker!

PS: I merged the Lucy thread with this one since shes officially joined the warren!
Hi Haley, I hope you are feeling better.

Yes Daisy Mae's hat has a hole in the top for her ears. I actually got it off a stuffed Bunny.



That Mr Tumnus is getting cutier by the "HOUR". I can see why my daisy Mae is in LOVE.:heartbeat:

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