zomg MICE!

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A CO2 pellet gun will take them out too. No big bang or anything to scare the rabbits and it will be easy to "confirm the kill". In addition it will help you release your anger towards the rodents.

I had a rabbit outside when I was growing up and a rat would scare himtrying to get at his food and water everynight.The ratfinally had an accident, he fell onto my baseball bat repeatedly.

Go get'em, take no prisoners!

I don't have any advice, just, wow! That must have been aweful finding Dale like that.

The way you describe mice and rats, is much the same way people talk about rabbits here a lot (lots of farms in NZ). Rabbit burrows often maime horses or other livestock when they step in them.

Anyways, goodluck.
Oh my goodness JAK. You are very brave to have to deal with a RAT. I just hate rats/mices tails...ugh. Poor Dale..:( I bet he's happy in Heaven, though. Those nasty mice! They do deserve to die, for Dale's sake. Poor guy.

I haven't had a rat/mice problem before.....I would maybe find some small live-animal traps and maybe set those with like rabbit food, or something. Once the mice are in kill them humanely, if possible, or give them to your friend who has the snake. That may be your best bet; definitley don't bring the snake there! No way, lol.

Seems like those mice may have escaped from a circus if they know how to work traps and get in cages! Like Bramblerose said, find a small little mice-killing dog. I know Jack Russells and Chihuahua's are great at those things, but the excessive yapping while they're hunting the mice/rats may frighten the bunnies.....but if it works totally go for it. And chickens do eat mice as well. Once I saw my duck eat a mouse..very strange but it was cool as well. So ducks and chickens eat mice. That might work!

Good luck!
You know, I can't believe I didn't think of using chickens myself. I have had chickens for almost 15 years, and for some odd reason they seem to think mice are a delicacy. I really hate it if I see them killing one, but they do get the job done. And they have the super fast reflexes to catch them easily. Plus they will pick up any feed you spill! How handy is that?
yeah we love our chickens, I've been locking them in the horse barn at night though and I haven't seen a mouse in there since....althoguht there's definitely a rat in there too. Eating through feed bags and making all sorts of tunnels. There's a tunnel in 3 stalls, behind the grain bin, and behind my dad's work bench. But I haven't seen any mice in there since the chickens came to live here.

I knew a woman who raised angoras and had those suspended cages.... and she kept silkie chickens (do google them, get a laugh) in her rabbitry... they ate any dropped food, ate fly larvae in summer, and are flightless sot hey couldn't roost on her c ages and poop on the bunners. I know I don't like being pooped on.

I know Gloria or Rudy would make an awesome mouse-killer.....

I keep my mum's goat, Lydia, at my farm and she's such a troublemaker. She gets into eerything and drives me u pa wall pretty much. Knocked my cell phone into a bucket of water the other day, eats all my chicken food..etc. But my mum and dad bottle raised her so of course they are in love with her. She's never a bad goat when ''mommy aqnd dadddy'' are at the barn. Its just cute when she destroys all my stuff and makes a mess and trips me while i'm trying to get things done.

on the o ther hand...our rooster attacks people. But he's nice to me and Erron becausae we don't let him get away with that. Erron loves to just....cuddle chickens. They're like puppies to him. And the rooster hates my dad and attacks him all the time.

So we have a blackboard in the barn to leave notes on ....and lately there's been like a cartoon battle between Erron and my dad. Erron feeds in the AM and draws a picture of the goat doing something retarded and senseless, basically mocking Lydia ten fold. And my dad shows up later in the evening and draws a picture of Rudy in a soup pot and writes things like '' Rudy in the hot tub''.

this has become like an every day thing and I always show up in between drawing to do barn work and discover the most hilarious illustrations. The other day Erron had drawn one of a giant Rudy with a dinosair tail and spikes down his back, stomping buildings and shooting lasers out of his eyes and the movie title read '' RUDY: DEATH CHICKEN OFTHE APOCOLYPSE"

So yeah.... chicken + mice problem sounds like a grand idea so far.
Jesse that sucks big time. I hope you get em all. I think i would be trying the water traps or water and electric even more efficient :p
Mice and rats...they're animals...they'll do what it's in their nature to do...there's no way to completely domesticate them...
Yeah, my mom has a couple of silkiesshe rescued from our nasty neighbor. He shows all kinds of poultry and pidgeons, and if it has a flaw or is not a show color, well... he also rehabilitates birds of prey, and let's just say they are well fed. :X
I am not a mod anymore, but I feel the need to put my word in...

