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  1. FoxFire

    was given a sick rabbit

    he was eating when my husband last checked on him - ihave to split my time between the bunny and my son at the moment - i think i still have a vaporizer, if not then my mom might - she lives next door. if that doesnt work then i'll just put him the kitched and put the kettle on to boil. should...
  2. FoxFire

    was given a sick rabbit

    k upon closer inspection.... she has turned out to be a he :? given where he is from - yard rabbit living with other males possibly? do you think that could be why he is so thin? i know that doesnt account for the lung infection, but i am going to look into the eucalyptus oil. any ideas where...
  3. FoxFire

    was given a sick rabbit

    i doubt she's been spayed. she was a yard rabbit.. i'm not sure if she's tame or if she is really just that sick. she let me pick her up... which i did very quickly when i heard the rattle in her chest... my healthy rabbits wouldnt tolerate being picked up so quickly, but she let me do it.. she...
  4. FoxFire

    was given a sick rabbit

    i was given a small white female(i think?) rabbit and she has a horrible sound coming from her, when she breaths it sounds like ,, well hard to describe really. something in her lungs... she's also obscenely thin.... i am convinced she has pneumonia and most definately some other problem.. but...
  5. FoxFire


    sorry it has taken so long to get back here, been busy.... thanks everyone for the advice, i think you're right, its mostly curiosity and affection. since i was here last i have built a larger pen for the rabbits with the NIC cubes - took three packages of them but it looks great! they love the...
  6. FoxFire

    Show Jumping

    i live in the southern part of the US, florida to be specific :) and yeah i have tons of things to use for jumps lol no worries there, its just that a lot of it is old fallen trees, besides the hickory tree, we also have a fallen pine, and a couple of others, but they're HUGE.. i would need a...
  7. FoxFire

    Hilarious ferret commercial

    DUDE!! that is the full version!?! on my local tv network they dont show the leg getting chopped off!! holy crap! :shock: i thought it was funny till then lol now its just... kinda ewww!
  8. FoxFire


    Ickis my male American bunny is a curious guy.. friendly, out going, etc. but if i leave my hand in his cage long enough he'll try to.. nibble it. it doesnt hurt, hes never broke the skin, but it makes me jump every time! it never fails.... the reason i jump is because when i was a little kid my...
  9. FoxFire

    Show Jumping

    hey thanks for the info! i wonder how much it wuld cost me, in regards to equipment, if i decided to build my own jumps.... i would probably get funny looks from the locals if i even mentioned show jumping rabbits.....
  10. FoxFire

    Show Jumping anyone ever seen this? heard of it? done it? i want to teach mine to do this... maybe not on a profesional scale, but... it would still be something fun to do with them :biggrin2:
  11. FoxFire


    thanks for that info. it makes sense to me. and seems i've read that somewhere else before too.
  12. FoxFire

    What book are you reading right now

    i am reading a book called "Faithful Ruslan".... i stole it from my mom before i moved out..... i have no earthly idea what its about... except the main character is a dog... and he was a prison guard dog in the Soviet Union, but (my history on this are blows) ..but the prisoners were all...
  13. FoxFire

    Don't you hate...

    i guess i'm weird lol but i like commercials with animals in them.. AFLAC(i even have four "aflac" ducks :biggrin2:), the gecko, i loved the Taco Bell Dog.... and the Geoffry Giraffe in the Toys R Us commercials... and lets not forget the Grey Hound Bus news hound lol now the commercials i DONT...
  14. FoxFire

    Dear Arizona....

    we've been in a drought here in florida for most of the spring and summer.... and have had nasty forest fires ALL over the state.... its only just recently gotten back into the normal pattern of rain at 3:00pm. you could set your watch to it lol but it was bad not too long ago..... my husband...
  15. FoxFire

    Rabbit Savvy

    good point.... i had three male rats once (i know not a rabbit, but still a small pet) our ordinary vet was out of town when i first got these rat babies.. but the visiting vet who took his place for the week was more than happy to check them out, worm them and make sure they were all healthy...