To the person who called the Police to my house tonight....

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Yea Trace I did sense you were not happy even from your txt. But then when home is meant to be your safe place and something like this happens it is a violation. Even if its meant in a nice way it is not nice when you are not feeling great anyway for someone to take the one place you do feel safe and turn it around nor do you need the worry of your parents.

I am quite happy for people to pm me if they are worried about Trace/ havent heard from her for a while etc even when I am not on for long I will always answer pms ;) oh the wonder of an Iphone lol.
But knowing Trace as well as I do I really feel that the person who has done this could pm her and say sorry. After all I would not like someone trawling to get my personal details and I am sure many others feel the same
Having said all that, I may have withdrawn this time but answered all PMs that needed a response, which is why I've been on every couple of days (at one point, every day). I've tried to keep in touch, albeit briefly, with anyone who contacted me-although, I was rubbish with Polly. For that I am sorry. Again though, you're the one I care most about, which is why I withdrew the most.
I'm very very careful with who I give my details to. Polly is the person who has all my contact details, and originally I thought she must have supplied whoever it was with my details.

However, anyone who I have sent things to on here also has my address, as do those who I bought the calendars from. Having said that a couple of people have my phone number, and also, my name and that could be enough to do it. Anyone who has me on msn could access my profile which gives more info about me, but that's now been edited out.
This won't make you feel any better as you don't know the who or why..but...

Years ago I was going through a tough time myself. I kinda holed up in my house and let the world move with out me.

On Thanksgiving day I suddenly had police banging on my front door, back door and even some of the windows. They had my house surrounded. The pulled my now x husband out of the house to question him and to find out if I was being held against my took forever to get them to understand I was fine, our daughter was fine and I wasn't scared or being kept against my will...

I got so PISSED! I couldn't believe someone would do this to me and on a holiday to boot. Turned out is was an old friend who was concerned for me and ended up calling the police because I wouldn't talk to her...Didn't feel like style to totally withdraw and ghost until I can deal with the wide world....

It took me a long time...but I got over it never quite trusted her again...I know how that betreyal feels. I can only hope in time you will either be able to get your answers and move on...or move on. To dwell too deeply destroys us and not the coward behind the action.

My best wishes....and support to you..

I can see both sides of this. We have done it to one friend a few times with good reasons. Another friend we let it go and now we wish we hadn't let it slide. Not saying it is right but that I can understand why to do it. We can only hope that the person who did this, did it with the best intentions.
TinysMom wrote:
It wasn't me...but...


I'm sorry that this happened - I hope you figure out who it is soon!
I am really sorry this happened. I would be like you, wanting to know who did it. It would drive me crazy trying to figure it out. I hope whoever it was lets you know one way that it was them so that you can put this behind you.
I am sorry this happened to you.

I think it is time to be more careful about who I let in.

I hope you get the help you wanted and I hope that your buns make you smile today

People think they are doing a good thing by sticking their nose where they don't belong, but it ends up causing more trouble than anything.
tonyshuman wrote:
That is really strange. Reminds me of what happened with Peg. I wish we could trust each other on here. :( I mean, I haven't told anybody on here my address, nor do I have anyone's address, except for when I got the calendar but I trust the people who run those things.

Yeah - that was my first thought when I read it (except animal control is a bit different from cops).

The thing is - when something like this is done - especially when you don't know who it is - it makes you want to not trust anyone. It also (for me) made me pull away from the forum somewhat. There are stories and pictures I'll no longer share - because my trust level has gone way way down and is still down.

I'm sorry this happened to you - I really am. I was just thinking of you the other day and was going to drop you a pm later (but I was driving down the road and not anywhere near my computer). Like you - I tend to withdraw and go silent at times - so I understand about that....

I hope whoever did this lets you know - even if it is in a pm.
Flashy wrote:
The reason I haven't been around is because my mental healt severely deteriorated (unrelated to this forum and the amount I was posting here), and I withdrew, because that's all I know how to do when things are dire.

Based on this statement, it appears that someone had reason to be alarmed and concerned for your safetly. You know when everyone stands around shaking their heads asking, "Why didn't someone see the signs and do something?"

Well, it appears that in this case - someone did.

You may resent this concern, but you put the burden on someone else's heart by confiding in them. Thank goodness someone cares for you that much.

I agree with Ali that there are two sides to the reasons someone may have done this. I think someone may have panicked for you and did it out of concern, jumping to conclusions and not thinking it through (contacting you via pm or via Polly). Not saying it is right or wrong, but I think someone is just worried. If that person is reading your plea for answers and closure on this I hope they do reach out to you, wrong or right.

Personally I also shut people out when I am in the dumps. While I resent people trying to "help", the one really nosy person who gets through always surprises me and I become quite grateful after the fact.

With all that said, we all need to be more cautious and careful with our personal data. This forum is so friendly that it's so hard to imagine anyone doing something out of malice - not that I think someone was being hurtful on purpose this time though. I have no reason to believe the mods would ever misuse or abuse our data. But this is still the internet. There ARE people who would not think twice about being malicious with any usable personal info. We shouldn't let our guard down too much.

Flashy, I've missed having you around the forum. I wish you all the best in your health, and hope you take care.
Thank you very much for the replies.

I'm not sure where the issue of 'resent' came into it. I don't think I have implied anywhere I resent it, just that I am confused. I can't resent something when I don't understand it. Yes, I could have been angry, but resent, nope.

I don't think I'll ever know for sure, but what I do know is the the person I suspect it was has been online since, and has not denied it-which, to me, is avoidance and probably shows she was guilty. I don't know why she lied to the police, only she will know that.

As much as leaving posts annoy me, I feel I do have to make a 'there's no reason to send any more police my way' post-which is this one.

In light of all this, my safe corner no longer feels safe. I do not feel able to stay on this forum or remain in contact with anyone, so from today I will be changing my password to an unknown one, disabling my PMs and watched topics, removing all my RO contacts from elsewhere, and I will be gone.

I have started this years tribute video already, so do intend to carry on with that, although if someone else wnats to do it, that is more than fine.

I'm more than happy saying goodbye to my mod hat. I was better without it, and the forum, in my eyes, was better when I wasn't a mod-especially given I was modding a forum I was rubbish at because I hate nutrition issues.

As some people know I do promote this forum and will continue to do so because the rabbit knowledge is vast, so don't worry about that.

So Ciao guys. Look after yourselves and your bunnies.
Oh geez thisis the first thing I read on here today ...:(

I don't want you to leave, Tracy, and still hope the person who did it will step forward to ease your mind

To whoever made the Call:

Whoever did this most likely felt the need to helpTracy so if you want to help her now let her know that you made the call....

We need her on the forum

I really don't want you to leave either! Tracy, you're one of the people who "are" RO to me. :cry1::cry1:

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