baby pics

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Ok group pics firstthey are 12 days and all have open eyes.

Tessa group




Windy's group



Heh You beat me to it. I saw earlier some Frosted Bunnies and I was gonna post that. But I couldn't back online >_<

Soooo What age do you ship and could I pay you care and up keep for those babies, or would I have to wait for a new litter?

They are so adorable!!
That is what I was thinking but he got so dark. I was compairing it to mom who is a broken blue and the color did not look the same. I love blues and all shades of it. Windy is broken blue, Tessa is solid blue tort, Bart (dad) is broken blue tort and my JW Candy is solid blue.
All are doing wonderful I will get mor pic this weekend. they are out of the nest box now and starting to nibble mom's food. they have gotten so big. My poor boyfrined is watching the buns this week I had to bring my kids to my mom's but now I am missing them. I am on my way home tomorrow. I drove to TN now I have to drive back to FL.

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