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  1. RabbitWolf


    I forgot to add that it lived outside in adog pen with no roof and no matter how cold it is, though there yard was cecured (spl) so no animals can get in. Sadly it escaped a while back and never came back.:(
  2. RabbitWolf


    While I was at camp my mother talked to her friend, who had a rabbit (mainly for her kid). She worked in a vet clinic for a while so she knows how to care for them, probably. She claimes that rabbits are the worst pets. That there Pee is inpossible to get out and that they always run away from...
  3. RabbitWolf

    A very bittersweet day...

  4. RabbitWolf

    Scone MacBunny -- 2008

    Aww! How cute <3
  5. RabbitWolf

    RIP Rosie's losing her eye.(Closed RB)

    Oh my!! She will be in my prayers tonight! Good luck
  6. RabbitWolf

    Need advice for new addition

    Omg! I <3 him! He cant be 9 years old!
  7. RabbitWolf

    Very sad bunny story on CNN

    Whoa! SICK Look at these ones. I know it isnt resent but still
  8. RabbitWolf

    Deal with pet death.

    One thing that I found helps me is getti g another pet soon. I dont mean the day it dies but a few days after. Today I moved one of the hamsters (Who I am calling Lucky) into Kinahs old cage. I am getting teary again.
  9. RabbitWolf

    Deal with pet death.

    Thanks, I was really atrtached to Kinah since I played with her when she was a baby (My other hamster had a litter)
  10. RabbitWolf

    Deal with pet death.

    How do you deal with pet deaths.When i got home from Greece my grandma told me that Kinah (My heart hamster) got out shortly after we left. I knew she was dead and started crying my eyes out. I didnt get a wink of sleep that night. Then in the morning my mom told me she found Kinahs body...
  11. RabbitWolf

    Prayers for the young man who lost his life on the bus in Manitoba

    I think someone posted this on the other forum I go on lots. What a sick man. I dont think it mentoined, but if this is the one I think your talking about, the man ate some of the corpse.
  12. RabbitWolf

    I had a funny dream

    Lol, its amazing how your body can tell. I didnt dream any thing because I didnt sleep:(
  13. RabbitWolf

    NIC cage poll

    Nick. Just like how I say Lawl insted of l.o.l
  14. RabbitWolf

    New Game

    I have that game. I tought my rabbit all its words :P. And got 4 new cages. I have too many rabbits. Also they can grow. Sometimes my Rabbit wont stop making play boxes appear.
  15. RabbitWolf

    OMG help!

    Oh, once for a review on a brand of pelets a rabbit owner sent " I dont like it, its too plain" -_-