Wallnut Shell?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, USA
First off, I'd like to say that I had no idea where to put this... Mods- feel free to move to an area where you think this might be better.

Second off... Sorry I have gone to creating no threads and almost never posting to only posting in my blog, and asking for help. I'd like to say that I am still around, just... lurking.

Anyway, I took the nut out of BunBun's nut knot nibbler. I cracked[the nut]open. silly me left the shell on my desk... I accidentally knocked a large bit off of it with my elbow without noticing. I come to see Mr. Curious gnawing away on the shell. I immediatly removed it, and he begged for it back... so, I guess he liked it.

But my question... is he going to be okay? Are wallnut shells toxic? I don't know what kind it was. It was whatever they put inside a nut knot nibbler. (if it's in a toy intended for eating... is it okay? I know there are some toys are are more irrisponsible than others, but I've always known Super Pet as pretty responsible... It has a rabbit right on the label, if I recall- but I may be wrong. It got it last Christmas, and I recall ravenously tearing the wrapping off and chucking it to BunBun, with nothing longer than a glance at the label.)

He's acting fine right now, but, than again, it just happened.

Lastly- if it is okay, can it be used as a treat? What proportion would be okay for a medium-sized bunny?

Thanks, everyone... :panic:

Gosh I have no idea! I'll be interested to find out.
I know that walnut shells are toxic to dogs and birds, that's all I could find.

And I know that walnut shells are used in some litter, but its considered one of those bad litters never to use.

Just keep watching him. :)
Arg. Why does he always do these things at my bedtime? D<

I'm tired... I'll have to check on him tomorrow, I suppose.

So far, he seems normal... *knocks on wood*

he grooms, runs around, digs, shreads, DBF, meatloaf... all his nornal bunny stuff.

I'll update you tomorrow.
I found that black walnuts are harmful, I think regular are ok. I wouldnt worry unless he is acting strange. As before, push the hay and water and he should be ok.
Thank you, Haley! =D

I'll be extra sure to leave him a lot of hay out, plus the hay he always has avalable. ^^ I'll still update on his bahaveour.

Thanks- I'll keep you updated.
What's with that blank post? I even edited it and It still won't show up. o_O

Well, bare with me, it's still early...

BunBun seems okay. He ate most of the hay I left out, he is sleeping, running around, grooming, drinking, etc... So I think he'll be okay. I forgot to change his litter box, so I can't see if/how much he pooped.

I fealt his stomach... It wasn't soft, but it wasn't hard. Somewhere in between. Is that good?

Well, I'll still keep you updated.
Thanks. ^^ I hope he stays better, too. I'm going to leave extra hay out tonight again, just in case.

I'll give you another update tomorrow after school- But I think after that, I'm going to stop worrying quite so much.

So... 'Till tomorrow!
I sent a post last night but its not there - not sure why??? I get Baxter! these will balls that have walnuts inside and he's never interested in the walnuts after eating the willion branches - but the packing states its all edible and the walnuts look to be brown - hope that helps (and their made in Alabama not Japan of overseas).. Good luck to you, think it might be ok..
Sorry to hear about your vanishing post... RO has been doing that to me, too.

Really? I've never seen another toy (Besides Nut Knot Nibbler) with a walnut in it. That's interesting. ^^

Well, BunBun seems to be okay... He flops, meatloafs, has his usual appetite, is drinking, pooping, etc. =D

He's so cute.... I don't think I'll have to worry about him.

Thanks, you guys, for staying with me. ^^;; I know when I do make a thread, it's just to ask for help... But I'm more of a bystander, I guess.

Thanks again. ^^ Knowing there are so many people here that want to help and give advide and oppinions... Means a lot to me. =D I've been on my share of forums, adn this one is, by far, the one with the most caring community ever. I hope RO stays just the way it is for years to come! ^^

Xila wrote:
Thanks, you guys, for staying with me. ^^;; I know when I do make a thread, it's just to ask for help... But I'm more of a bystander, I guess.


Hey, Xila, we want you to ask for help so it's totally okay! Don't ever hesitate to ask no matter how silly it may seem, okay? That goes for everyone!:D

Glad the walnut didn't affect BunBuners. Glad he's doing well!;)

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