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  1. MrCarrots

    The Curious poos of Mr Carrots

    For a while now Mr C has been producing the most unusual poops - they're not cecals, not regular poos and not like anything I've seen in the other buns litter trays - they're what my GF calls 'hockey puck poos' as sometimes that's what they look like. He drops them all over the enclosure much to...
  2. MrCarrots

    Bonding the boys isn't really working out

    We have a bit of a problem :( Mr C and the Wee Doo have been living side by side for the last 3 months now, we have a large enclosure which I divided down the middle so each gets about 3 square feet of binkie space. Every couple of days I swap them over so they are always surrounded by the...
  3. MrCarrots

    Boo Bunny, fuzzy lop's baby album

    I would have loved to get more photos of mr C asa little bun so what better incentive to get as many pics as possibleof our newest family member than starting a bunny blog here's a few of boo from 6-8 weeks (current age)
  4. MrCarrots

    Baby Boo

    He's about 8 weeks old now, was 6 + somethingwhen we got him from the pet store (I wasn't going to get any morebuns. especially from apet storebut he looked sodefenseless and sweet and had this 'rescue me' vibe). I love his softfuzz and little puffball head the little fella is very loving and...
  5. MrCarrots

    Bonding with a new baby isn't quite working out

    We picked up a little fluffy fuzzy lop at theweekend, Baby Boo is the most adorable pom pom with ears I've ever seenand we're both madly in love. the problem is introducing him to his big brother, Carrots is about 4months old right now and while he's not interested in fighting thelittle one...
  6. MrCarrots

    Bunny Kisses

    The sweetest thing our boy does is, byfar, is hopping on up on his dadslap and giving his hairy tuma good grooming, then giving his chin and cheeks some attention. He does it all the time butsadlywon'tkiss his mum at all which is making her alittle sad.. maybe because she's not as hairy as me...
  7. MrCarrots

    Litter problem with our boy

    Our boy is coming into his 10th week (we've had him for 3) and sadly he isnt getting the litter thing down pat. In his cage and in his run, he's fine. The problem is whenever he gets a little extra freedomto explore he'll behave himself just fine during the supervised outing.. but when he...
  8. MrCarrots

    Bunny on board

    Please give a warm welcome to my boy Mr Carrotsaka Captain Binky, naughty bunny, mr poopy and many other names. As heisnt allowed on the keyboard I will be typing for him until he learnsnot to chew the mouse cord. He's a fluffy little baby holland lop who's looking forward to meeting other...