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  1. DrSki


    Don't worries about the wee-wee on daddy. Iz use to be super good about no wee-wees, but now that Iz a older bun, Iz has lots of acidents on both the floor and mommy. Shez super nice about it and doesn't yell at me cuz Iz almost 10 and forget about where the wee-wee is suppoze to go. That's why...
  2. DrSki

    Hi Everyone!

    What a cutie! From one mini rex to another - welcome to RO-------
  3. DrSki

    Having tail issues

    Thought I'd update everyone on Sydney's tail issues. After a year of dealing with her licking/biting her tail, on and off antibiotics and having to wear the little collar for weeks at a time, she is currently (knock on wood and keep your fingers crossed) just about 8 weeks without incident. I...
  4. DrSki

    Can rabbits eat bananas?

    Sydney absolutely loves bananas and will beg for them. If she hears my husband in the kitchen when she's out in the evening, she'll run to the edge of the carpet and wait until he brings her a piece. She is a fruit lover. You do have to watch the amounts they get each day (we've been able to up...
  5. DrSki

    How did you come up with your rabbit's names?

    Sydney came with her name, since she was a rescue bun, and I liked her name so it stuck. However, I did decide to add a middle name and she became Sydney Sue. Over the past 8 years she's acquired many nicknames - Syd, Syde (syd-ee), Syd Sue, Syders, pooh, bugga and for some unknown reason - Fred!
  6. DrSki

    tiny poop

    Sydney has been a multi GI bunny and we too have spent time in the emergency and regular vet and many sleepless nights. The biggest thing is to keep him eating and hydrated. Sydney also gets fresh pineapple each night. When things are bad, we do fresh pineapple juice in a syringe instead.
  7. DrSki


    Try making a slurry of warm water and pellets. Does her stomach seem sore or tight? Like she might have gas? Is she sitting hunched up or acting like she can't get comfortable? If so she might need some baby gas drops. Sydney weighs just over 4 lbs and I give her 1mL of the drops and then repeat...
  8. DrSki

    I had babies!

    Doz look sweet. Kinda like my furry bear. Yuz is lucky to has babies to play wit and snuggles. I bet yuz gonna be a good momma. Keep us updated wit pics :stork:
  9. DrSki


    Do you have any Critical Care on hand? You may need to syringe feed her to keep the gut working. She probably needs a probiotic to get her back on track. Keeping good thoughts for Lucy.
  10. DrSki

    Hello from Fredonia!

    That is the coolest coloring on a bun I've seen. What a lucky bun! I love how your dog just goes with the flow and seems to take this new addition in stride. Melvin seems to think he's bigger than he is and might end up being the alpha pet of the group :wave:
  11. DrSki

    Oxbow Joint Support

    Thanks I do like all the Oxbow products, and they do seem to have the science/research behind their products. I can't find the Joint Tabs or other supplements in any of the stores close by, so I'll have to order them, but since I can also order some of her other products, maybe I can save a bit...
  12. DrSki

    Oxbow Joint Support

    After a wellness visit to the vets today, we discussed starting Sydney on a Glucosamine product to help her arthritis and maybe ease the continued tail munching (previous thread in the infirmary section - still an issue we deal with off and on). I recall having seen Oxbows product in a small...
  13. DrSki

    Syringe feeding- help!

    We've had many syringe feed experiences with Sydney and GI Stasis and she often wears it, as well as struggles. Cassnessxox is right as far as the side being the best area and wrapped as tight as possible. This seems to be the best way that I've found. I also try to make the slurry a thinner (it...
  14. DrSki

    Show me on dis chart where your hooman snuggled you

    My momma likes to touch all da spots, but since I like her and I be an older bunz now I let her, but sometimes she kisses way to much when we nuggle. As for da big guy, I likes the noms (specially nanos :wiggle), but not the touches in the no, caution and I kill you spots. Only the yes and meh...
  15. DrSki

    Bunny making coughing noise

    I use to give the hairball remedy also, but stopped after reading that it actually forms a barrier around a hairball and prevents water and other enzymes from penetrating the mass and prevent it from passing through or breaking down. Now I use daily chunks of fresh pineapple to help with fur...