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  1. Bunnicula

    Tough decision for me I feel terrible

    Sorry for your loss. It always hurts no matter how short or long the animal's life matter what the circumstances of his/her passing. Just remember that there are many, many people like you out there who have gone through this situation. In time, your strongest memories will be of the...
  2. Bunnicula

    Chippy's got a lump (benign cystic teratoma.....extra ingrown mammary gland)

    Thinking of you and Chippy today. Let us know what the vet has to say. :pray:
  3. Bunnicula

    Pak choi, peas and.....

    mouse_chalk wrote: Can you separate the buns during feeding time? I often do that with Pipkin & Emmaline...especially when there are "treats" in their salads like a carrot or fruit. Emmy is a foodaholic and thief, which does not bode well for Pipkin if she decides he has something in his...
  4. Bunnicula

    A Book Every Rabbit Parent Should Own

    Thanks for the recommendation. I have to send the info along to a friend who is currently using various alt medicine therapies for a rabbit with neurological issues from EC. She is finding that acupuncture is doing amazing things for her little gal.
  5. Bunnicula

    I'm not sure why I can't seem to get anything accomplished in the office...

    Aw, Peg....those babies are just too sweet. Who would WANT to get any work done?
  6. Bunnicula

    Tallulah Maesie, the angel bunny

    That's a really beautiful portrait of Tallulah. It will look lovely in your home, I am sure. Sorry that you won't be getting another little girl. But that probably is the best for now. That's kind of the stage we are at with our cats. As they are aging and our numbers slowly declining...we are...
  7. Bunnicula

    How many rabbits?

    It sounds like you have really done a lot of research and preparation. As long as you have the money, time, and realize that you may not be able to work them into a bonded trio...I say go for it. I agree that it might be wise to start with just the pair or the solo for a week or two...then add...
  8. Bunnicula

    New mommy

    I also feed my buns Oxbow pellets...and (since they are older) daily salads...and hay, of course. Our vet's office carries the Oxbow pellets and hays at a much more reasonable cost than the area pet store that carries it. Like others have said, just make sure to avoid pellets that have seeds &...
  9. Bunnicula

    New mommy

    She's adorable and looks similar to my Pipkin. She may well be a Holland Lop. Mine did not grow much after 6 mos of age...just changed in features. Welcome to RO. Hope you enjoy yourself here. It's a great place to make friends and learn a lot about bunnies. Don't be afraid to ask any questions.
  10. Bunnicula


    Bassetluv wrote: Perhaps your dreams will come true simultaneously when you meet a man with a Dyson. ;)
  11. Bunnicula

    New from Port Orange Florida

    Welcome to RO. Great to have you with us.
  12. Bunnicula

    Oh when are my kid's going to break up for summer!!!

    ellissian wrote: Hooray for Sian!!! Tell her I said congratulations on finishing up primary school. Also, start pumping her now to become a bunny-savvy vet. I'll need someone new when mine retires. lol
  13. Bunnicula

    Sophie was spayed and is pulling her stitches out

    E-collars definitely don't work with bunnies. At least it didn't with Emmaline. She is very crafty and had hers off in no time (but the vet at the emerg center had insisted she wear it). Our vet has been known to use "wire" sutures. Since Emmaline is such a fuss-bucket and will chew at...
  14. Bunnicula


    Congratulations on finding a breeder. Looking forward to seeing pics of whoever you adopt.
  15. Bunnicula


    RexyRex wrote: Good thought. The hose is kinda long. I'm going to the hardware store this weekend to find a short one. That probably is the issue. Thanks!