Basil, Max, Tumnus & Lucy

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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2006
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Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA I have been posting on here for a few days now and I decided I needed to start a blog to formally introduce my boys! So far, I am loving this site..its so great to get to chat with people who have the same passion and love for rabbits. Most people think Im crazy when I start bragging about myguys :)

I am so excited to meet all of you and I love looking at your pictures!

So..without further ado...

All my life we had rabbits at my parents house. We always loved them but never really understood what exciting and unique characters they could be. Sadly, we kept them in a hutch by our barn.We never really knew how bad this life was for them, and it kills me now to think of them all alone in those hutches with no room to run free and binky. We just didnt know!

Flash forward to me being in college and wanting a pet (but landlord not allowing any). My roomate and I decided to geta rabbit, because they're quiet and easy to care for right? Wrong! They are soo much more work than I ever knew...but soo very much worth it!

I took in Basil (pronounced Baa-zel) when he was 2 years old. He is absolutely the love of my life! He introduced me to the wonderful world of rabbits with his kisses, binkies, and snuggles. He hops up in my bed every night while Im reading, and just snuggles up to me and falls asleep. He's 6 now and still very healthy and very spunky!

Presenting Basil James :)......................


After I had Basil for 2 years, I decided he was getting bored, so I bought him a friend. I had been looking for a while, and finally found what I thought to be a little dutch girl at Petco that was just adorable. I brought "her" home for Basil and he was majorly ticked off at me. You see, he realized what everyone else did not, this little girl was a little boy. Being so in love with the little guy, now named Max, I had to keep him. Little did I know what I was in for..bonding took forever, but now they are inseparable!

Here's Basil and Max together..........


I had been considering a third for a while, but kept thinking of reasons not to get one. Then, out of nowhere, I found myself attempting to rescue this little white bunnyhiding outin the woods near my parents house. Apparently, someone had either let him loose or set him "free" and he was living out in the woods for about a month! I dont know how he survived! After a very sleepless week of attempting to catch the little guy..I finally was able to get him and bring him home. We named him Mr. Tumnus, after the Narnia character, because he was frolicking through the woods :)

Here's Mr. Tumnus:


The funny thing is, he was such a wild man living out there for so long, but the second I brought him home he jumped right into this cage and used the litter box! Hes very well-behaved and soo beautiful! I just love his spunky personality :)

So now we're having some fun bonding again.....Basil and Max seem ready to accept Tummy into their home, but he's not going to do so easily. Maybe its a Napolean complex bc he's so small, but he's always trying to assert his dominance with the other two. We're making progress though!

Anyway, this is getting very very long! I'll end the novel here. I hope you all enjoy my story and pics as much as I enjoy yours. Im looking forward to getting to know you all..and all your little ones!

-Haley :bunnydance:
Three boys! Great job with keeping up the patience and hard work on that one. You sound like a pro and it will be great to get bonding advice from you on this forum.

You have got three very cute and very lucky bunnies!

Awww look at those two boys,they are just adorable,and their colours even compliment each other a perfect match,and i just love Mr Tumnus


i just love this picture:)

Thanks guys :)

Yeah, I have become a bonding expert in the process of getting all these testosterone-driven males to love eachother! It definitely takes time and patience. I was hoping that when I got a third it would be a little girl that they both could love, but I guess things dont ever really happen how you plan them!

I have loads and loads of boys sure do love the camera. I'll post more here soon!

Wow 3 boys and thay get along well? My boys never had a problem with each other either. I would be glad Moses would use his litter box than well ^^'

Mr. Tumnus story is amazing he must be a tough little guy. Do you know an estimate of his age?

Yeah, Tumnus is one tough little bunny. Its funny because when I first found out how long he had been living in the wild I was just crying and crying because he wouldnt let me catch him and I kept thinking how scared he must be out there all alone. I know Basil and Max would be shell shocked if they had to spend one night without their plush carpeting, stuffed animals, air conditioning, etc :)

After getting to know Mr. Tumnus, Im pretty sure he wasnt scared at all out there. He was probably having the time of his life out there running loose, unaware of all the dangers. He's very brave, gutsy, and loves to explore. He also loves to be chased around the house. He'll let me get close and then run off again. I think this is why he was so hard to catch!

