Which Breed?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2007
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
So I am just asking this out of curiosity... Do you have a bunny that is bonded to you in particular? What breed is it? (I know that it is about personality, not breed, but just out of curiosity...)

When I had Wiggles she was completely bonded to me. She was a mini-rex.

Now I have Annabel, she is a mini-lop.

William has been my heart bunny from day one. He's a mini rex and is just...I don't know. He's very bonded to me despite being a little stinker at times. I'm also beginning to think it's going to be the same way with my babies, Hope and Faith. Since they came to me so young they're really attached. And my foster turned forever bun, Mariah, is becoming more lovey every day. However I think she's going to be my mom's heart bunny because the excitement she has when my mom comes into my room is completely insane!

I really think that it does depend most on the rabbit's personality. And I think it brings into play nature vs. nurture as well. But this is an interesting topic and it just shows how special bunny and human bonds can be. Thanks for posting this.
Well I've only known Baxter! and through much diagnosing on this site I believe he is a mini-rex mix, and we're VERY bonded.

Ido seem to gravitate to the Nethies though - love their faces and antics; but then again those flemish giants are just fascinating; Oh and then the hotots and english spots are so cute as well..

Sigh.. can't think of one I wouldn't have for a heart bun... But right now - my answer is the mini-rex as they seem to have such personality and stubborness.

I like my buns like -I likemy Men - LOL!
All of my bunnies are different breeds, and I'm quite bonded to all of them, so I can't really answer this well! Since I've had Mylo for less than a month, I'm less bonded with him than the others, but he follows me everywhere and LOVES being petted and gettin' loves, so I'd say we are well on our way to being closely bonded. Rory and Tallulah are both quite bonded with me and so was Cinnabun. They're all my heart bunnies and I'm all sappy ga ga in love with all four! Cinnabun was a Netherland Dwarf, Rory is a mini lop (or a mini lop mix), Tallulah is a Holland Lop and Mylo is a Dutch. I haven't known enough other bunnies to be able to say which breed's personality I like the best :)
Alexah wrote:
I really think that it does depend most on the rabbit's personality. And I think it brings into play nature vs. nurture as well. But this is an interesting topic and it just shows how special bunny and human bonds can be. Thanks for posting this.

Amen! I agree that it's nurture vs. nature Alexah- seems to go that way; I've found with All animals (dog, cats, bird even reptiles)..

And yes, a Great topic.. Hope others chime in?!
I am most bonded with Morgan, my Harlequin mix. He is so gentle and loving.

Second comes Marlin, my Lionhead. He was very bonded to me as a baby, but since he has grown he has become less attached and more skittish with your quick movements. Lionheads are a "uppity" breed, anyway. Once you get him being pet, he loves it and licks my hand to death.

Third place is a tie between Brody and Benson...both Hollands. I love them both as Benson is an elderly/sweet guy and Brody is a little terror.
Tiny and I weren't really close until the last few months of his life when I moved into "his" room and turned it into my office. That is when we got really close and I got kisses all the time and snuggles as he'd climb into my lap in the mornings. As everyone knows, he was a flemish giant.

New Hope and I are really bonded a lot - he's a lionhead but he's not your typical lionhead. He is quite ill (disabled is probably the best word) and he doesn't have the typical lionhead activity level.

I think that I will probably always have a lionhead or a lop around ~ and I KNOW I will always have a flemish around too....although Zeus has moved himself into the garage and I want to get him to go back to the office....
My mini-rex Sparky is bonded to me. My other mini-rex, Scooter, is daddy's girl. And they are bonded to each other. Sparky actually gave me kisses this morning (a rare occasion)!
Cadbury was our first bunny that we all closely bonded with (even my husband who said the rabbits weren't his). He was a sweetie. He was a netherland dwarf that looked an awful lot like Billie.

As far as the two I have now, I'm not sure which I would pick. Penny, my mini-lop,is such a sweet melow girl who loves ear rubs but is quite timid. In her own very quiet way she will tell you when she needs lovin and that she likes you. Basil, my mini-rex,is the opposite. He demands nose rubs, nips you if you don't pay attention and is in your face constantly with his demanding ways. He doesn't sit still for longthough.This morning he nudged his way unto my lap and stuck his nose in my face while I was trying to eat breakfast.How could you not love such cuteness.As opposite as they are, I love them both.
Until recently, I would have to say my heart bunny was Ben, one of my Flemish bucks. Flemish are my fav breed, BTW, although I have to admit my heart has strayed on occasion. ;)After Ben passed, it was lonely for a while, cause none of the other barn bunnies is really attached to me much, except mabye for Ned, and he has days where His Highness does not wish to be touched, Leave the food and go, unworthy human! LOL

Now, though, I have this little lop guy in the house, and I am totally head over heels in love with him! He is totally unafraid of anything, he loves playing chase with my dog and the cats. Last night during his play time, one of the cats was chasing him back and forth across the living room, he would dash behind my rocking chair to hide, and the cat would lose interest and lay down or something. So then little guy would dash across in front of him again, and spin around and stare at him like, You gonna play or what? I think he is a Holland, but I'm not for sure enough about lop breeds to tell you for certain.
Definitely mini-rex. Bo is definitely bonded to me - and will hop off of the kids to jump on me if they are holding him. I love his fiesty little personality and attitude.

