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  1. lagomorph

    Bok Choy - how much is too much?

    Feeding small amounts of several different types of greens better replicates what a wild rabbit would eat, and is very likely more nutritionally balanced. As to your point about expensive greens spoiling before your rabbit can use it up, get used to making soup!! We've learned to toss just about...
  2. lagomorph

    Don't feed rabbits lettuce?

    Everything (within reason) in moderation. Introduce new greens slowly, and don't feed a huge quantity of any one type. If you provide grass hay, a bit of alfalfa, pellets, and a mix of fresh greens, they will pretty much self regulate. In our case we also provide twigs from our apple and pear...
  3. lagomorph

    Rabbit inactive?

    I think the time of day you are letting her out is fine - it's close enough to a rabbit's normally active time. Her inactivity is probably a combination of years of inactivity in her previous home, and the need to adjust to her new home. Just keep letting her out at the same time each day, and...
  4. lagomorph

    Wood shavings

    Google Carefresh and you'll find it. I once did a pretty thorough review of actual peer reviewed journal articles on use of pine and cedar shavings for pet bedding, since I've been involved in this debate numerous times, with regard to chickens (what to use for litter), wild birds (in terms...
  5. lagomorph

    more nipping after getting spayed :,(

    I had a female that became more aggressive after spaying, just as you describe: nipping every now and then, sometimes for no obvious reason, but sometimes while I was grooming her (she was angora) which she clearly hated. So it was a permanent change in her behavior, and I thought it was more...
  6. lagomorph

    My rabbit doesn't let me pet it outside of the cage

    I think this must be fairly common bunny behavior. My rabbit does not even live in a cage - he has a 40 sq ft shed with constant access to an 80 sq ft enclosure. During nice weather I open a little door that leads from his enclosure to a 1/3 acre fenced in yard, so he can "free range". When...
  7. lagomorph

    Disabled Cottontail enrichment

    Probably an Eastern cottontail? If so, I wouldn't focus so much on providing a tunnel-like experience or digging opportunity. They do not dig much and do not live in borrows. They scrape shallow forms in the protected areas (like under a shrub or in a thicket) for sleeping. Thus, they like...
  8. lagomorph

    Do they do better in pairs?

    Looks like true love!
  9. lagomorph

    My bunnies against the Summer Heat

    Definitely need protection from flying predators, and some way to create shade, since rooftop is open and exposed to sunlight. "Closer to the sun" does not mean warmer temp. Think of mountain tops: high elevation usually means COLDER temps (due to reduced atmospheric pressure), though if the...
  10. lagomorph

    Do they do better in pairs?

    I wasn't implying they don't know the difference between a cat and a rabbit. Just saying that I think a rabbit can have a gratifying relationship with a cat. If they sleep together and groom each other, that's pretty darn close and affectionate, and much better than having no friend at all. I...
  11. lagomorph

    Irresponsibe bunny owners

    Since she hasn't actually abandoned him yet, I don't think the SPCA can do anything here. But maybe a phone call from them will shake her up a bit, and encourage her to give you the rabbit.
  12. lagomorph

    Do they do better in pairs?

    Yes, of course that is a bond. They are buddies.
  13. lagomorph

    My bunnies against the Summer Heat

    To add to what I said above, I would also find a way to shade part of the roof. Your climate is so extremely hot, that I would bring them indoors, if it is not possible to provide shade and a deep burrow on the roof.
  14. lagomorph

    My bunnies against the Summer Heat

    You asked about underground tunnel temperatures: My rabbit lives in a shed with an 80 sq ft enclosure to which he always has access. The floor of the enclosure is bare earth into which he can construct a real burrow, and he has. He most often uses the burrow when above ground temperatures...
  15. lagomorph

    Unaltered male and cat

    My friend had several indoor cats who all tolerated the bunny, and one became very close to the bunny - the two used to sleep together. I have cats and a bunny (formerly 2 bunnies, until 1-2 months ago), but my situation is a little different. My bunny house is a shed with a large outdoor...