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  1. K

    Nora and snowball go on holiday

    There are going to be lots of pics here! Hope you enjoy them. Last week I went out to my parents cottage as they are on holiday and Iwas looking after the cats so I took the bunnies along as well as thereis a lovely big garden for them to run in. This photo was actually taken just before we...
  2. K

    Advice about gerbil

    I often get those salt and mineral stones forthe bunnies and they just lick it sometimes or give it a nibble and itlasts for a while. So I thought it might be good for the gerbil to have one two. I got thesmaller size than the rabbit one but it was still quite big.When I came home the gerbil...
  3. K

    What can you do if spaying doesn't work?

    My rabbit was spayed at the beginning ofnovember 2005. It seemed to have worked fine and for the pastsix months she has seemed calmer and lost some of the bad habits shehad before she was spayed. However about two weeks ago I started to notice her behaviourchanging again. She has begun to chase...
  4. K

    Can rabbits and gerbils be friends?

    I have a gerbil and have never really introduced it to my rabbits as I thought they might squash it or it might get scared and bite them. But I have noticed when I let the buns out for playtime snowball likes to climb up on top of the gerbils cage and look for it, do you think they would get on?
  5. K

    Bunny squeaked when went to pick her up

    I went to pick up my rabbit to give her a cuddle this evening and she made this little squeak before I had even touched her. Sometimes she grunts when she is annoyed but it wasn't like that. It was just a little sort of chirp. She has never done this before and I wondered if she was injured...
  6. K

    people think it is odd that I have a house rabbit!

    When I come here I see lots of people who thinkit is good to have bunnies running around free in the house like catsor dogs. But some people I meet think it is weird. I went into the local hardware shop today and asked the man if they hadany strong tape I could use to cover my cables to...
  7. K

    Is newspaper safe for rabbits to swallow?

    My cage set up is that I line the cage withnewspaper and put hay on top as well as the litter tray andchange it everyday. Usually they eat the hay and rip up thepaper but today I realised snowball has been eating chunks of newspaperas well. Is the ink harmful to her? Willit clog up her digestive...
  8. K

    O/T My rat passed away

    I know this is a rabbit forum but I also knowthat we all love all kinds of animals so just thought I would let youknow my pet rat sheila had to be put to sleep on tuesdaymorning. She was 2 years and 7 months old and had been illfor a long time. About three months ago a very largelump grewquickly...
  9. K

    Photos of snowball and Nora

    Hi hope this works. I have not triedto post photos before but hopefully you should be able to see one ofsnowball lying down.
  10. K

    Thumping in the night

    My rabbits, snowball and nora, barely ever thumpduring the day. The only time I have heard it is sometimes when theyare out runing and I try to pick them up but they can't be bothered,and then it is just a little stamp. The pen they sleep in isin my bedroom and recently sometimes I have woken up...
  11. K

    Bunny won't eat

    My rabbit, Nora was spayed yesterday and whenshe came home she was fine. There were no problems and she ate rightafter she came round and ate some of her usual rabbit mix when I gother home. I kept her confined to her pen in a quiet calm roomthat evening so she could rest . But then this...
  12. K

    Rabbit spaying

    My bunny, Nora, is 7 months old and is going toget spayed on monday. Does anyone have any advice about anything Ishould do beforehand or any tips for post op care to help her recoverwell?