katherine at sacred stories wrote:
Thanks for the instructions. I was able to see the bunnies. Is Petta one of the ones in immediate danger? If it weren't for the distance, I would think about taking her. Does anyone have any ideas for how to help to transport her to Central Virginia? Thanks.
Hubby's coming straight up I-95 through Richmond, VA on the 22nd, does that work for you?
If the buns can get to Charlotte, NC on the 22nd, then hubby can be part of the bunderground transport. I don't know if anyone can bunny sit until that date?
If anyone else is interested, hubby starts in Charlotte, NC, travels north I-85 to I-95 just south of Richmond, VA, then north I-95 to Washington, DC, then east US-50 to Delaware beaches. That's on July 22nd.
Within a week after that trip hubby and I will be traveling north to south-eastern PA, so we've got a bit of mid-Atlantic I-95 covered. Anyone in the Baltimore area could meet hubby in suburban SE DC on the 22nd or later in the Newark, DE area when we make our trip to PA.
I could get a bun to southern jersey via the cape may-lewes ferry too.