Thumper AKA fuzzy butt!

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I really enjoyed reading these last few posts, I have a sister in law from Houston and when I went over there for the wedding, it was like the third degree from everyone, I actually found it quite tiring and enjoyed just spending time on my own when I was there.

YEAH! Just talking to someone does get tiring and after a while it's just like leave me alone, why do you have to know every detail??? I know what you mean and when I had to go on about how I just broke my ribs with my cousin I got really pissed off and came this close to telling him off. The thing I have also noticed is that they get really tight lipped about their business but want to know everything about YOURS!

I also find quite opinionated but not in a good way like she hasn´t got a clue what she´s talking about most of the time.

YES, that is another issue I have noticed!!!! I work for the IRS as a contractor and I'm telling my cousin about tax law and something he is screwing up big time and going to get audited on because I work in Compliance and he is telling *ME* I am wrong! I'm like, WHAT? Who works for the IRS here, me or you? And he is telling ME I don't know what I'm talking about.. REALLY??? Really? You know more than ME??? WOW.. why don't you go down to my work and educate everyone then..

As you can see, I´m not a big fan so it´s a good job she lives miles away and we don´t have that much contact.

Yeah I'm not talking to my cousin that much now. I'm just ignoring him now until he gets his head out of his butt.

Having said that, i did find the folk in Houston very friendly and helpful and I did have a great time over there.

Agreed. When I worked for NASA I noticed that..

Driving is the same the world over. I think people are in far too much of a rush to get everywhere that simple courtesy has gone of the window. You could die over here waiting for someone to let you out of a side road onto the main road and most people don´t have a clue how to use indicators or slip roads. And yes, everyone used their phone in the car, you can always tell when you´re driving behind someone on the phone, they weave all over the road. Good job I drive on my own most of the time as I cuss constantly. I think that we live in a society which is losing good manners and patience. It´s a sad fact but that´s progress for you.

I agree totally with everything you wrote.. BTW the times I have been in Madrid to visit my sister in law I found it really easy to drive there and have rented cars and rove on my own. The first time I went to Madrid I went by myself and picked up my car at the airport and loved driving around there, parts of it reminded me of Texas like around the Austin area..I found driving there easier than the times I was staying in England w/ my first husband.

Glad you enjoyed Downton, now you will have to watch it all. You could watch Dr Who if you ever get the chance with the girls, bet they,d love it. Sherlock is another must. You should all try getting a VPN, there are loads out there for free and you could watch the BBC &ITV players to catch up on a lot of these shows.
Chris...I'm not sure about Dr Who although I am willing to give it a try. I'm sure I would like Sherlock. I have always enjoyed anything having to do with Sherlock, it's just so interesting to me and always has been. I do like mysteries.

I'm not sure in what way a VPN would help. Maybe you could explain. I know what it is but just not sure exactly how it would benefit us but I may be totally missing something which is not surprising when it has something to do with computers.
Tonight I managed to find Sherlock. Thy have I listed under Masterpiece Mystery. I went through the whole weeks line up of shows to see what else will be playing that might be interesting. Sherlock was different. I'm not crazy about the actor playing Sherlock but maybe he'll grow on me. I was surprised at Watson as I first saw him in The Office and in a few comedy movies after that so it will take some time to see him as Watson and not as a comedian.

Would anyone like a bun that is too energetic and smart for her own good? I'm kidding of course. Laverne figured out how to get on top of their cage. I don't want her up there since I keep a bag of hay there for them as well as worrying about her catching a leg in it when jumping down and injuring herself. Tonight since I swapped out litter boxes I decided to put the old one on the top of the cage on the side she hops up to block that access.

I made the mistake of not placing right up to the edge of the cage. There was only maybe six inches of space but she managed. If she was lazier like Thumper it would not be so bad that she is too smart for her own good but instead she is the proverbial energizer bunny. Now to think of what to do....
Haha she´s just keeping you on your toes. Reminds me of Houdini, always having to look at things from his perspective just in case.

I just love both Sherlock and Watson, I think it will definitely grow on you. The stories are just so good.

A VPN is a way in which to hide where you internet connection is coming from so sites which only allow you to use if you´re in say the UK or US can´t tell where you´re connecting from so you can watch them from anywhere. I saw this one which I think is free

Been an awful day today outside. Heavy rain and really strong winds have been battering the windows all afternoon. I had to laugh as Snowy and Bandy were huddled together between the sofa and the window looking out and probably glad they were inside although it is drafty behind there. Houdini is a bit smarter and was sitting in front of the TV nearer the heat.
Chris...Oh ok. The big problem with watching shows on internet is that our internet data is limited because we can only get internet through satellite. My biggest problem is I need more data allowance.

