Whiskey and Seltzer

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2007
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, Wisconsin, USA
OOOh a bunny blog...

Okay, first things first. One day I woke up, and said, I want a bunny. I did not know the first thing about bunnies, so I spent two weeks online reading. When I decided that a bunny was indeed for me, I picked a breed, and started looking. I found a nice breeder not far from my house, who seemed to know everyone of my friends...

She had a litter of French Angoras due in about 2 weeks, and told me she would reserve one, so I started looking into "cages". Yuck! They were all so tiny, and ugly, and even though I planned on letting the bunny runsupervised when I was home, I couldn't bear to see one locked up in such a tiny thing, and I hated the idea of something so Ugly in my livingroom. So between my roommate and I, we designed a beautifulhouse, 36" x 48" and two stories, (with the porch the whole thing is 48" x 48") Now 4' x 4' x 3' high doesn't seem too big, until you see it... holy moly... we had to take off the sliding patio door to get the thing into the house, and that was before we put the roof on, so if I move, It'll be an aventure getting it out... We may have to take off both sliding doors, and make sure I move somewhere with a similar door!


Well, I decided on the name Whiskey, because I thought it was so cute, and I am a bartender, so it fit. With a name already picked out, I decided it would be cool to decorate the bunny mansion as an old distillery. I like it, what do you think?

Whiskey Lou was born May 11th 2007, out of a litter of 8. Her mother was a blue french, and her daddy was a chestnut french. Cute little buggers.


I brought Whiskey home in July, and she moved into the mansion. Talk about a spoiled bunny! She is an odd duck, er rabbit, because she loves to cuddle me when I carry her around! I don't do it often, but occasionally I will take her for a "walk" to the mailbox. ( really I just carry her with me.) Well about 3 weeks ago, the mail lady saw me there with Whiskey Lou, and she chatted with me, and petted Whiskey, then told me about the stray rabbit in town. Stray rabbit? We can't have that! Find her! She told me the story, she says a lady she works with at the post office, her niece breeds rabbits for 4-h, or raises or whatever, and she got tired of this one, and let it go. Well it was the weekend of the firemans picnic, just a block or two away from the yard and garden my stray friend frequented, so with all the noise, no one saw her for about a week, but I gave my number to the mail lady, and she called me one thursday (exactly two weeks ago today). She says, I see your rabbit! I stopped at the house, where it was seen, who also happens to be the girls other aunt. I knocked on the door, and the aunts husband answered. He was very helpful, and showed me where the bunny liked to hang out. He said it was tame, but it had been outside to long, it wouldn't let you get very close. He suggested I place a live trap in his wifes flower bed, and told me he would watch out for it.

The next morning, My mail lady called again. Your rabbit is waiting to be picked up! I was so happy! It is a young English Spot, such a sweetie, and a cuddler. yesterday was her first vet visit, and I have a healthy baby girl! We had a slight flea problem at first, but a vet recommended flea/tick spray did the trick, and also brought out a tick I didn't see. Ever since I pulled that tick out of her leg, she had loved me even more! I named her Seltzer, because of her ever emerging bubbly personality, and it goes so well with Whiskey!


Today, now that I know for sure she was a she, and healthy, I let whiskey and seltzer play together. There was no biting, no mounting, though Whiskey did sit on seltzer, but over all, they were amazing together! They played some Tag together, then retreated back into Whiskeys mansion. After a couple of spays it will become Whiskey and Seltzers mansion, but it's good to know they both like it!

You should start a company and makes mansions like that!!! I will buy a whole village from you!!!!!!!!!! That's what I had wanted, a bunny village :biggrin2:Lol. Need to find that perfect house still though. *Sighs*

I loooooooooove your babies. They are both so so adorable! I'll be honest, I'm not a huge huge fan of the angora breed but I absolutely love Whiskey. Seltzer is just beautiful. I have an english spot as well and I think they have the cutest faces! Love the names too :biggrin2:
Holy cow look at that cage!:shock::shock::shock:

Do you have a cage for Seltzer? If you need them I have a ton of extra shelving grids for cages that you can use. Besides, I need to bunnynap those two!;)
Aww your bunnies are adorable,Seltzer was a very lucky little bunny,at least now she is of the streets,and she has someone to love on her now,i'm sure she appreciates what you have done for her :)

Love the cage,it's very creative!

