Thumper AKA fuzzy butt!

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I think the sheep may look extra white because they bathe them. Not sure if they might also use something to make them look brighter white like people do at dog shows.

Weird. I thought I had posted here more recently than that but I guess it was on other members blogs that I posted. I haven't been around much. Blame it on being tired, very busy or being sick. We were supposed to go to a two day race this past weekend but it was cancelled due to the rain. It has rained for 5 days non stop. Ugh! But of course we didn't get word that it was cancelled until after I had all of the packing and work done I needed to do to be ready. Rainy and cool and perfect sleeping weather if you get the chance to sleep. I spent my weekend keeping up to date on the trucker protest in D.C.

The book Fair has started at school and I have volunteered for that. I spent four hours there today and had to rush like crazy to get everything done at home after. I got to deliver pumpkins to all the teachers at the school which was fun. I love Halloween!

All the critters are well. Our buddy sent us a pic of the kitten he took. He named her Princess. Pepper the girl we still have comes running for attention when you call. She's still small. The male whom the girls named Cloud is just as silly as ever having to lay down for me to pet him. He also likes to bat my feet when I walk by but he does it ever so gently and never with claws.

Laverne and Shirley are continuing to get better at being petted. Right now Laverne looks different as she has been shedding and now has darker spots of fur in with her lighter brown.

Thumper is such a joy. He continues to be more affectionate and seek out attention more. The other night he placed his front paws on my leg as I sat on the floor and then laid his head upon my leg as I rubbed his face. Today while cleaning his cage he came flying over from the other side of the room where he had been in a bunloaf and snoozing. I thought he was rushing over hoping to get pellets but he wasn't. He slid up next to me at the last moment and stopped in a buntloaf right beside me wanting pets.

Funny story. The other night I was having trouble sleeping. last time I looked at the clock it was 1:30am. I fell asleep shortly after only to have both hubby and I awakened at 2:30 by our one vehicle alarm going off. Hubby got up and went out to investigate. What he didn't realize until he got back in was that he put on my pair of sweats. So he went out to chase off any possible thieves wearing a pair of too small, dark pink sweats. Ha! I told him that's what you do make them think you're crazy because armed is one thing. Armed and crazy is even scarier.


LMAO! I just laughed so hard about your hub in your sweats! Thats hilarious. I could something like that happening in my house too. He was fighting crime in tiny pink pants! LMAO!

Laverne and Shirley sound really sweet. And it sounds like Thumper is getting more adorable by the day!
I bet your kittens are really cute. My barn cat likes to bat at my feet too.

Is that a pigeon? It sort of looks like one in the face, but I can't tell!

I really want goats. Like a lot. I have to really talk my hub into some. Maybe if I get rid of some roosters I can get some goats...and some more hens. And an alpaca or two.

I totally missed the pictures of the sheep and pigs! haha. I don't know how! They probably use a blue shampoo on them, to make them whiter. I used to do that bathing white horses and getting their tails white again, instead of yellow.
Those pigs are adorable!
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Yes, that is a pigeon. That had pigeons and doves. If I ever have pet birds those will have to be it. I love the sounds they make. With a parrot I could see me walking around hollering at it all day to stop screeching since I have a headache and then it would learn to not just screech but also yell back at me.

I wouldn't mind some goats. I love the ones with floppy ears and of course the teeny tiny ones.


Stupid computer just erased every thing I had typed. Grrrrr!

Yah! Hubby fixed my dryer tonight. It took us three hours since we also replaced the duct to the dryer as it had a hole in it and was letting dryer lint escape. I found one sock behind the washing machine. None in ant of the dryer since we had it apart so it must be the washer that always eats just one sock. But no more screeching dryer and no more dreading doing laundry.

I actually save some of our dryer lint and we use it for kindling when we have a fire. It catches instantly, burns for a lot longer than you would think and burns very hot. That is why it is so unsafe to let lint build up. Plus it's free.

It finally dawned on me yesterday why my hair drives me nuts when it is time to get it cut. It's not the length as I like having long hair. It's because they thin my hair out when they cut it. It is so thick when it is needing cut. I went back to the lady that did it last time because she did such a good job so now I just have to hope she stays working at this place. She even gave me a hug when I was leaving since I came back to her.

And now for official proof that I have lost my mind...