That's funny. In the summer Thump likes to lay up against our bedroom door. When the AC is running we actually have a strong breeze blowing out from under our door. In the winter he lays near the kitchen doorway which is the warmest spot of the bun room.

I'll give Sherlock a chance. It may just be that I hadn't seen what lead up to that episode so trying to figure out who everyone was and what happened and keep up with the flash backs and all.
Went in to feed the buns. I always feed Thumper first because he gets so excited. He hops around his cage like crazy, periscopes and will stand in his water bowl and then get his cage all wet. The girls get just as excited but they have more room in their cage and they don't make a mess in their excitement.

While feeding Thump I heard a lot of cute squeeking coming from one of the girls. By the time I got there Laverne was honking like crazy. I opened their door and Laverne ran out straight to a cardboard box and began to furiously chew while Shirley has just been running and running and binkying.

Wish I had that kind of energy, especially in the morning.Ha!

It's funny how the girls do not fight yet Shirley runs away from Laverne a lot. They still lay together although not as much as when they only had one level, They still groom each other and eat together. Shirley is the one that shows hormonal behavior so you would think it would be the opposite.

I do feel bad for Shirley. Again last night she was building a nest. She was running around with a haystache. I did make sure to fill their hay rack extra. I put their pellets in and you can just watch her wanting to eat but not wanting to put her hay down. Eventually she does but it's hard watching her be so torn.

I wonder if there is some correlation between buns with black fur and the affects of hormones. Like if they are more prone to it. I only remember knowing that Shirley builds nest when not pregnant as well as Ellie. You know how the dwarf breeds can produce peanuts and the one breed (or is it just coloring) that cannot have one type of med or flea protection or whatever it is.
Thump sounds like such a sweetheart. Mine go mad when they go in for the night and they know the pellets are coming.

They sound a bit like Snowy and Bandy, Bandy runs away from Snowy quite a lot, good really cos it keeps the peace, maybe they´re just not confrontational bunnies and don´t want to argue.

Poor Shirley, all that work and no little ones to enjoy it. It must be hard for you to watch it knowing she´s not pregnant. If they were human, you´d probably send them to see a shrink. That´s an idea, a bunny shrink to sort out all their problems which I´m sure they have. Maybe you´re right about black buns, I wonder if we could get a survey going.

I´ve just posted on general info a link I saw earlier on facebook about poops. It was really well done so may help some people who are not familiar or obsessed like we are. I also saw some fabulous enclosures and little houses. I must find a carpenter and see if I can get any of them put together. Talk about high end property lol.
He is and so I just love him. He is my heart bunny.

I guess it is good Shirley runs instead of them fighting. 3 separate buns would be rough dealing with.

I would find Shirley a stuffed toy she could take care of but I'm sure she'd chew it and if not her then Laverne would.

I'll have to look at that link. I have been thinking for a few months about making some wood items for the buns. I can always get hubby to help if I felt I was in above my head and we have a router and all.
Black buns equal hormones? YES! Shi shi doesnt feel the need to nest build but she sure is moody. She reminds me of an older gal, unmedicated, and going through menopause. Considering she just bit AND boxed me.
Haha, yes Shya is certainly a bunny with attitude. You may be onto something you two with black buns and hormones. Excuse me I take offence at that lol. I don´t bite anybody, not yet anyway.

Denise, some of the stuff is just fantastic, like a bunny fortress, I know a carpenter and would love to send a couple of photos and see what he can do, I´m sure the wood wouldn´t cost very much at all. I´ll see if I can upload to photobucket and post on my blog.
Kaley...I'm just glad they are not aggressive as I wouldn't stand a chance. They are smaller but so fast and full of energy.

Chris...I would be very interested in seeing the stuff. I have no idea when I would find the time to build anything, there is so much I would like to do but I guess if I wanted to bad enough I would find the time.
I need a drink! Just a short while ago we had a tornado warning. I was outside moving some stuff because it was very windy and knew that the storms could make it worse. I caught the warning on tv just as the phones went crazy. Our county has a set up to call for warnings if you provide your phone number.

They said it looked to be heading straight for our town so I grabbed Thumps cage and moved him across the room, grabbed both phones, a flash light, put on my boots and the dog came with me into the closet.

