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The thing that makes me laugh is I just introduced Mr. Thumper and Velvet last week. So IF something did happen, I could have two flemmies due about the same time! Oh my, the insanity of it all. Not that I would be upset ;)just more babies to love and adore!

I hope one of them is pregnant! Do they have a home pregnancy test for rabbits? :laugh:

So I don't have to wait a month!
Wabbitdad12 wrote: Do they have a home pregnancy test for rabbits? :laugh:

So I don't have to wait a month!

Hmmm, well, you could try talking them into peeing on a human preg test, and see what you get. Could be an interesting experiment, I would love to know too! :biggrin2:

Hmmm.. I'm very curious myself GentleGiant if the reverse pregnancy test would work with buns as we humans used them- buns forSO long to determine our own pregnancies..

Someone should definetly give this a try with their known pregnant Doe so we all could know..

Just waiting for the photos WabbitDad12 of the new BBB's!!!
Last night, I couldn't find anything interesting to watch on tv, amazing I only have 200+ channels, so I decided to go to the bunny room and read. I laid on the floor and tried to get one of the shy bunnies, Ms. Sweetie a flemmie doe, to come out. She let me pet her on her head though, but she didn't want to come out of her cage.

While I was paying attention to Ms. Sweetie, Nibblesmy black holland lop doe, sneezed once. I looked up to see that she was just sitting far enough at the front of her cage to keep an eye on what I was doing. I went back to petting Ms. Sweetie and reading my magazine. I then heard another single sneeze.

I closed the door to Ms. Sweetie's cage and got up to get Nibbles. She thumped twice very loudly to let me know I was in trouble with her. So I opened her cage, she turned her back and went towards the back of her cage. I picked her up and placed her on the floor and laid back down to continue reading my RabbitUSA magazine. She didn't hop around the room and explore like she normally does, she just sat by me a foot or so away.

To try and get on her good side again, I slid her over in front of me, I was resting on my elbows, and just rubbed her behind her ears and chin. When I went to turn the page I thought she would hop away, she just stayed there in her bunny loaf position and patiently waited. I must have read three articles with her in that position, we both had a most enjoyable time. I managed to temporarily get out of trouble with her.

But as a bunny slave are you ever really out of trouble?
I really think they keep a list of all the transgressions (real or imaginable) and pull it out and use it against us when necessary! lol - I agree your a very well trained slave... LOL..
Mr. Barney our Steel Flemish buck, has fought the snuffles on and off since he came to live with my family. When he came to live with us he had two rather large lumps on his neck,somewhere between a golf ball and a baseball. One night one burst open and he must have been laying on it because it oozed out on its own (rabbit puss has the consistency of caulk). The other we had lanced by the vet. So I say all that to say I don't believe the bacteria ever really left his body although he was much better after his ordeal.

On May 30th I hope to hear some news from the vet about the culture he took the other day. After what happen to Mr. Smores, I don't want anything else to happen to my bunnies. Idecided to forgo some dental reconstruction to pay for all this, I've gone without it for a year sowhats a few more months! I don't want to sound all noble and everything, but not doing the dental work will also allow me to pay some bills too.

The vet wants to try some aggressive antibiotics on him and I am all for it. Its been passed around the herd and so far I've been able to control it. I want to severely suppress it so I can put Barney on the show circuit again.

Poor Mr. Barney!! And yes - kudos to you for putting off the dental work (just got back from my own dental visit and looks like I need to replace a crown :grumpy:)..

Aggessive antibiotic treatment sounds scarey - is the Vet also going to prescribe the probiotic - would hate to see that scarey sounding GI Statis start :shock:..

Goodluck through it all, will be waiting to hear the results tomorrow!
Poor Barney :(
Hoping for the best for him.

Hmmm, well, you could try talking them into peeing on a human preg test, and see what you get. Could be an interesting experiment, I would love to know too!
LOL... that's an idea! :biggrin2:
Or u could just spread a few test kits under Velvet's usual pee spot :p
I'm hoping to see pics of baby flemmies.
No word fromthe vet today, in the pasthas consulted with other bun savvy vets he knows to confirm the results before calling us. Doesn't helpwith the nervous anticipation,but I know when he doescall, he will havea good treatment to use.
The vet called this morning and he said he got a good culture from Mr. Barney's nose. He didn't say what kind of bacteria it is, but he has an antibiotic that should work well on it. On Monday he is going to check with the Rabbit specialist at the Purdue University Veterinian School to verify his antibiotic selection. So were crossing our fingers, because I have a couple of other buns that have been sneezing and I would like to get this knocked out for good.
I would check each one individually. I had Connor and Ringo sick. Both from the SAME place and they had two DIFFERENT things. Most meds that could be used with Ringo would have had no effect on Connor. Good luck.
I was hoping the vet would call today, but he must not have gotten the call he was waiting for. On the plus side, I have not heard Barney sneeze and he seems to be a little more active.

:bunnybutt:You know your a well trained bunny slave when you clean poopy fur with your bare hands. Ick I know but (no pun intended) sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
Well, in the Infirmary section many of you have read about Mr. Thumper's abscess. It popped on its own the other night and cleaned it out and now the vet wants to let it drain for a week. He didn't prescribe an antibiotics but I totally trust him.

I think the abscess is just stress from him wondering if he is going to be a daddy this week. I sure hope he is! If it is not thenIwonder if it is ourdoe, because this would be the second buck we have tried her with.

Mr. Barney is responding well to his round of antibiotics and has the sparkle in his eye again.

I cleaned the cages the other night and I thought I would let my Nibbles hop around the room and explore. She never left arms reach of me, when I got done with one cage she would demand some attention until I started another. Then she came out to the living room with me and hopped around the room once, back on the couch so I could give her some loving.

Sometimes, especially on the weekends, it is hard to get out of bed to take care of them, but it is always worth it. As soon as I walk into the bunny room they all want my attention and are happy to see me.

The way Mr. Thumper, my blue Flemish buck, hops around his cage when I walk in reminds me so much of Mr. Smores (RIP). It is really interesting to me because before Mr. Smores passed away, Thumper didn't really hop around his cage like he does now. He would occasionally hop in and out of his litter box but that was about it. Could Mr. Smores have told Thumper how to get attention when I walk in? Thumper in some ways is acting just like Mr. Smores did.

Gotta love the bunnies!
Thumper is doing very well, being his usually rascal self. The abscess is no longer noticeable and no more puss is draining out of it, it is being checked everyday. He and Barney are getting yogurt drops to help with their recoveries. (Barney developed snuffles again, he is getting a strong antibiotic).

The rest of the herd can smell the yogurt drops and I am sure they arewondering why they don't get any. They do however get their banana chips so I hope they are not too mad at me.

Mr. Muffinhas determined he doesn't want to gethisyucky:yuck medicine and has twice pee'd on me and once on the dog. I had Muffin turned outward with his back to me so my wife couldgive himhis medicine, about that time, Charlie (our pointer) came up to the rabbit to do what dogs do and sniff Mr. Muffin and it was about that time Muffin let it go! Charlie got part of it up his nose:laugh: and the rest went onto the carpet, of course, where I got to clean it up. I am still amazed at how a small holland lop could hold so much liquid in his tiny body!:?

Although Charlie is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier he has learned not coming close to Mr. Muffin when he gets his medicine.

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