Y'know, if I had a ton of spending money...

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Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
...I'd definitely earn a reputation as 'the weird pet lady'....

Took my dog to the pet store today, and whilst there picked up a magazine called Animal Wellness. It's got some pretty good articles in it, but also some interesting ads. And there was one that I just had to share. It's a company called "Bulldogbedandcompany.com"; they make - obviously - pet beds. But just to show you what one looks like, I wanted to post a photo here...and to say, if I had the money and the room, my pets would probably wind up with one for each of them:


How adorable is that??? :biggrin2:
OMG! I'd love to have those for the bunnies, and the dogs, and..... shoot if the horses could lay on one they'd get them LOL!

Bo B Bunny wrote:
OMG! I'd love to have those for the bunnies, and the dogs, and..... shoot if the horses could lay on one they'd get them LOL!

LOL!!! I could just see your barn now...each horse snoozing away in their own four-poster, complete with blankies to cover them up! :laugh:

They really are adorable beds though, aren't they? :D Cripes, the one in the photo puts my bed to shame...:p
If Yofi had one of those, he'd be demanding breakfast in bed every morning...I can just see it now:

In his best YofiBritish accent:

"Yes, bring me my carrottops, and my oats...set them on the tray, will you luv? Thanks ever so much...oh, and don't forget to add the sprigs of parsley. That's the ticket..."

If I had a dog, I'd totally buy him one of those. Of course, I'd get unlucky and he wouldn't sleep in it....haha!
That would be cute beside the bed instead of a night table... hmm

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