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  1. MyHersheyBun

    Hershey's Shedding...ALOT!!

    Hershey is shedding alot and I am not sure why because I thought this was a seasonal thing. It seems like the colder it gets the more he sheds and I thought like most animals this would be the other way around and he would get more fur. Does it really make this much of a difference for a bun...
  2. MyHersheyBun

    Hershey's Shedding...ALOT!!

    Hershey is shedding alot and I am not sure why because I thought this was a seasonal thing. It seems like the colder it gets the more he sheds and I thought like most animals this would be the other way around and he would get more fur. Does it really make this much of a difference for a bun...
  3. MyHersheyBun

    Winterizing Hershey's Home

    With colder weather approaching what is a bunny friendly way of making Hershey's cage warmer? I have heard several horror stories on buns eating the material and dying. Is there some type of material that would be okay or should I only use hay? If anyone knows of any safe and warm bedding please...
  4. MyHersheyBun

    Post Neuter Question!!

    Hershey will be going in for his neuter next week and I was curious to see how rabbits of your have reacted to this? What kinds of things will I need to watch for? Thanks!!!
  5. MyHersheyBun

    Bunny Digging Up Carpet!!

    I know that bunnies love to dig and my carpet seems to my bunnies fav! I have tried to scold and him and tell him no, but I dont think that he understands. I have also read that they dont understand the scolding. I dont really know what else to do so I need some help and advice on this...
  6. MyHersheyBun

    Itchy ears

    Hershey just recently has seemed to be having itchy ears. He sometimes will shake his head alot and than will scratch his ears. Would it be safe to give himflea and mite drops in his ears the same they use for cats and dogs or will I need to buy something special? Thanks!
  7. MyHersheyBun

    Hershey has the sniffles:(

    Help! I am not sure if my rabbit is really sick or just is normal. I am definately new to rabbits and need some help lol. My black jr. buck Hershey has recently been having the sniffles and sneezing quite often. There seems to be no loss in energy or appetite at all. What could this be and do I...