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doesnt it always seem like when you are bored and on line no one is ever on,lol.

Well right now it is 8:38 where i am and my oldest just went to school, my 3 year old is sitting on the couch with some stomach bug thing, and the youngest is still in bed sleeping. I fed the buns and piggies, and the dogs, and i vacummed, and now i have wash to do . Care to come over and help me clean ,lol
lol haha, your all right ta, I have a ton of house work I really should be doing right now myself. It is 2:22pm and I have done nothing apart from watch a little tv, write some letters asking people to please, please employ me and ran around after a fluffy bunny all day who has done nothing but get into mischief hehe. Hmm maybe I should start the house cleaning
ha ha It is funny to think it was first thing in the morning for me but afternoon for you,lol

Well i have done 2loads of washed, cleaned up my downstairs bathroom because the toilet overflowed, thank god it was new water and not used water in the toilet :vomit: Put batteries in the monitor, and the leapster game and am sitting here doing nothing, agian.
I know the feeling guys, I've done nothing all day! I didn't get up til 1, :embarrassed:as I felt terrible this morning, we took Chalk to the vets (with Mouse for company) about the cut on her shoulder, got some antibiotic cream for it, and I came home and have been browsing the forum ever since, plus a little innocent Facebooking :)

I do need to get Steve to take me to the shops though in a bit- he accidentallylet Chalk in our bedroom yesterday and she ate the wires on my bedside light, alarm clock and phone charger :scared:Luckily she was ok, but the appliances most definately are not lol!

All of my plans for housework have gone out the window...:(
Well I'm still not doing anything..I caught up on Neighbours and now I'm catching up on Corronation street hehe total soap addict. Ohh your on facebook, come find me if you wantfull name is Amy Wragg, you will know you have the right one because I am wearing a halloween costume holding Jess who is wearing a pumpkin costume hehe
I am home sicky from work with the stomach flu :(.
I'm smoking fish, letting my pizza dough rise, doing a load of laundry, and getting ready to clean my Prairie dogs, and put my critters to bed for the night. My sheep and goats have to be in the barn by 5 PM because the local coyote packis going crazy right now. They are hungry.

I'd rather be doing nothing! I don't feel well either - I can't wait to curl up with blanket, cup of tea, and and the dogs and not have anything left to do for the evening! So I am sitting here, putting everything off as long as I can! :)
I put a picture of one of my PD's on my blog - I have some more I'll put on tonight, they are super cute.

I've got three sheep, a Dorset cross who I bottle raised last winter and is blind, a Black Welsh who has three legs, and her son... Three misfits, but we love them :)
mezeta wrote:
Well I'm still not doing anything..I caught up on Neighbours and now I'm catching up on Corronation street hehe total soap addict. Ohh your on facebook, come find me if you wantfull name is Amy Wragg, you will know you have the right one because I am wearing a halloween costume holding Jess who is wearing a pumpkin costume hehe

Amy consider yourself added! Lol, I watch Neighbours too, I love it- that's really sad... I'm rubbish at remembering to watch Corrie but I always watch Eastenders :)

And Trailsend, god I wish I was as productive as you! All my household chores have been moved to tomorrow, and they WILL get done. Yes they will..... ;)

At least I did something today after all, I replaced light, alarm clock and phone charger, with better, prettier versions!
Oh dear, poorly people. Hope you both feel better soon!

I actually got my house work done today!! But I just started cooking dinner so its ready for tonight and now the kitchen is a mess again..hmmm I will do it later..

Woop woop I have a friend hehe, I know I am totaly addicted to Neighbours I tend not to tell people that though :D. I lurve Easties as well, apparently Home and Away is meant to be better than Neighbours but I haven't watched that since Angel and Shane were in it, I darent incase I get addicted its bad enough I watch Neighbours hehe. I only watch Corra when I am at my parents my mum loves it.

I have been really naughty today..Erm I kinda went to Pets at Home just to make sure I have everything ready for my new arrival. Turned out I really hadn't!! Even though he has a ton of toys I totally overlooked the fact that he didnt have a tuxedo!!! I saw it in the Pets Boutique bit for a really small dog, had to get it hehe. When he is totally settled in I will have to try it on him..OMG I am so sad :baghead

I also got a couple of those willow balls with stuff in Jess loved hers til she destroyed it so thought I would get her another one and one for Travis. Finaly I got a pet carrier its really cute its material, pink and black and is for small dogs, cats and rabbits. It will easily fit both Jess and Travis in if they become good friends and the best bit?!? it was only £9.00 I love bargains woop woop.

****! I always wanted to take a snow day! I can remember once when it was heavily snowing and I was expecting work to say don't bother coming in and did they..Nope.. Grrr. Whats the point of snow if you can't take a day off.

Do you think you will get away with another day tomorrow? Wish we had snow. Its just been grey all day then it rained a bit and now its all dark rainy and glum :(

No we won't get anouther snow day tommorow, my school's sooooooooooooooo stingy that way! Unless it's absoluty terrible out we almost never have snow days. I think the state only alows like 3 days off then you have to add extra days into summer!

Oh well, I'm savoring my freedom!
I've been soooo good today! :DEven though I felt rubbish, I got up, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned out the fridge, swept all the floors, then we took loads of rubbish to the tip. Plus we just HAD to go to Pets at Home for more litter (we only had 3 day's worth left! :p), and just HAD to have a look at the bunnies in the adoption section... and the toys... didn't buy anything, that's how good I've been!

Plus we've finally moved out dryer upstairs to the spare room so we have some space in the kitchem again- the new cage had taken it over!

And I've only been online for about 20mins aswell...something is definately wrong here...

AmyI used to watch Home and Away aswell, but I've not seen it sinceit used to be on ITV just after Neighbours! I am not looking forward to Neighbours moving to Channel 5 soon and there being adverts... that's just wrong! Is it bad to say I also watch Doctors and Diagnosis Murder too if I'm home? Yes? Ok, I don't watch Dotors or Diagnosis Murder... :embarrassed:

I've got one of those pet carriers too! Is it the one like a sports bag?

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