I really think the talk of killing mice and rats needs to stop. As a rat and mouse lover (wild and domestic...many wild pet rats make great pets, as well), I find this thread incredibly disturbing and it brings tears to my eyes. For you guys, it would be like me coming on here and telling you about how I am going to kill off all the rabbits in my yard.

There are other rat lovers on this board too, in which I have received a PM about this thread from one of them....telling me they are discusted with this thread because there is talk of killing mice and rats.

It's life, rabbits die and rats die.....but I don't think the killing of animals needs to be brought up on this forum. I think you know what to do if you have a mouse/rat problem...."get rid of them" or set live traps...simple as that.

I'd just really appreciate it if this thread no longer talked about how to kill a living animal...no matter how "discusting" or "diseased" they are.

Thank you.
JAK, I can completely sympathize with your problem. We have a mice problem at the school I teach at. We have no choice but to get rid of them. I feel for them. I really do, but honestly...there is no way the children can co-exist with mice. It's not feasible. It's not healthy in any way. I'm sure it would be the same way for your rabbits.

If only we could sit and have a civilized negotiation with them, what would that be like?

"I'll give you a block of chedder and 2 tubs of peanut butter to get the hell out of my house. Any takers?"

undergunfire wrote:
I really think the talk of killing mice and rats needs to stop. As a rat and mouse lover (wild and domestic...many wild pet rats make great pets, as well), I find this thread incredibly disturbing and it brings tears to my eyes. For you guys, it would be like me coming on here and telling you about how I am going to kill off all the rabbits in my yard.

There are other rat lovers on this board too, in which I have received a PM about this thread from one of them....telling me they are discusted with this thread because there is talk of killing mice and rats.
I've really been avoiding this thread cause I don't like mice or rats. I don't like seeing them usually or reading about them - and I don't like thinking about how to dispose of them.

Unfortunately - part of having a rabbitry - means that we have to deal with issues like this and make hard choices - choices that others would not want to make....choices that perhaps we don't want to make but we've had to make in order to protect our animals.

If this post were out in the main area of the forum - I would agree with you. However, it is isn't out there - it is placed in the rabbitry section because sometimes we as breeders have issues we need to discuss.

I think that given time - this thread will die out and go pages back into the rabbitry area. If someone has a problem with rats again, we can pull a link to the thread and say, "Here...read this" and maybe that will be the end of it.

Since you've met Art - maybe you can picture him doing this. I once was sitting at my desk - complaining about all the spam in my email. He walked over behind me - clicked on one - and hit the delete key without even looking at it. He then said, "Dealing with spam is easy - just don't read it and move on..".

So it is with topics in this forum that we may disagree with - maybe you can't delete it - but you can move on and the topic will eventually die.

It isn't like we're saying folks should put down domesticated rats and mice. It isn't like we're saying all rats and mice should be killed.

But we're talking about protecting a rabbitry and rabbits - and this is a rabbit forum and not a rat forum. I think that makes a big difference.

myLoki wrote:
"I'll give you a block of chedder and 2 tubs of peanut butter to get the hell out of my house. Any takers?"


Love it!!!

Seriously tho. I am not going to say a whole lot because I could go on and on and end up in a debate that isn't appropriate here.

I will say that unless some endangered species of rats/mice is finding refuge in my barn/house/garage - they are going down. Wild animals are lovely but when they could be carrying disease to my family and animals - guess who comes first. Not only these rodents, but other wild animals can do unreal damages to property and livestock.

In this particular forum, it is not only appropriate but very important to discuss such things to educate and to help each other in finding solutions to pests before you end up with more and more and having to kill more and more to get them out.