Im still unsure of his age, but when I took him in I was thinking probably around 8 months or so, just judging by his size and demeanor. The vet said he thought the same thing, probably a little under a year. Its so hard to tell though.

Thanks for all your replies :)

So..I have some more pictures of my guys to post. Im such a proud mommy!
Basil and Max Snuggling as Usual :bunnydance::



Max, Trying to Get into Trouble Under the Christmas Tree...


Mr. Tumnus just being cute :):


Mr. Tumnus kicking back after a hard day of exploring his new home:


Basil...somehow looking like a dog with his ears back!...


Thanks for looking!

I wanted to ad this pic to my blog. This is Mr Tumnus showing me why he's called a "lionhead"


Grr! :)

My boyfriend caught him napping and Tummy woke up and yawned right when he was snapping the pic! Lucky shot!

Hello everyone!

This is Basil. Mom is at work and Im logging on here to wreak havoc! I may look sweet and innocent, but i can be very naughty whilst she is away! I decided that there need to be more pictures on here showing you all how beautiful I am! I love the camera and I love my best friend Max. Maybe if he's lucky I'll throw him a bone and put his picture up too. I will not be putting up any picture of. Mr Tumnus right now, the little jerk.

Mom is trying to force me and Max to be friends withTumnusand you can imagine how appalled I am! First shetells me she's bringing home a certain lady friend for me and she shows up with Max. Then she forces me to be his friend! Now she brings me home another boy? I may be neutered, but I still love the ladies!

Back to Tumnus...I have tried to be nice to the poor excuse for a rabbit and he keeps trying to bite me! Mom takes us in this weird room with tile floor and makes us sit next to eachother. I usually just put my head in moms lap and wait for this annoying event to be over with, but you know what that little brat does? He comes up and bites my bottom! It doesn't hurt too bad, because he's such a wuss, but after 6 or 7 nips I have so turn around and show him who's boss!

Anyway, Max is telling me that he hears dad coming so I better make this quick! I hope you all like my pictures...feel free to show your girl bunnies what a sexy boy I am......



I sure do have a rough life! :)

^^^This is the kind of trouble my accomplice Max and I are capable of getting into!

Thanks for looking.


Basil, you hunka hunka handsome bunny! Feel free to pack up your carrots and take a vacation over here away from that annoying Mr. Tumnus!

I could always use more worshippers!

Love Jordi

Hi Basil, i agree with you, you should have a girlfiend, however your brothers are pretty darn cute.

I'm looking forward to many more pictures.



I have a real cute girl named Daisy Mae "Dutchess of Ajax"

Basil, Max and Mr. Tumnus are drooling over pictures of Jordi and Daisy Mae.

Basil says Canada isnt too far from him and he's addingthese beautiful womento his bunnynapping list :)


Hi Basil! I'm Fey, and my sister Sprite is here too. Anyway, we wanted to let you know that you are welcome at our place anytime. We have lots of space and, may I repeat, we're sisters! *wink wink*

We both like handsome men in tuxes. Unfortunately the dutch nextdoor has a very jealous wife. We're willing to bet that she'll be jealous of you too!

If you're interested, just hop on the ferry to Wisconsin. We're just a lake away!

Love and snuggles,

Fey and Sprite

P.S. Here's a pic of the two of us!

Hey ladies.

Thats a very beautiful picture! You two sure are cute! I told Max about you and he was very jealous.

Maybe we can set up a double date :)


Awesome pics to all of you. If I could only get my girls to sit that still when the camera is out. They are a bit camera shy. Such handsome boys and the girls got the eye liner on just perfect. LOL

I want pictures of that double date. Atleast the girls look alike so there won't be any fighting over who gets who. :)
Ahhhh.... I love your dutch boys! I've ALWAYS loved dutches though! :inlove:Watch out, we live in the same state... so I may just have to come bunny-nap them. ;)
Thanks Jess! I love dutches as well. I think once you have an animal of a certain breed you begin to like that breed more. Everytime I see a pic of a dutch it reminds me of Basil and Max :) I just love their personalities. Both are so fun and curious, but also very docile and sweet.

Oh, and they loove to snuggle!


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