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  1. Mrs641

    6 month old rabbit

    I tried bonding my previous bun, it went terribly and I never tried again, it was such a disaster! Both spraying urine and poop at each other, it was awful lol He’s quite young still, so I was thinking it’s mostly probably due to his age, but attempting a bond again I may be willing to try when...
  2. Mrs641

    6 month old rabbit

    I’m definitely having to get creative! My other bun was so mellow, she was fully free roam and behaved herself, so I wasn’t truly prepared for this. My house is in shambles with things I’ve had to rig to keep him out of certain areas! I know things will change and I need to give it time, but I...
  3. Mrs641

    6 month old rabbit

    He is neutered, yes. He’s been with us for not even a month, and there are no other rabbits but I suspect it still smells like my old rabbit, Penny. I’ve sprayed vinegar, enzyme spray etc to clean everything, but I’m not confident it’s done much. He came with everything from his previous home so...
  4. Mrs641

    6 month old rabbit

    Hey guys, I’m a bit frustrated with my new rabbit. He just turned 6 months, we got him from a lady our vet knew, she needed to rehome him due to circumstances changing. My previous rabbit was 2 when we got her, and their personalities are completely different! He’s extremely mischievous, no...
  5. Mrs641

    Bunny passed away suddenly last night

    Hello all. I just wanted to seek some input on what you think could have happened to my poor bunny Penny. My husband brought her to me last night around 10 for some cuddles and we noticed she was covered in poop (this has happened before when she’s had too many treats or sugary veggies) so we...
  6. Mrs641

    Bun suddenly afraid in crate

    Nothing has changed cleaning wise, although it occurred to me after I made this post that she may have been wanting her blanket she snuggled with changed, she had directly peed on it, which isn’t normal, so I’ve gotten that switched out. I was thinking the same thing about something going on...
  7. Mrs641

    Bun suddenly afraid in crate

    Hey there, had my bun Penny for over a year, very healthy and behaviors normal. Within the past week, she has been waking us up thumping in her crate, acting skittish during the day and will suddenly run and hide and thump. She is peeing in her crate which is NOT normal, she’s very clean and...
  8. Mrs641

    Marking while bonding rabbits

    Thanks so much for that article. There is no issue other than when they get in their crates at night and completely cover them in urine. I have COPIOUS amounts of litter boxes in all rooms of my house, there is adequate places for them to potty. I know for certain it’s a bonding issue, but they...
  9. Mrs641

    Marking while bonding rabbits

    Yes, there is a male and a female, both have been spayed/neutered. Before attempting a bond, my previous bun Penny was completely liter box trained, and before the newer bun came, he was completely liter box trained as well.
  10. Mrs641

    Marking while bonding rabbits

    Hey there y’all, I’ve posted a couple times with questions regarding bonding my rabbits. Everything is on the upswing, however, they both have taken to completely SATURATING their crates at night with urine. I have to clean them every day, I have been switching litter boxes, blankets, and water...
  11. Mrs641

    Bonding rabbits

    I have no idea what caused this breakthrough, but I will take it! I was really frustrated when I posted my question yesterday! ☺️
  12. Mrs641

    Bonding rabbits

    So, they both have crates they go into at night, they are side by side. I have an XPen set up in the living room where he goes during the day, to allow more room for exercise. My other bunny is free range and has been since we got her. I switch litter boxes every day, switch their water bowls...
  13. Mrs641

    Bonding rabbits

    So I got a new rabbit a little over a week ago, I’ve done many bonding sessions with him and my previous bunny Penny, everything goes great when they are in a small space, I use a laundry basket. He has a pen set up that he goes into during the day (sleeps in his crate beside Penny in her...
  14. Mrs641

    Introducing a new rabbit

    Did this behavior ever stop? It really annoys the female and then they end up getting into a fight and I have to separate them. I’ve only done a few interactions, but he seems to just go straight for the humping, I’m wondering if it’s too soon after his neuter.
  15. Mrs641

    Introducing a new rabbit

    Well gosh! I hope I didn’t get him too soon, no going back now! I’ll keep them separated for a long time obviously, give it a couple more weeks for hormones to die down. Penny seems very interested in her new friend, but he just wants to hump her, poor thing. Thank you for responding, who knew...