Whiskey and Seltzer

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Good news!

I got some new bunny books today, so I spread a blanket out, and laid on the livingroom floor, right next to the bunny mansion, while the girls were out playing, and Seltzer came up to me and looked at me for a second, but she was watching me the rest of the time.

Whiskey was crawling all over me, but she know's I'm mama, Seltzer doesn't yet...

The connection isn't permenant, but she's getting better! I am so happy for my little rescue bunny, and I am glad that she has such a strong bond with Whiskey, with all the talk about bonding, I am surprised they made friends so quickly! It just shows you they were meant to be!
That's great! It's really good that Seltzer likes Whiskey, because she might learn not to be so shy around you by watching her. I know Sprite, my bun who is still afraid of hands, watches when I pet her sister Fey and sometimes gets interested (... until I touch her, that is! She had a very rough life.)

BTW, if you go to the Sheboygan library there are several very good rabbit books. Check out the House Rabbit Handbook, House Rabbit Primer, Why Does My Rabbit?, Stories Rabbits Tell, The Private Life of the Rabbit, and Rabbits: Gentle Hearts, Valient Spirits. I donated the last one myself, it's about rescued rabbits.;)
Today is spoil the pets day!

Fly (my collie), Jezabel (my tiger tabby), and Whiskey and Seltzer each got a new air tight food bin, (we recently had a bug problem with the back up dog food, I had to throw it out... stupid summer humidity...), The buns got a nice 40lb bale of farm fresh hay, thanks to Naturestee's reference, Whiskey got a new litter box, and Fly got to take a trip to Petsmart, or as we call it, "fly's store".

I also have a nice batch of homemade banana chips, and the bunnies will get tonight asa special treat.

I think the animals officially have been spoiled... :biggrin2:
Well, I can't wait to get these two babies fixed, because they now HATE to be apart! I had them running around playing, and they both went in and laid down in the distillery, and when I went to put them back in their seperate houses, Seltzer hid in the corner. My roommate was home, so I left them in the big house, and when I came home, they were laying sprawled out next to each other, happy as can be... Is it November yet! (that is when Whiskey can be fixed...)
Well,I caught them today playing in the box I store the hay in... I guess the stuff in their houses is not quite the caliber they desire... lol:biggrin2:

School started yesterday, but the buns seem to be just fine with the new schedule... They do seem more eager to come out to play when I get home!!

OOOH! And breakthrough with Selter, she is getting more and more outgoing, and is more willing to let me pet her, and make a small fuss. It's fantastic!

I was talking with my bunnies today, and they both asked about you here on RO. When I told them no one had been responding to their blog lately, the tears began. My bunnies now think you don't love them!

Seriously, the bunnies are doing great! Seltzer is more and more trusting, and loves her cuddles! Whiskey spent last night running full bore from one side of the livingroom to the other, with an occasional binky in between!

The other day I walked into the livingroom, and heard a scuffle in the corner, I looked just in time to see both bunnies hop out of the box I store the extra hay in... I think they figured they would be in trouble! lol

Seltzer is due to be spayed in two weeks, and Whiskey will be in as soon as she turns 6 months, then I will work on getting them into the same house together. I think they could live together now just fine, I just don't want them to get used to living together, and then separate them for recovery after the surgery...

The girls are waiting patiently for your replies... :biggrin2:
Hi Whiskey & Seltzer, hope you are doing ok.

It's great that Seltzer likes to cuddle, theirs nothing better than Bunny Cuddles.

I sure hope the bonding goes good, to me their is nothing better than seeing 2 bunnies snuggling up to each other.

Hope to see more pictures soon.

Susan and the Gang of 6:bunnydance::bunny19:running bunny:headflick::apollo::runningrabbit:

So things overall are going well. I got some good pics in the last few days, and I should have them up this weekend. I am gaining a lot of trust with Seltzer, unfortunately, my school schedule this week kinda messed me up... I had a few odd days, where I was stuck their late, and had to go in early, so the girls had limited run time for two days, and boy were they both mad. Whiskey seems to be able to make her feelings known without ignoring me completely, but Seltzer now only lets me pet her if I have veggies or pellets for her. In fact, usually when she comes out of her house, we have a little cuddle for a few minutes before she goes to play, no more, now she brings out the claws and high tails it out of there. It will take a little work to fix this...


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