Wondering about Luna & Patrick?

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I have a few more pictures of Luna that I would like to post. These pictures were taken on this past Monday (9-28-09) in the evening before I started to get the kids ready for bed. It is always a treat to come home from work and find my babies all cuddled up waiting for me to "oh and ah" over them. :DIt works every single time... they just melt my heart every single time. Cuddle-buns never get old for me. I could watch them cuddle 24/7!! :D











It is always so sweet to see Patrick taking such good care of Luna, especially during her time of need. It was obvious to me at this time that Luna was getting weaker, but still alert. Patrick and Zappa still hung out with her and provided the comfort Luna needed. Such good babies.... :)

Those are beautiful photos of your much-loved and kissing trio!:hug: Love is grand.
This will be my last post of pictures with Luna in them. You may be able to tell that she looks much weaker in these next few pics. These pics were taken on this past Thursday (10-01-09) before bed-time once again. My cuddle-babies... :hearts:







Oddly enough, during this past week I cannot tell you how many times I heard the song "Lean on Me." I used to work with my girlfriend, and she would always sing that song when the dogs needed to lean on her during the grooming. My girlfriend passed away some four years ago... Sadly, I have to say that Luna passed away last night (10-03-09) while I was getting every-bun ready for bed. I think I have had too much time to grieve for her, but now it is like a whole new wave of emotion that is just breaking my heart.

Patrick still has Zappa, even though she is not his true love, they will still spend time together. The only thing I noticed this morning was that Patrick was all melted on the bunny-room floor all alone. Zappa was near him, but not all melted/cuddled with him. This will be a change for all of us because I never realized until these past few days how much Luna kept the trio going. She was the link that Patrick and Zappa needed to be close or be excited about snacks. Luna drove the excitement and energy of the trio.

Maybe my girlfriend was giving me a message bigger than I knew. Luna had Patrick to lean on when she was at her weakest, and I had my friends and this forum to provide support. When ever I heard the song play this past week, I would say, "I'm trying Deb, I'm trying to lean on those that matter to me for support." Thank Naturestee and TreasuredFriend for the support I needed during this time of need and guessing what to do next. Couldn't have made it without you... :hug:

Rest in Peace Luna, my little ray of blue sunshine. Binkypain-free at the BridgeSweetie. :rabbithop

Love you Luna,

I am so sorry you lost her, Janet. At least she is free of pain, and waiting for the other two at the bridge.

Binky free, little Luna Belle. :rainbow:

I'm so sorry...Patrick took such good care of her in the end...looks so loving.
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I never thought I could ever have another heart-bunny after I lost Maggie, but Luna proved that wrong. She was my heart-bunny and more. The first time she put her front paws on me for protection, I knew she trusted me. I couldn't begin to tell you how my heart swelled from Luna's trust.

I will probably post something in Rainbow Bridge tomorrow. I know this will take time to heal from her loss. I guess posting in the Bridge is a final step to letting go...

Binky free Luna Belle, my beautiful ray of blue sunshine. :rabbithop

myheart wrote:
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I never thought I could ever have another heart-bunny after I lost Maggie, but Luna proved that wrong. She was my heart-bunny and more. The first time she put her front paws on me for protection, I knew she trusted me. I couldn't begin to tell you how my heart swelled from Luna's trust.

I will probably post something in Rainbow Bridge tomorrow. I know this will take time to heal from her loss. I guess posting in the Bridge is a final step to letting go...

Binky free Luna Belle, my beautiful ray of blue sunshine. :rabbithop

The world is a better place because of you Janet.

Naturestee also reached out/stepped up:) to bring another heart bunny to you!
This RO forum wouldn't have you as a member if not for foster-fantastic mom Angela.

Dedicated to Luna and you. ~

You are gone from my sight,
... But never my memory.
Gone from my hearing,
... But never my heart.
Gone from my touch,
... But your presence is felt.
And the love that you gave me,
Is with me Forever.


TreasuredFriend wrote:
Dedicated to Luna and you. ~

You are gone from my sight,
... But never my memory.
Gone from my hearing,
... But never my heart.
Gone from my touch,
... But your presence is felt.
And the love that you gave me,
Is with me Forever.


This is so sweet!! Thank you so much for the wonderful poem. It means so much to me because it says everything and it's from you, TreasuredFriend. I do hope I will be given the chance to have another heart-bunny some day. It is so difficult to lose them, but the moment when they become part ofmy heart it will far outweigh any loss. I guess I should start asking for a new heart-bunny so that I will be guided to the right little girl for myself, Patrick, and Zappa.

How is everything with you and Patrick and Zappa?
Hey there-- I just wanted to send you my deepest condolences for your recent loss. You are an amazing bunny Momma, and Luna was very lucky to have you
Thank you for posting here, Rosemary. I know people are wondering about Patrick and Zappa (who are doing well), but I just can't post on this thread anymore. Every time I think about looking at the pics and re-living the good times, I end up in tears over my little girl. (I am just crying my eyes out as I type this....) I feel like it is going to take me forever to let my Luna go. :tears2:

Let the tears fall as much as you want to... Luna is forever loved and her legacy of dutch-bun-ray-of-sunshine will inspire more to adopt and rescue ~ and be spoiled extremely Well!! We so want to hold them for 20 years and always in good health.
Feel their healing power (and comfort therapy to us humans).

You are an angel to those who feel your caring love,
So very, very sorry hun. I completely understand why you don't want to post here anymore. I hope that thinking of Luna will become less painful for you down the road. It is still very soon. I am a big animal lover all around, and I know it is never, ever easy to lose a beloved pet. Take care.
Thank you so much for understanding. I am sorry that I forgot to thank you for the condolences.

I guess I was hoping that this thread would just kind of fall back enough pages and just kind of become forgotten. I hope to make a new thread/blog some day, just not now...


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