NIC cage poll

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How do YOU say "NIC" anyway - letter by letter or as "Nick"?

  • letter by letter (N.I.C.)

  • "Nick"

  • Other (describe)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
, Missouri, USA
I'm curious as to how people say, well - Neat Idea Cube... as in the grates many use to make awesome cages/accessories out of.

I've always said "Nick" so thats my vote but I recently met someone who refers to the cubes as N.I.C.s.

Which way do you fall when speaking of the cages?
I voted by letter, cos thats how I always think of them, but if I talk to Steve or anyone else about them I just say 'grids' cos they'd have no idea where the NIC bit came from lol! :p
I say each letter, N.I.C., but then I say cube when I mean just one grid. Or sometimes I say panel.
NICK cubes........ which is redundant - Neat Idea Cube Cubes LOL!
They don't sell the brand "NIC" here.. so I have to explain square grids connected together.. unless people have seen it, most think I'm odd.

I say "Nick" too. Like Bo B Bunny, I usually say NIC cubes too if I'm referring to a whole box of them... Maybe I should change it to NIC grids! I refer to individual ones as a NIC panel or just panel.
I say it by letter. The funny thing is that when I first was learning about rabbits I was looking on line t different cages one of the was the NIC cages. When I looked google it came up with Nic Cage the actor!
"Nick" cage :).

Sometimes I tell the bunnies to..."Get back in your NICK!" :baghead.
NIC - I say "Nick" - it's an acronym with a vowel in the middle. It just begs to be a word LOL


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