Baby Tans

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LOL I are jealous. I wish we had more snow. All we get is enough to scrounge for a super mini snowman. . .
I love them :)

It's official!! Serena is nesting hopefully ill get more beautiful baby blues from her!



One of my moms polish got bred today and one is also nesting :) I'm hoping for some bouncing baby bunnies
Here are my babies! It's really five blues. We are currently on our way to a friends house so four of them can be fostered over to some spots. Serena was t acting like herself. She was in the nestbox just sitting there everytime she went to check on her and she didn't eat anything the day after kindling. Mom brought her into the vet and they gave us critical care, abx, and nutri drops. No retained kits and he didn't really say what happened. She wasn't interested in feeding the kits so we decided to foster them off. I'm keeping one with my moms polish so pics will be of her but the rest ill pick up in 5-6weeks.

Here are the polish babies. Doe had 2 dead and these 3 lived. The one on the far right is alien small! We have never had one so small but mom doesn't think it will live. It sure is putting up a fight though today is day 2 for all of them

Those tans are so beautiful, congrats on the wins, they do so deserve it, they are looking looking bunnies. I just love the look of them and that colour is gorgeous.

Those babies, I do so hope the tiny one pulls through...certainly never boring at your place lol.
Sooooo....are you going to have any does for sale at Nationals? *puppy eyes* Like I mentioned before, I'm really trying to get out of certain lines. The rabbits around MI and the surrounding states are either so delicate that they look like they would break into a million pieces OR they are really light (weight-wise) with stubby front legs. Ick!
Lol well those babies are really the only thing I have if any of them are does. I also have that black but I am probably going to keep her. I don't know if I have any does to retire but I will look. Right now I am just over run with bucks. I have 6 senior bucks and only 4 breeding does. Things are off at my place lol
Lol well those babies are really the only thing I have if any of them are does. I also have that black but I am probably going to keep her. I don't know if I have any does to retire but I will look. Right now I am just over run with bucks. I have 6 senior bucks and only 4 breeding does. Things are off at my place lol

No worries, I was just curious. :)

Whiskey having her babies made me really want some more does/babies! <3
Unless you want another blue lol. I wish you were closer! Then I wouldn't mind sharing

*sniffle* me too! I'm totally done with Michigan. We got almost a foot of snow today and it's still falling! Fortunately the rabbits are all nice and warm :)

I'd definitely be interested in another blue if you may have one. Right now I only have Whiskey (LOVE LOVE LOVE her, by the way - probably my sweetest doe and BEAUTIFUL) and her new little baby as blues. At least, i THINK that kit is blue.
I will keep you in mind. I will probably bring those babies to nationals ill just be crossing my fingers they weigh 2lbs. Mike culler is the omly one waiting for a blue from me as far as I know. I really wish I could tell sex by day 1 :/

It looked blue to me!! :)
Here are some pics of the one that stayed. It was so cute he was grunting at me the entire time probably trying to tell me to put him down. so adorable.
The little runt died this morning. Poor dude