That is hilarious! He is so handsome! What great pictures!
I love that he lays with his back foot so far up his body, Ellie does that too. Its like her back feet are touching her front elbows. LOL

I wish my hair would GROW! I want it to be long again. But it is taking its sweet time growing. I did just get it cut last week, so that should help it. Maybe.
My hair is also really thick, I never got it thinned much though. It used to be all one length down to my butt, it was so much hair. My hairs name is Seymore, he likes to eat bobby pins and strangle people that get too close. LOL

I did not know that dryer lint was so good for kindling! I'm going to have to keep some of ours for when we start burning in the wood burning stove. That should be better than paper, since I wash clothes everyday there is always a lot of lint!
I don't know what steals the socks, whether it be the dryer or the washer. But I have missing ones too. I think that lint is just the ashes of socks passed.
My washer AND dryer are making funky noises, so I think its almost time to retire them and get a new set. They're from a friend, who got them off craigslist. They've done such a wonderful job, but it might be time. Or they need to be tuned up, but I don't know how that works.

Now I'm rambling.
Thumper is a really handsome guy. I had to stare at his picture because I was really confused by his feet. I've never seen that. Mine loaf really tightly but that looks almost uncomfortable. I love when Kai puts his feet on me for food or when he's begging for something. They're just so large it's a neat experience.
Thumper usually doesn't lay like that, just every now and again. I'm not sure since I have seen him do this a time or two before but when I walked into his room to get the hat and try putting it on his head for a photo I had to go near his cage. Of course, he always comes flying over hoping he's getting pellets. I then petted his face so he would lay down so it might have just been him going from running to laying down quickly because usually he loafs like all other buns and you don't see his feet.

It reminds me of my dog as he looks awkward like that at times when he lays but he has such big legs.

I keep a small trash can above my dryer just for the purpose of saving up the dryer lint for kindling. I started it last year and it really worked well.

Hubby bought a kit on ebay. It cost less for the whole kit then it would have cost buying just the one item directly from the company. But it was the exact same parts as the company sell. He also replaced the heating coil. So the dryer should be good for years to come.

I can't help it I just love big bunnies. Maybe just because Thumper is and he has such a wonderful personality.
I need to be in the shower but instead I am here. Today did not go as I had planned. I spent my whole day in the garage working on the girls Halloween costumes. I grew up making mine as my parents could care less and always enjoyed the creativity and using imagination so I am raising the girls to do so as well. Unfortunately most of todays work involved cutting cardboard and I am not willing to risk having to take one or more of them to be stitched or to have finger tips sewed back on so that was my job.

I also went crazy with the hot glue gun I bought, also wasn't really wanting to risk them covering themselves in molten glue as it states on the package. The glue gun is now my best friend, not that I already had one or anything. I went a little nuts with the details but I think that is what will make their costumes Great!

They did get to do some of the work and I actually plan on allowing them to spray paint their costumes themselves...way out in the middle of the yard and in play clothes. I'm not stupid!

Oh yeah, and a brand new razor in the box cutter is a wonderful thing. At least until you hit your pinky. Funny thing was I didn't even feel it at first just noticed some blood on a piece of cardboard and started looking for where it came from. I was actually wondering if it was from one of the cats because they did try to help me all day. There is so much for them to play with and explore in the garage but if you know cats then you know they just had to investigate the cardboard boxes I was working on. At one point cloud was in the box as I was hot gluing stuff.

I'll have to get some pics when they are all done to post. Hopefully it won't rain tomorrow which is what stopped us from getting the painting done today. I'm reall hoping the painting will get done this weekend.
Its so nice that you're making their costumes! I'm also making AJ's costume this year, he's going to be a hobo! I think its going to be hilarious and I can't wait to post some pictures.
What are the girls going to be?

Sorry you cut your finger open! I got myself with a knife while cutting some meat this afternoon and I swear it hurts like an SOB. LOL
Morgan...yes, do post pics of Hobo AJ. I can't wait to see them. Well I wasn't going to say what the girls want to be. I figured I would let people guess when I post pics and that way we'll know if we did a good job or not. Ha! I'm ridiculously excited over their costumes.

It wasn't that bad of a cut. More like a very deep paper cut but you know paper cuts hurt the worst.
I was just sitting here eating my lunch and glanced over at Laverne and Shirley. It was the cutest thing ever. Laverne was in complete DBF but she had the back of her head on the bottom of the cage and her nose pointing in the air. So her body was stretch out on her side but her head was the direction yours would be while laying on your back.

We got some of the painting for the costumes done yesterday. Two of the girls used mostly white paint on theirs and since I let them do the spray painting we ran out because they sprayed a lot of paint into the air. Ha! I ran out and got more paint but had to cook dinner when I got back and then do the girls hair after they got showers and washed it, had to do the bunny stuff, etc.

Not sure if I'll get the chance to do anymore today. I am so excited to see the finished products. I really am worse than the kids. Ha!
Oh so I forgot to say earlier that I showed my hub the picture of Thumper with the cowboy hat on. He shot water out of his nose! It was so funny. Because we have this new computer with a HUGE monitor, he was sitting in the rocking chair and could see it. I was like "hey, look at this rabbit!" he was looked and burst out laughing! He was like "thats hilarious! You have to warn me when you're going to show me things like this! I shot water out of my nose!" It was so funny.
Just catching up on here, Thumper in a cowboy hat, he looks so great and so funny.

