Hershey's Shedding...ALOT!!

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Aug 15, 2008
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
Hershey is shedding alot and I am not sure why because I thought this was a seasonal thing. It seems like the colder it gets the more he sheds and I thought like most animals this would be the other way around and he would get more fur. Does it really make this much of a difference for a bun thats always inside rather than being outside? I just don't know if the amount he is shedding daily is normal?? And I want to make sure that he is healthy. He is shedding way more than an indoor cat lol, so if anyone can help me on this subject matter it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
How old is Hershey? It could be that he's losing his baby fur and growing into his adult coat.

Some buns just moult heavier than others. I have one who loses massive patches of fur and ends up with bald spots each time he moults. I also have one who you can barely tell she's moulting. No fur anywhere really, but she does get the dark lines.

It could just be a seasonal thing, combined with the fact that your rabbit may just be a heavy moulter. He's losing his light summer coat and growing in his heavier winter coat, which is why it seems like he's losing loads of fur.

Unless you see any skin irritation where the fur is coming out, I wouldn't worry. ;)
Anna, too, is going through an unusually heavy molt right now. I brushed her with the furminator a few times and I swear, it looks like she lost a ton of weight! Her coat is extremely patchy at the moment, with sections of new hair coming in, but it is still much shorter than the old coat. She sorta looks like a hairy road map. :p

I suspect some of it might have to do with indoor living; when I used to have outdoor rabbits it seems their shedding was much more seasonal and would not drag on for months, as Anna (and Yofi's) has. Just a guess, though. :)

Patrick went through an unusually heavy molt this fall also. His coat looks all shiny and new now, but I really hated for Luna to groom him because of his hair loss. I made sure that he had enough food/pellets just in case he needed the extra calories (especially with his tooth-loss) an a little bit more pumpkin than usual for the both of them.


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