Once things calmed down I called the schools and then called hubby since I called and left a message when I got into the closet. Things are blown around but no damage other than missing shingles on our roof. I need a bigger closet and a lot more cat carriers. The dog was shaking like crazy which had me more concerned since they are always saying animals can sense tornadoes and such. Now he's laying on the floor right where I am sitting on the couch and snoring.
Our pantry is our Tornado shelter. I dont know how we'd all fit in there but I guess you just make do. Scary enough isnt it? I didnt know you guys got tornado's where you're at. Glad it wasnt anything too serious for you.
It WAS really windy here yesterday and the day before! I didn't know you guys had tornado warnings! I would be terrified, living with all these dang animals and the free range rabbit. Lord have mercy. And NO closets!

Yes, Dutch or vienna marked rabbits can't have ivermectin, and they've found that border collies have a sensitivity to it too. I don't know about Hotots since they come from Dutch rabbits. But I think the ones with those markings, the saddles and blazes are sensitive to ivermectin.
Ellie hasn't built a nest in a long time, BUT shes still super moody. For weeks she'll be so sweet and great, then the next two weeks, so will attack you for walking passed her box. Shes nuts!

Kaley, do you know what Shya is? They might all be related to each other and thats why they're all insane. LOL
I lived in a trailer many years ago for a few years. There was limited rental options in that area. The place did not have tornadoes except maybe once every 12 years but I dreamed of tornadoes just about every night during the summer. Never been in one, never want to. I don't do well in situations that are life threatening and I have no control.

They do get them here. We've been lucky that the ones that have come through nearby didn't come through our town but we have had a few warnings. And yes during the worst of the two hurricanes I did not rest the whole time. I was either looking out windows at what was going on, looking at the neighbors to make sure a tree hadn't fallen on their house or watching the news.

I guess what I need to do is find somewhere to put everything that's in the closet but then maybe, just maybe me and all the animals could squish in but what do I do when everyone else is home?

Some day I will just start digging a big hole in the yard and eventually when it's big enough I'll turn it into a root cellar/storm shelter.

I am lucky that none of the rabbits are aggressive in any way although Laverne does like to grunt and honk. Although sometimes I think their craziness could be just as bad especially at meal time. Laverne and Shirley are the three stooges of the bun world then, minus a stooge. They start running around, in and out of the cage, here and there and will run into each other, into the cage, into their bowl and into me. I would have ever guessed how much force is behind a small, zooming bunny. I had Laverne run face first at top speed into their pellet bowl as I was placing it into their cage. I can still hear the thump.
Everyone is crazy here. Both cats are in heat and goodness if you have ever heard a female in heat and multiply that by two. Shirley was building a nest again and has peed on the upper floor twice now. I haven't seen her do it but assume it's her because it only ever happens outside the litter box when she is being hormonal.

The boy cat still seems interested in mounting maybe because of the in heat factor but it has been 31 days since his neuter. For the past two days Thump has been more active and is back to running circles around me when I go into the room. Of course, when he stops I return the favor at least until I get dizzy and today I pushed his head to the floor. He started a few weeks back nudging my leg for attention when I clean his cage and if I didn't respond and just kept cleaning he would dig at my pants leg. Well a few times he has also grabbed my pants with his teeth. I figure I better try to nip it in the bud. I did pet him for a while several minutes later.

He shouldn't be that pushy with me as I always do give him pets off and on while I clean.

I spent the first part of my day rushing around cleaning bunny cages, feeding buns, doing laundry, making my bed and other chore while my head pounded so I could spend the rest of my day outside stripping paint off of the frame that will become my racing ATV. It's going to be purple, my fav color. Eventually I want to paint the plastics myself with A Nightmare Before Christmas Theme.

Hubby's 4 wheeler is orange and white and has these flaming, almost zombie kind of looking skulls. Since his frame was orange he decided to go with a Halloween type theme. I even got him some shirts with a creepy skull on to wear when he races.

His race number is the month and day we got married and mine will be the year. So kinda his and her bikes but different.
Is it really necessary that bunny teeth be that sharp? Why cannot one of their instincts be that you don't bite the hand that feed you?

After feeding Thumper and refilling his hay rack, I put him in his cage for the night. I let the girls out to run around for a little. I had them out longer this morning. Went in to get them put away and both of them were outside the cage. I got their pellets ready and as I was reaching in to put their bowl in the cage Shirley ran in and as she ran past she bit my hand, broke the skin too. She's lucky I didn't bite her back.
Denise, you have a bit of a crazy household but sounds like a great place to be.

I have to be careful with Houdini doing that, he gets a bit too excited at pellet time and tends to lunge at my hand instead of the bowl. I put them in a scoop now so if he lunges, he bites the scoop and not my hand lol.

Here are a couple of pics of the houses and enclosures. Some of them are just fab, I want one of the wooden enclosures with the perspex in my house, it would look so much better.

Hope they´ve given you ideas and sorry for photobombing your blog :idea

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