Naturestee, Yes thank you, I have a smaller cage for Seltzer. She gets plenty of run time, because the cage I have for her is 24" x 24", but she seems to like it. Now that I know they are both girls, I let them run around together, and so far it looks like I have a couple of best friends. Whiskey is the dominant one, and Seltzer is fairly submissive. And they like to play tag, and cuddle up in the mansion. (I am glad Whiskey isn't territorial!) I think this might be a good match! And don't anyone say girl pairings don't work, Whiskey and Seltzer are going to prove you wrong!:biggrin2:
Girl pairings are really quite common, it's just not normally as easy as male/female pairings. ;)And sometimes you just luck out and get a perfect match, as it sounds like you have with your 2! Very rarely do 2 bunnies get along that well from the get go (any sex pairings). Also, your Whiskey is still young, there is a likely hood she will hit the teen years and then you may have a problem.

Butenough negative 'what ifs', I want to see more pictures of that awesome cage! What's it look like on the inside?
My goodness, the cage is fantastic. What talent and creativity, I love it! Wish I had that kind of skill. Your buns are just beautiful. I love a good rescue story and Seltzer's is definitely a great one complete with a very happy ending. :bunny19

Here are some inside pictures, keep in mind, the camera makesit look much smaller than it is!




And one of the new best friends!


...Nnnnno, that looks pretty darn big to me ;) (When I saw the first picture you posted of it, it looked kinda small, but then the picture with the little girl actually in it really threw it into proportion )

Glad your girls get along~ It's great when there's no huge issues with a bonding and everything goes relatively okay.

So do you just take off the front/top to clean it or what? :p
The back of the roof is hinged, and the back panel come off. The whole house is on wheels, so I roll it out into the middle of the room, and pull the back off, and I have complete access to the whole house. it takes 10 minutes to clean. It is awesome!
That house sounds neat!

I love your cute little bunnies!

It was so sweet of you to save Seltzer like you did. Not many people will go through the trouble of saving a domestic bun from the dangers of the wild.

It does kind of dwarf the size of it but if you realise how big the things inside the cage are, it puts it into perspective. I mean based on the bowl and litter pan I can see it's a pretty good size.
Moving my blog back to the front page! Whiskey and Seltzer are getting along famously! They were playing in the palace earlier today, with the door open, and when I couldn't find them this afternoon, I found them cuddling on the bottom of the end table! They seem to really LOVE each other! I hope this continues!!! I have noticed that they have teamed up to destroy those carboard cases VHS tapes come in however... but as long as its not the tapes, I guess I can cope. I have also learned, Whiskey does not seem to like carrot! Seltzer however is more than willing to eat her share! and Whiskey is willing to stop at Seltzers cage and finish up the leftover cilantro... Everyone has their favorites!
Okay, I need some advice.

Seltzer is settling into her new house just fine, and she LOVES playing with Whiskey, but she is still real shy around me. The problem is, she had found a hiding place in our livingroom, where she can't see me, and while I can hear her, and tell what she is doing, I can't get at her. She will run around everywhere else with Whiskey, but after a while, she retreats to her "fort". Once inside, she will stay there for what seems like FOREVER! I don't mind her being in there, it's just impossible for her to trust me, because she spends so much of her time hiding!

I tried bringing her into the bathroom to spend time with me, but she found a hiding place in there too! (plus it is hard to find something for me to do in there... lacking entertainment...)

I love how she's come around to Whiskey, now how do I make her love ME?!

(if she liked me, it'd be SOOO much easier to get her back in her house when I go to bed!);)
What do you do when she is out? I've found that bunnies really like it when you lay on the floor with them. Especially when you pretend to ignore them by reading a newspaper or something. Put some toys and maybe a few treats near you too to encourage her. It might take some time, not all rabbits adjust to new places and people quickly. Especially with her past.

There's more info in this Bunny 101 thread, too:
I want that house!

Usually, I was reading my psych book last night, but she saw me, and darted across the room to Whiskey's house. That was of course the few minutes she was not in her "fort". Sometimes Whiskey goes in there, and both of them hide from me.

She's real good about cudding with me, if I pick her up out of her cage, or carrier, but the moment I put her down, she's impossible to get back to her cage. I don't want to scare her more... she's so scared....:?
Fey and Sprite started out like that. Try sitting next to her when she is in her cage and talk to her. Feed her treats or veggies through the bars. And don't worry if it takes some time. It took me two weeks two be able to touch Fey once, longer before she stopped running when I came into the room or allowed me to pet her.
Well I'm glad to know it'll get better!

I have tried to feed her treats, veggies, hay etc, but she wont take them. I am happy to report that she has eaten veggies out of her bowl while I was watching, at first she would wait until I left the room...

So I guess it's all slow but sure...

I wish I could convince Whiskey to tell her to listen to me... those two are BEST FRIENDS! :D


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