Clover is really similar but not as lovey cause of her wild streak.

Tony - well he's bonded to Luke and Lexi and me! He loves everyone but will mostly kiss on Luke.
My heart bunnies are Jay and Mulch, both blue Standard Rex. Blue Rex are well known over here for having the best temperament than any Rex colour (they have to be pure blue bred blue Rex of course) and I have to agree. It's so easy to love a blue Rex because they love you. I also dearly loved Lady the English Spot in my avatar.
holland lop holland lop holland lop. nemo and i are so bonded to each other, he is my little love, no doubt. i don't know what i would do without him, and i've learned so much from him. he has truly touched me to my very soul core and i will ALWAYS have a holland lop around. i'm hoping that somehow nemo is immortal, so i won't have to worry about him being gone.

a girl can dream, right?

When I was a teenager, the third rabbit I had was most definitely a heart bunny: Thumper. She was of no known breed (just a big ol' agouti doe), and she lived in my bedroom for the first few years, until I managed to get an outdoor setup, and then she lived the rest of her life between the backyard and indoors. She slept in my bed every night, she'd cuddle with me, and she was a huge comfort to me when I was going through rough times. The day she died - uterine cancer, I believe - I went out to her hutch to see her, and she was lying on her side, barely alive. When I opened the door to her cage she lifted her head and looked at me, I stroked her face, and she was gone.

As most here who know me are aware, Raph was my other huge heart bunny. A blue English lop who had genetic defects, he became closer to me than any other animal I've ever known, and closer than any person. Oh, he and I had our *moments*, when he'd come charging at me, teeth bared, to keep me away from his beloved Anna...but even then he never bit. Only once did he actually do so and draw blood, but he didn't clamp down on my hand; his front teeth 'raked' the skin and, being so sharp, they cut me. But he still would cuddle with me when I watched tv, placing his head on my lap to have his face stroked. Then as time went by and he became more and more disabled, he became closer to me. He watched for me every day, his head bobbing up and down when I'd approach. He sat with me silently through the tough times, when his little body was wracked with pain, yet he never complained, never took it out on me, as some animals will do when pain torments them. The last three nights of his life were spent with me in my bed, with me stroking his fur as he breathed in and out, softly, his body relaxing and him drifting off to sleep as I watched. And just before he left this world he came to me in a dream, giving me a message that everything was okay, he would be okay, and I could now let him go. If ever there was a person to animal soulmate, Raph was mine.

And now there's Yofi. My young goofball of an English lop (whose birthday is coming up next week!), he follows me around like a puppy, just as Raph did when he was younger. He flips and darts and scurries and constantly gets himself into trouble, and he has brought an amazing amount of laughter into my life. And while Yofi doesn't care so much for nose strokes, he loves body massages, and he will melt quietly into the ground as I gently massage his shoulders and back. Anna too is close to me, but not in the same way; she is more of a companion for Yofi and a peace-keeper in the home. Actually, she reminds me very much of a cat I used to have, Tiger...her energy feels very much like him, and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he had reincarnated and returned.

But of all the rabbits I've had, those three....Thumper, Raph, and Yofi...are all heart bunnies, with Raph being the closest of all.
Sure, here are few photos of my blues, there are more on my blog!




Well I agree it is much more personality than breed... but what a good question!

I have a few buns that are really bonded to me... but my Polish Dwarf has to be the most. But he was also my first rabbit and spent the first6 years of his life with me and the dogs and cats. He doesn't mind the other rabbits now, but he really is not interested in them. He goes everywhere with me, and will sit with me in my recliner for hours relaxing :)He is terribly jealous of Kevin too, because he needs him to remember that he is the main man in my life lol.
Flopsy was an american fuzzy lop/ something... petstore bunny. Flopsy was my baby I let him explorer my room; take him for walks around the neighborhood by pulling him in my little plastic wagon, he would hang out of it like a rollercoaster, he loved it;
and we'd play in the backyard, he'd just hurdles, stand up and pull at my pant legs so I'd pick him up, and he'd never let me more than 6 feet away before he'd start following after me trying to keep up.

I miss my baby :?

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