Things to put in my rabbits cage to chew on and play with

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Nov 9, 2014
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What toys do rabbits really like to play with and chew on in and out of their cage. Although I want her to be entertained while inside because I don't have many toys in there yet and I need to get her something else to chew on other than her house and cage doors
Willow balls, toilet paper tubes stuffed with hay, grass mats to dig at, old phone book to dig and shred, wooden sticks from rabbit safe, pesticide free trees. All these things can be entertaining but you do have to monitor your bun when you give them anything new to make sure he doesn't eat it...other than the wood and grass things, they are ok to eat. You just don't want them ingesting a lot of paper or cardboard.
Now if she does eat cardboard and paper what should I do then?
Paper and cardboard is usually fine provided she is also eating plenty of hay. If she has unlimited hay that is refreshed every day (or more), then the cardboard will be fine.

Mine devour any cardboard boxes (plain, with no colored ink or shiny labels) all the time. But they also eat about their body size in hay every day.

In the photo, the 'floor' of that box had been chewed through, so I put extra pieces of cardboard down for more chewing pleasure. (You can see the extra pieces on the inside.)

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Ohh my how cute is that bunny! I got these little treat boxes that have little holes on each side and are filled with hay and nugget loves it i also got some organic sticks from someone at my job that are from a farm and both my chinchilla and nugget love! I am going to go back to the store to see if I can get her either a new box/house or a plastic house.. If she chews the plastic house is it bad for her?
Plastic would be bad for her to ingest. I would stick with the cardboard if she chews on the plastic. Cardboard boxes can be easily replaced as she eats her way through them.
the bark peelings from a paper birch bark tree, I would think would be ok, mine likes it?
the bark peelings from a paper birch bark tree, I would think would be ok, mine likes it?

I don't know on that. You'll have to research it. Always best to research first before offering it to your rabbit. Rabbits can and will eat poisonous plants and twigs without a second thought. They just don't know better.

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