Attention all Bunnies and Bunny slaves. I am Fraggles and I am running for president!

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Mar 9, 2011
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Tacoma WA, , USA
Greetings fellow rabbits and the slaves that serve them. I am Fraggles and I am here to say that I will be the next president of the united states.

Rabbits! To long have we suffered with our slaves lack of training and forgetfulness of the simple rules we laid down for them.
Well with me as your leader there will be change and we will finally live in luxury and total happiness.

With me as your president you can expect ALL parks to be "Rabbit only" with sprawling gardens full of veggies and massive hay racks that never empty. Sand boxes will be filled with the softest sand for your digging needs and YES there will be digging!
Of course we will still have slaves but they will tend our gardens,our homes and at night they will be "put away" while you sleep in the big soft beds!
The slaves will still work of course but after a days work they will bring home something that matters. BANANA CHIPS!
No more ridiculous pieces of dirty green paper. I have tasted that paper and I can't figure out what the fuss is about.
The slaves will build our monuments, you know that pointy tower thing in the capitol? Ya its coming down and in its place a statue of Peter Rabbit!
Show bunnies! There will be perks for you too. Rabbit shows will continue as normal with a few changes.
No more baths or grooming EVER! Also from now on all breeds will run around the table not just Tans! Fuller figured bunnies are just as beautiful as "arched" breeds. "Arched" of course being slave code for "Skinny model type". Oh and no more bits of ribbon or statues of shiny plastic. Craisons at all rabbit shows!

Rabbits! It will be illegal for ANYONE to dress you up in ridiculous outfits and from now on slaves will be wearing the harnesses.

Together we will prosper and be happy. The slaves will be our pets and we will use there thumbs to flourish.
Now I would like to turn the floor over to my running mate and future vice president. Tattoo the Octopus!




Tattoo! Please exit the coconut shell immediately and address these fine rabbits who are waiting to hear your opinion on our future economy.....




Tattoo!!! Uncoil yourself immediately and address your public......Wait!!! What are you doing!!! Don't you DARE blend in with that sand. Tat...Tattoo!



Tattoo the octopus!!!!:biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin:
OK OK I know what your thinking but in his defense I don't think he has vocal cords. But he CAN change colors AND the slaves say he is super smart. As your president I vow to find a way to communicate with this Octopus so we can learn from him and use his advanced brain to fuel our power. Until then we can always hide him in a drawer and then wait for the human to open the drawer see him.... scream and run away.
I mean just the other day the lady slave was feeding him and he reached out and touched her. She screamed and cried "he touched me" for like 15 minutes while the man slave laughed.
Anyway....If you like me have had enough! If you want to dig and chew without being shouted at. If your tired of clothes and harnesses. If you wanna see your children BINKY in the streets! (Street binkys will be OK cause cars,cats,birds ect will be illegal) then join me while I become president! For those bunnies who do not live here don't despair. After I am president of the U.S.A your country's are NEXT! Canada is first! Canada AND Daisy Mae! (She is so cute wid her widdle nose and ears)....oh um. Sorry. Anyway! Let's show these humans who is really in control! The year of the rabbit shall go on FOREVER (insert evil laugh here). Thank you for your time....This ad has been payed for by the society to make Fraggles ruler of the world.
Fraggles, you's a girl so leave Dairy Mae with her cute widdle nosey and ears to me, Benjamin. I will help you to run Canader and all these here slaves. She can be my firstest lady.I has the name to be a ruler, after all Benjamin is a true majestic name of a leader. There will be no more diets, control of the treats or restriction of time outside or on the bed once we bunnies take over. The slaves will be at our bidding not the odder way around. Life will be goood.As for that Tattoo type character, sand hiding and no comment is for the sissys. Come out Tattoo and make yourself know. How does you expect to run a campaign of controll without a madate and voice. Fraggles thump on his cage or do the famous bunny binkies around it. Get that man-slave to put him out where you can have a widdle chat with that guy. That lady slave of yours will be no problem, she will hide and scream. I am with you, bunnies rule, bunny control.
Thank you Benjamin. You would make an excellent lord of Canada. However Daisy Mae is needed here from her ability to be um....white. Yes white and fluffy is needed here. As for Tattoo there is much needed genius there. We can teach him to use one of those special computers like Stephan Hawking.
I just hope he has more to say then "bring me more clams!"
Babbitty supports all three bunnies in their quest in democracy. He shall give you all perks when his world domination is a success.
Lol I'm actually lolling so hard right now!
'Tattoo- don't you dare blend in with the sand'

HAHAHAHAHA this is genius.

My slave wants to be appointed ambassador to Tahiti, so I am sure we can work something out. Don't know about the VP candidate, he looks to much like Dick Cheney to be trust worthy.
Hi Fraggles Daisy Mae here, I'm honoured that you need me to be your running mate. I don't know about that Tatoo though. He's got too any legs if you ask me.

Benji you can come to, the more the merrier.
When you coming to get me Fraggles? I'm waiting.

We are thankful for all your support. I however do believe in Tattoo's ability to do SOMETHING for our cause. Just last night he was able to pry three clams out of there shells. Thats pretty good sense he does not have thumbs. Daisy Mae, we will be there to collect you shortly. Just as soon as we take control of air force one.

Many of us here in Texas (flemish that is) have been watching Night of the Lepus and studying it intently for tips on how to overcome the humans and how to keep them from taking us down.

Mind you - right now we're pretty happy where we're at - but we were going to send our findings to other bunnies worldwide to help them out.

I suggest you get your minions to watching the movie (avoid the last few minutes) and use the methods shown to take over Air Force One.

Once you have become President, I would like to be considered as Head of Homeland Security. I currently have experience watching over a herd...I think watching over the nation couldn't be THAT MUCH harder....

Could it?
One of my first presidential acts will be to remake night of the lepus but change the ending so the bunnies win. Ideas on who we should get to direct are more then welcome. As part of our standing treaty with the oceans Octopus we will be also remaking several Octopus movies and adding rabbits to make them more interesting.
Dear, Fwaggles I don't care what the humans say but, I will vote fow you. And the hoomans say something about money our money will be romaine lettuce. Now I can finally have that bowl of bananas and apples i wanted.
And maybe I can run for keeper of romaine lettuce and we will re-name this place bunnytopia
This is Houdini- I wanna be head ob da shenanigans. Hoomans call dis da CIA. We can name it BIA (bunns in action). My bunwide Cinderella will be grweat help, she changes cowors wif each molt so she can bwend in.

Oh, and we fownd inspiwation for Tatoo, be bold my fwend:


Nancy McClelland wrote:
Our offer still stands. Suggest you distract them with "Killer Tomatos" and then take AF One.

Dat is totawy da kind ob shenanigans I iz up for! Cindy can pwetend to be a stuardess!

Hi Fraggles It's Harley here! manged to get onto the laptop with out mummy seeing!:biggrin:

I will Vote for you to be president!

I Support Fraggles 2011!:biggrin:

Harley Signing out :brownbunny

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