This is the real world. Sad, but true.
I can see both sides of this, but I have to side against the mice. I have had both rats and mice as pets, and I loved them as I love all my pets. But when it comes down to whether to kill wild mice to save my pet rabbits,I think the choice is clear. I try to live trap and relocate as much as possible whenI have a pest like a possum or raccoon, but when you are talking about as many as Jak has here, it's just not possible. YOu move them far enough away to keep them off your own property, and they will wind up on someone else's. Then that person kills them anyway.

Bo raised a good point, inthat this is the real world. Sometimes life is harsh, and you can't always do anything about that. I hate killing anything, but I see it as self defense. I totally understand some people not liking this thread, but no one is making anyone read it either.

I think really the bottom line is that Jak has a problem, and she has tried conventional methods of solving that problem and they have not worked. She came here for help, and that is what we are trying to do. All this being said, I have spoken my opinion, and I will try not to open my mouth again to add to the argument.
This is basic survival here. I don't think being human has made me any better or worse than any animal in the chain of life. I am trying to help my rabbits. I have mentioned that using conventional traps is not working, and I came on here looking for advice since ''conventional methods'' are not working for me. Its not as easy as setting a trap anymore. They are litterally dancing over my traps and they are not going off. They are eating through my insolation, eating holes in bagsa of feed, pooping and urinating on my bales of hay and in my rabbit's food.

This being a rabbit forum, I am trying to protect my rabbits. PArt of keeping any pet is keeping it alive, healthy, and providing a safe living enviornment of all basic things. With as many mice as are running around my shed, this is not safe. Thsi is ahealth issue for ME as well as my animals. I have just as much chance of picking up something from mice as my bunnies do, especially with them running right over my feet. What if one of them bit me while I was reaching into a container?

If this thread is disturbing to some, its as easy as avoiding it. We tell lots of people that this forum is for breeders and pet people alike. And if you happe nto be a purely pet person and cannot stand talk of breeding and showing rabbits then just avoid the rabbitry. Which is exactly what was told to the last person that said they had a problem.

I do not delight in the idea of killing off mice. This isn't a sport or a game. This isn't fun to me. I'd love to see every one of the little buggers sipping lime martinis in mosue paradise so long as they are nowhere near my animals. I have found help and understanding on this thread and I think anyone else in teh future who may have the same problem will too.

If anyone honestly thinks that this isn't a serious problem for me, and that I should just leave the poor helpless mice alone, then I will gladly exume 6 month old Dale for you so you can see the bones sticking out of his legs, and I want you to know he was alive when that happened.

This is a RABBIT FORUM. I WILL help my rabbits and I WILL fight for them. In this case my fight is against the mice/rats in my shed. And if you can't support a just cause like protecting your rabbits, then....well I won't even say.
JAK Rabbitry wrote:
If this thread is disturbing to some, its as easy as avoiding it.

This is a RABBIT FORUM. I WILL help my rabbits and I WILL fight for them.
Very good points here. As much as I hate to think of having to kill anything (and we know you do too, Jesse) you cant allow them to hurt your bunnies when you have tried other options.
JAK Rabbitry wrote:
If anyone honestly thinks that this isn't a serious problem for me, and that I should just leave the poor helpless mice alone, then I will gladly exume 6 month old Dale for you so you can see the bones sticking out of his legs, and I want you to know he was alive when that happened.

This is a RABBIT FORUM. I WILL help my rabbits and I WILL fight for them. In this case my fight is against the mice/rats in my shed. And if you can't support a just cause like protecting your rabbits, then....well I won't even say.


Have you found answers to the situation yet?

Have you used peanut butter on the traps?
Yes, I always use peanut butter. It's healthy.

Mandi did bring over her trap last night and so far today I caught 2, but I still see them scurrying everywhere and it's only big enough to catch mice, not rats. I don't know if the rat I did catch was the only one or if ther's more, but i'm sure if there's one there's many. I know for sure we have more than one rat in our horse barn that we've been trtying to catch and we've been setting rat traps and we just cannot catch him. So even if i've found a solution to the mouse problem, I'm still kind of at a loss on what to do about the rats. I think mr rat has been taking my chicken eggs, he built a nice little hole next to Gloria's nest. I'm wondering if Mandi's mosue trap comes in a bigger size, it seems to be working quite well for the moment.

Jesse - 5
Mice - 1