Bet the costumes will look fantastic, you must take pics, I love seeing kids in the things they´ve helped to make, some of them are so inventive and original.
Morgan...Ha! Glad yens got a laugh out of it but poor hubby, that burns!

Chris...I have no idea why they came up with the ideas for their costumes but they will definitely be original. One year, one girl went as a spilt tub of popcorn. We have red and white striped plastic popcorn tubs and hubby drilled some holes in and the girl wore it upside down on her head like a hat. She then wore white pants with a white shirt. The girls and I made some popcorn and then spent a day sewing it onto her clothes.
I looked in on Thumper a little while ago and again he was laying like he was in the cowboy hat pic with his back leg stretched forward. I guess he does it more often than I thought.

Earlier I had Thump in his cage as I had to carry a big ladder through his room and I didn't want to accidentally klonk him in the head or something. A while after that he was bunloafed in the corner of his cage when the dog went through the kitchen quickly. I don't know if Thump was dreaming or something but the dog going by spooked him and he jumped up and ran across his cage and into the side of it. He then just sat there for a few moments.

His breathing wasn't too fast. Then he hopped right out of his cage, ran past me and chinned his baby gate. Not much fazes that bun!

My tip for the day...when buying spray paint just go ahead and spend a little extra. I got a can of silver for $3 and a cans of white for $1. The silver was easy to spray whereas the white was hard and made my finger hurt after a little while. The silver also covered a lot and I still have some left in the can. I have been though over three cans of white and do not think what I have left will finish it. So I could have spent $6 on 2 cans of white, had it easier and been done. Instead of spending the same and having to buy on 3 occasions and it be more difficult.

I'm collecting empty milk jugs. I saw a craft project for making a skeleton. It is so cool. You need seven of them to make one. I have 5, will have one more in a day or two and asked the neighbors for theirs so I'm hoping to have enough this week. I may make more than one. You can see what I mean by searching milk jug skeleton.
I started to do the girls hair this morning when I realized my right forearm is killing me. I blame it mostly on the spray painting but I think scrubbing my bathroom walls and ceilings as well helped add to it. So I have a spray I use on the girls hair and managed to spray myself completely in the face because of my forearm all of a sudden wanting to cramp up.

It's too early!

I started my milk jug skeleton last night. I got his head done. I will probably try to get some more done later if I can find the time. I have to pick tomatoes before the frost hits. Mow some grass and all the normal things like taking care of the animals.
TGIF! Although it's tomorrow I am really looking forward to as I won't have to get up at 5:30am Blah!

It has been a hectic week. On Wednesday I was expected at school to help with the book fair. The librarian did not give me the times so I just went in at 9am as usual which was not a problem. The problem is I figured I'd be done around 1:30pm at the latest. I did not get home until 4 pm. I had no coffee between 7:30am and 4pm. I had nothing to eat all day, nothing. So by the time I got home I was famished and soooo sleepy from lack of coffee. Plus I was kinda bummed because hubby was off and we didn't get to spend any of the day together. He is a wonderful man though. He made coffee for me that was ready when I got home as he figured I would be home soon and knew I would need it.

Thursday I went grocery shopping plus made two other stops for bun supplies. I then spent the rest of the day trying to make up for what didn't get done the day before especially as I did not get much done after I got home at 4pm because I felt so bad and had such a bad headache. For the first time ever I didn't even change the buns litter boxes on the day I normally would have. I just threw some fresh litter on top but since I change Thumps every day and the girls every other I knew they'd be fine.

Last night we went to the school for the Harvest Festival. The had food you could get such as hot dogs and baked goods. Games to play, the book fair was open and they had a pumpkin auction. The teachers decorate a pumpkin based on a character of a book and then they are auctioned off.

One game involved donuts. They hang donuts up by a ribbon through the donut hole and you have to eat the donut without using your hands. I guess it replaces bobbing for apples. After we were there a little while hubby and I noticed they were being swamped so we jumped in to help and continued until the festival was over. Long before we were done my hands looked like glazed donuts as I had so much glaze covering my hands from stringing donuts.

I hate being sticky to. We had a lull in activity and I mistakenly thought it was the end of the festival so I went to wash my hands. One other lady was right in front of me at the restroom and she walked in with me right on her heels when I realized it was a single toilet rest room. Ha! Luckily she was just going in to wash her hands as well.

It was fun and the kids enjoyed themselves although once they were out of tickets they spent the rest of the festival helping as well. We did get home later than we planned but did manage to get the kids to bed only ten minutes late.

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