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Unacceptable Behavior (Subject toWarnings):

- name calling

- ridiculing of another's opinion

- failure to 'agree to disagree'

- the posting of obviously inflammatorytopics (eg: rabbit meat, breeder vs.animal rights attacks)

- overly abrasive or negative posts on any topic

- personal vendettas

- 'advertising' or linking other forums or commercialventuresin posts (see Content Rulesfor advertising policies).

If you haven't noticed, there is an entire forum just for breeders. Note the the topic bolded above is not permitted there either.

We aren't even allowed to explain why they do it? I personally don't cull, or eat rabbits, but why can't we explain it so people understand culling better. It's fair that we continue to get a bad reputation, and no one will listen to us. Discrimination my friend, it's an ugly thing.
You welcome breeders? PSH!"If you haven't noticed, there is an entire forum just for breeders. Note the the topic bolded above is not permitted there either." You seem to have undeveloped rules. Good Bye irresponsible pet owners.
I too was a breeder, I recently decided it wasn't for me. But I too agree culling is an important topic to discuss. Maybe we could have a seperate part of the forum for that sort of stuff? So people can feel more welcome? Just a thought.
We have been discussing a private area on this forum for 'sensitive' discussions.

Unfortunately if it draws combative posters like we've been seeing recently (H&H is a prime example), who are bound to frequent and criticize other areas, no thanks.

Fuzzypatch, you have a great forum, I'm sure you would 'censor' discussions from an animal rights activist that came on board, broke your rules and started criticizing breeders.

We're a moderate forum. We don't discuss meat and we also don't welcome animal rights discussions.

People who can't respect that are not welcome here. This isn't 'government', it's a privately owned forum. We are not very officious but we do have our rules. We expect members to follow them. If they don't like them, they will have to other forums with policies more to their liking.

Thank you.

sas :cop:
If you looked around the breeder section here you would see a lot of this stuff is discussed. We have our rules and do not plan on changing them. It has worked for several years. There are other forums that we respect and send people to if there are topics we don't allow. We have to try and keep things as fair as possible. We love most of our breeders on this forum, we also respect that some good breeders won't come around because we don't allow certain topics. We have to run that risk because while we do love and respect responsible breeders the majority of the people on this forum are pet owners. Some get and accept culling, some don't no matter how you put it to them.
H & H Rabbits wrote:
Ehh... We never liked you guys anyways. Gente Cosi antipatico addio pet testardo AND NO, THAT WAS NOT SPANISH!!!

It's Italian.

And, in respect for those who do not speak the language, it translates as; "So goodbye nasty stubborn pet people."

I've moved this to the Rabbitry although normally because of the butchering reference, it would be pulled altogether. However there are other messages to breeders that should be viewed.

I have no doubt H&H posted an inflammatory introduction intentionally as a 'shot across the bow' and received the desired result. The maturity level of this member is evident given the above post, and we have no interest in entertaining members of this ilk.

Thank you for your cooperation.

I breed and I discuss that I cull my rabbits but we don't discuss how and I don't feel we need to discuss how. Some take them to a cull buyer and others have the vet take care of it, it really is a personal thing. Many members on this board have spayed and neutered rabbits and those that have show bunnies sell their culls as pets mostly.
I am happy to be here, I know I cull the same way you do but you don't need to advertise it.

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